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13 Mar 2025

Cobra snake


What I thought was a black cloth hanging in the room was eventually a cobra snake. When my mother whack it with a broom, it moved quickly. After that, I saw that it was a cobra in a turtle’s shell.

13 Mar 2025



I had a dream where I was in church and we were meant to listen to some kids preform but the kids were all scattered in the pews. So while there's a performance something a part of the pew fell off and it rolled toward a guy. The guy kicked the part toward the alter. Then my uncle starts to lecture me that I shouldn't kick things in church. But then my cousin and I try explaining to him that it wasent my fault. I felt kinda hopeless and that he'd keep lecturing me, but he stopped. So anyways we are meant to hold hands with the person next to us and since I'm at the edge of the pew I have one person to hold hands with. It's some girl. so a nun lights a match stick and them puts it out and does the same to the other girl. I try connecting the two match stick together by pushing the burnt ends towards each other and in result it makes the girls match stick look smaller. She doesn't want it. She doesn't say why even tho I ask her. So when it came time for the prayer I just pretended to hold her hand. Then when mass ended there was a hotdog booth. My friend Dáithí went there and he tried ordering in English, but since it was a polish church the girl didn't understand him. I decided to translate for Dáithí but the girl has this mean look on her face and didnt wanna serve him he eventually gave up so I decided to ask her if I can have his tray if I order something and she said I could. I was asking her questions abt the sauces and all that and she was very quiet and very slow. When it got to the price, I couldn't hear her. I decided to give her my phone so she could write it down. But when she gave it back to me it said 1:01, so I ask her it it costs 1 euro. She doesn't say anything she just packs up. I look at the time and it says 19:01. So I assume she doesn't wanna serve me cuz her shift ended. So I decide to take the tray and eat the fries while trying to find Dáithí. A very sneaky move cuz I don't think she noticed.




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13 Mar 2025

Abandoned home


I was in a strange scifi like setting large building with lots of portals of various colors some technicolor some solid red some blotchy with color some with just static. I was part of a group that was supposed to be hunting people down but instead we were secretly rescuing them. I was hopping through the portals to various rooms in the large building and at one point ran into the 13th, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd doctors from doctor who told me I was in hell but that I could always leave if I wanted to. Then I woke up. My second dream I was with my mom looking for someplace to eat in a semi abandoned indoor market. I had read online about a good vietnamese place and wanted to try a noodle dish of theirs. We found and the food was quite good. We needed to leave and my mom told me to get her a vietnamese coffee to go and I could get one too. When I ordered the cashier recommended a black tea with mango for me saying it was better for my health so I got it instead. Then I was shopping with my former roommate and her mom talking about dinners i would make that we needed to shop for. I suggested a wedge salad and my roommate said she wanted something with lots of meat and asked when I would be getting a job. Then the manager of the store came up to me and said that they would hire me as a cashier. I told my roommate I wouldn't make as much money as my last job and she said that was okay I could just give her my whole paycheck and I realized if I took the job and kept living with her I would never be able to afford to leave and would just be funding her lifestyle while still expected to do all the cooking. We went outside and I looked at the sky. It was sunset though the sky was still deep blue and the clouds rosy and blush pink and I heard in my head nature/my hometown say "it's okay you don't have to stay here. You'll come back some day" and I told my roommate I wasn't going to take the job and instead move back to my mom's

12 Mar 2025

Little girl


I was at my moms house and she was babysitting a little girl. The little girl missed her mom a lot and told me she was at a school at a pool. My mom told me not to take her and made up some lie about why i shouldn’t take her. I decided to take her anyways. We arrived at the school and it was an old factory type building with a bunch of different floors. I took her inside and she was wearing a princess type dress. We had to go up through a tube which was scary and suffocating and it took us to a pool. The pool was hot, I could tell because there was a bunch of fog and it was cloudy. Coming Up from the water was large water bubble that had a black goo in them, they would hover for awhile and the pop and the goo would go all over. We would get out and have to go back up the tube to get back to the pool. When we were on the bottom floor about to head back up everyone started to say something happened with the pool. I thought about my mom saying that we shouldn’t go so I made it a point to make sure the girl was ok so my mom couldn’t throw it in my face. While going through the school I found the little girl and all I wanted to do was help her find her mom. We had to keep going up these small spaced staircases looking for her mom. We never found her mom.

12 Mar 2025



i was working at domino’s store and i was standing back from the front of cashier. everything feels okay. my friend and some of my family member was there for some reason, so until i noticed black car maybe suv or van was drove through the store and toward to where i was standing. my friend was next to me and we was freezing. then the window rolled down and i see the hand with the gun pulled up and target at me. it did hit me for three times on my chest and i can feel the pain. so i was screaming and fell back, then crawling and i can feel there’s another two shots on my back. my friend was just standing there and do nothing. i was crying and laying down, feel the pain. after shooting, the car left. after that, i get up and walking to my home. once i arrived there safety, and i can feel the relief. my family was keeping asked me who did this and i remembered i said, “i think it’s juan”. even though, juan and i was out of contact for few years after i got out of rehab. so i was sitting at the living room and alone. i noticed there’s a guy parked near my home and he got out of car, walking toward to my home. i got panicked and he succeeded broke in, jumped on me. i was struggling to fight back and i grab in my sweater’s pocket to feel if i have anything on me and turns out it’s a small key. i grabbed it and stabbed on his neck then twisted so hard. he fell and dead right there front of me. some how, i left and go to neighbor and spending with my family at there. i was in four levels, so i was enjoying until one of my friend that i never met before in my whole life, told me that he need something from my home. i told him that i want all of them stay with me, i feel sense of danger around me. but he insisted and still went there. few minutes later, my mom told me check it out on outside, downstairs so i looked. i saw my friend walked enter in my home while there’s another man was walking behind him with the big bat but that guy realized that my friend isn’t me so he decided to go back to car and waiting. after that, i was bawling, feel so scared like crazy.

12 Mar 2025



I had to go out and clean a car but there was a toy car so I started cleaning that up first and I made the toy car look pretty good and then I was going to move on to the good car but then I noticed the fire extinguishers were out of date so my friend was getting in trouble so I was trying to get my friend a fire extinguisher to cover for the meantime but it was way past its pressure test date. and then I was watching people having sex and for a little while I left and I had to take this person out so we grabbed a gun and went to the point where I'd be able to see and shoot him without being spotted we had to do it stealth like and I waited for the whole crew to come up and start their game but the shot was pretty hard and I wasn't quite sure who to shoot and it panned out to a bird's-eye view and then I woke up

12 Mar 2025



I had a horrible nightmare that I don't even think I want  god to hear it. I had a nightmare about rape, but it wasn't to me, it was others who were family and too an animal. When my dream started it started with this girl and a cat but something seemed really off. The cat was was gone the girl lead me to a basement that was inside my basement it was the door near my room. I when i started walking down stairs my dream signaled me that she had raped and killed the cat. The girl thought it was funny and cool so I ran where Javari and my mama and they reported her to the police. I then was put into a machine by a doctor it was to scan my body just incase. I went in and it started shaking me and i needed to press a button everu 7 seconds so it can slow down but I couldn't reach it and then it flug me and thats where my dream ended I think and also my little cousin Egypt died by getting killed by somebody.

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