25 Mar 2025
I had a very long dream. Three parts. The first part, I'm sitting in a big office. It doesn't look like it, but I think it was Nike. My ex-employer. So I'm sitting in one of the cubicles, waiting for the person working there to have time for me. And it looks like he doesn't, so I'm sitting there for a long time. And I know I'm there to ask for a job after I left. And the feeling is really a bit of humiliation, having to go there. And the person I need to ask, I know from the past, so at some point in time he walks up. I follow him and everyone can see us. So people recognize me. And when I sit with him in a more private place, I tell him that my private situation has changed and that I was wondering if I could have a job, I would move back here. And there was this moment where this guy was happy about it. My private situation has changed. That was the first part. Then another part, possibly the second dream. I had to watch. There were kids, I think my kid, older, teenager, and there was a horse. And the horse didn't listen very well and went to watch it and ran on the street. And I had to bring it back. I couldn't trust the kids to do it, so I had to do it myself. And I needed to find a way to make the horse walk with me without forcing it too much. So I tried to attach something on his head and that didn't work, so I tried it in a different way. I could feel the resistance of the horse until it melted and it was okay. I found a way. And the last part of this dream, maybe another dream, I'm looking for spaces to work somehow. I'm a coach and I'm trying to find a place to co-share. I booked it online and I'm in this office desk place where there's someone in the room. I think the person who owns the place is half-lying somewhere working as well and has animals. I can see he's cuddling a hamster and other animals and feeding them. And we don't talk much and I'm doing my work. And then I thought I really like it, so I might want to come back. So I give a little gift. I put a little gift up there, chocolates. And there's another co-worker coach, like a co-place renter coach in there. And she's so much younger than me. She's, you know, like 20. And she's such a thing to that person. And it's not even a very interesting conversation. And when it's time to go, I said bye to the guy. I said, I would love to come back and work here again. He said, sure. And then that girl also says something. As if they had had a private conversation at some place. And she said, that was so unexpected. Thank you so much. And as we walk out together, she tells me that she will get clients from him. And she's going to charge $170 per hour. And she just said through the interaction, she had like a stream of income of clients. And I was thinking, I noticed a bit of jealousy. But I was also thinking, he's not a good coach. And why not me? And then I woke up.
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