Dream interpretation about Fighting, Arguing, Leaving, Mother, Screaming, Stuck, Car, Sister, Driving, House, Tree, Highway, outside
My mom was driving her car, my sister is driver her car, and then I am driving my car in the back. my sister sees a car that has wrecklessly almost ran us off the road multiple times turning into their driveway and my sister purposely slams into them. I stop and pull in to find my sister and those people arguing and fighting in that person's house. I'm desperately dragging my sister out of that person's house to get her to leave and I hear screaming outside. I finally get my sister out of that person's house and I still hear screaming and realize that it is my mom. My mom had went to pull off onto the highway and someone had ran her off the road and she was nose down into a tree stuck in her car
Dream date:
6 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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