Dream interpretation about Anxiety, Love, Sad, Brother, Family, Father, Grandmother, Life, Relationship, World, Reason, Ask, Guide, Watched
I dreamed about my grandma and my dad telling me they had good news about my life bit couldnt tell me right now. After that we sat and talked about life they apologized about all the bad things they did to me and my brother i accepted. And my dad asked me how my mom was doing and said he still loved her very much and likes to visit her every now and then. But also said he likes to prank her by waking her up when its not time but he also had things he wanted to talk about to her. My grandma also said she loved my mom very much to and was sorry about all the things she did to her and wishes she could do life again to apologize to her personally. They also said they both were on earth waiting for me so that when it was time to come back we could do it all together as a family. They asked me about my life told me to stay in the relationship i am in cause jeremy is the best person for me. And they both said they watched our relationship all of the time. They stay with me and watch me and attemot to guide me but some days cant when i feel sad. They said they dont want me sad anymore they want my anxiety to go away and they want me to keep on trying at life for the people that are around me. They say they are happy to be able to watch me like never before. And then they tell me they cant talk anymore but they will be back when i need them to talk to. And tell me anytime i need advice just out loud ask they can hear me and to watch for signs that they hear me. And the dream ended
Dream date:
16 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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