14 Mar 2025
So last night I had the most realist dream of my entire life. Basically in my dream I had found out I was pregnant and I told my parents and I was in complete denial about the whole thing and being like we havnt even had sex how am I pregnant and luke whose my boyfriend was like soph we have and then we were sat on my sofa and my mom was like you know your going to have to tell the rest of the family soon right and I said well I think grandma already knows and then my mom said I think she does aswell and then I went round to this girl in my schools house called Elyse and we were playing hide and seek and I went downstairs and I found another girl who was there and was like do you know where the kitchen is I need to start to learn how to bake and cook . She asked me why and I just stared at her and nearly started crying then everyone came into the dinner room and camera men all followed me through and then We were sat at the table and I started crying and saying I can't do this and then I said to the cameraman I really can't do this and then everyone was going can't do what can't do what and then I just ran off and I was walking down the street and I saw this like ladders and then I was walking with Luke and I said Luke I can't believe I did this and we did it up there and I was pointing to this ladder and like at the top it was like an abandoned building place and there was like and we went up there and there was like loads of toilets and it was really open and it had this really really amazing view at the top And then I said to Luke, I can't believe I'm pregnant. I was going to be abstinent. Then, me and Luke. Luke took me to my school and I got into my school and I was with Ruby and I hadn't told Ruby yet. And then I went to Miss Archer and Miss Bennett and they both said, you know, if you ever need to, like, use a toilet or something, just, you can have a staff key room and you can just use, like, that or if you need, like, some help, just come tell us or, like, anything like that. And I was like, OK. And then I went out of the school and was just walking around this grassy, like, park area bit. And then I went on to my period tracking app and changed it to pregnant .And then I went to Luke's school and I came to him and I started crying and being like, Luke, I don't know how we're going to do this. I'm really upset. And Luke was like, it's going to be fine. Like, don't worry, we're going to make it work. And I was saying, like, I don't even know how we're going to, Even get money to pay for the baby like we haven't got jobs or anything so how are we like gonna like actually afford to look after this baby and he's like it's fine we'll make it work and then We were going through baby names and they were saying like I think it's gonna be a girl and then we're saying about how we should call like Arabella and we were just going through baby names and then I was just like leaning on his shoulder and just crying bicycle and he was like come on let's go find Ruby for you so we went around and we went into this classroom and Ruby was there and I sat down there and then looked at me and he was like are you okay now? I was like yeah I'm fine I'm fine just you can go if you want he's like okay I just want to make sure you're okay before I leave. I was like yeah and everyone was there because it was Ruby, Millie and someone else who I don't know who that was and they were going like what's going on are you okay and I was just like yeah I'm fine I'm fine.
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