Dream interpretation about Ex, Pregnant, Drunk, Flirt, Friend, Secret, Crying, Party, Basement, Bathroom
I was in a basement talking to my friend Madi. Madi’s friends were also in the basement and they didnt realize that we were there. They started talking negatively about madi and sharing her secret that she is pregnant with her ex. Madi starts crying and then we confront the friends and they are awkwardly laughing. Then I exit through this door in the basement and I am walking through a fancy night club. I go to the bathroom and there is this girl there waiting for my stall and she is making fun of me and my outfit. I then am so offended that I start walking to go report her to her group chaperone. Just as I am about to tell the group chaperone her name the girl screams at me to come here and then she starts explaining herself and apologizing. Then she offers me a shot and I end up getting super drunk and partying with her at the club all night. Then I finally go home and I get an uber and the uber driver starts to flirt with me and asks me if I want to grab a drink even though he doesnt speak English. I say maybe another time but not tonight because I am tired. Then I am getting ready for bed at 5am and getting ready for bed is taking so long and I am stressed because I have to wake up at 8:30am
Dream date:
2 May 2024
Emotional tone:
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