Dream interpretation about Ex, Husband, Family, Father, Laughing, Motorcycle, Woman, Cuddle, Child, Driving, Year, Daughter, Man, Ex-husband, my-ex
This was a family vacation. We would go every year to see my kids grandparents but in this dream my ex husband would always come too. He is also the father of my children. He is married to another woman and would never tell her about our family vacation and none of us would talk about it. We would laugh, cuddle, play, and enjoy the time as a family. During this vacation I had drove a motorcycle and it had messed up. A different man fixed it and it upset my ex husband because he wanted to fix it. My older teenage daughter also came and she doesn't like me. She lives with her dad full time so I was anxious about it. My ex husband calmed me down and said it would be okay. At the end of the vacation everyone went their separate ways like it never happened
Dream date:
13 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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