Dream interpretation about Leaving, Yelling, Friends, Boyfriend, Couple, Dog, Traveling, Foreign, Step, Bunch, Playing, Going
My boyfriend and I were out with friends. We traveled to some country and we're having a blast at first. They wanted to go somewhere and they decided it would be cute to bring the dogs. Everyone left ahead of me with the dogs, while I was left behind struggling to put on my boots. After I left, nobody I knew was nearby nor could I find my dog. After a few steps, I found where a bunch of dogs were playing and saw my dog. I started calling my boyfriend upset not knowing where he is. While calling him I started to slowly find my friends. He picked duo the phone and was trying to call a cab to get me whereever he is. I started yelling at him for leaving me alone in a foreign country and that I couldn't even get to him because I had to put my dog away in the home first. I was really upset and was calling him irresponsible for just going so far where he had to call me a cab
Dream date:
23 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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