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Dream About Pregnancy Confusion And Baby Stealing

Dream interpretation about Fear, Pregnant, Grandmother, Sleep, Baby, Conflict

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I dreamt that I got pregnant but I didn’t remember who I had slept with. All I could remember was someone with dark hair and a mustache. I hid it for as long as possible. As the baby grew I could feel it in weird positions in my stomach and it was easily movable as if my stomach were just a flimsy plastic bag covered in flesh. I had to hold the baby up so that nothing bad would happen from it being in the wrong position. Eventually people noticed and freaked out. It was Christmas and someone handed me a nice warm mug of hot cocoa which I took and drank happily. I then start to fall sleep and I wake up all groggy but I don’t have my baby anymore. I freak out and try to find it and then someone who was supposedly my grandma came out with a belly and told me that she would be carrying and delivering my baby for me because I was much too young to have to ruin my body by giving birth. I was so upset because that was my baby and someone took it from me and decided I didn’t need to experience carrying my baby to term and giving birth. They told me I wouldn’t have to be apart from the baby to calm me down but as soon as I go to grab my jacket they’ve left me all by myself. I try to find them and I find them in a Low’s parking lot when she’s much further along in the pregnancy that should have been mine. She told me that it was a girl and she was gonna name it Avery Jane. I didn’t like this name. She said she loved the name Avery and would have chosen a different middle name but I liked the middle name Jane so much she was going to use it out of respect for me. I told her if she respected me she would have let me carry the baby to term, deliver it myself and name it what I wanted and not her. I told her it wasn’t her decision and I wasn’t supposed to be away from the baby but then she ran away from me. I’m yelling all of this at her in the parking lot and the people that were around her drove up in the car and she jumped in and they drove off. I was so angry and there was no way I was going to loose my baby. I went into the Low’s and rallied a bunch of the workers and their fork lifts and other heavy machinery so that we would find them and be able to take my baby back. When we finally find them again she’s already given birth and the baby is a toddler. I try to take my little girl back but she’s screaming that I’m trying to abduct her child and I’m crying and the baby is crying and screaming “Mama! Mama!” And reaching for the other lady. I’m so angry because not only has she stolen my baby from my womb but she’s made my baby think that SHES her mother. I get tackled to the ground and told to stop trying to steal her baby. I cry and say that she stole it from me but they tell me I’m going to go to jail for a long time and then I wake up.

Dream date:

26 Apr 2024

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👧 women of your age from 🇺🇸 had dreams about Pregnant by 783.6% more than 👨 men.

Emotional tone:

Feeling of betrayal and anger at having your baby taken from you and raised by someone else


This dream was recurring 1 times last week


The dream was emotionally intense and distressing, with a strong feeling of loss and desperation


The dream had a surreal and fantastical quality, with elements like the baby being easily movable in the stomach


The dream was vivid and detailed, with clear imagery of the baby being taken and the struggle to reclaim her


The dream had a somewhat fragmented and disjointed structure, moving from one tense situation to another

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🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

Dream review

Yvette Miller

Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

Christina, Your dream is quite a tapestry of emotions, and it's clear why it's stayed with you. Pregnancy in dreams often symbolizes something new coming into your life or an aspect of self-discovery. The fact that you couldn’t remember who the father was might point to uncertainties or anxieties you're facing about the future. It's not just about a literal pregnancy; it can be about nurturing ideas, projects, or aspects of your personality that are developing. The image of someone with dark hair and a mustache could represent the unknown or mysterious aspects of this 'new beginning' you're grappling with. The sensation of holding the baby in your stomach as if it were a fragile plastic bag suggests a feeling of vulnerability and the need for protection. This may reflect your current life stage, where you're handling new responsibilities or changes that require a delicate balance. Drinking hot cocoa and feeling comforted during Christmas implies a longing for warmth and security amidst chaos, a stark contrast to the earlier part of the dream. The part where your grandmother takes over the pregnancy touches on deep feelings of control, or rather the loss of it. It suggests feelings of being overwhelmed or judged by others' expectations, especially in a phase of life where autonomy and personal choice are paramount. The name conflict with Avery Jane signifies the struggle between your desires and external influences or pressures. Finally, the escalation to the confrontation in the Low’s parking lot, the distress of the baby calling someone else 'Mama,' and the unjust accusation of abduction speak volumes about your fears of losing something dear to you, be it control over your life path or your unique identity. The intensity of emotions at level 7 and the negative feelings present in the dream are a testament to the inner turmoil you might be experiencing in your waking life. The dream reflects a period of transition and growth, with a focus on personal autonomy, the nurturing of self or ideas, and the struggle for control and recognition. It's quite a journey your subconscious is taking you on, Christina. Take these insights to reflect on the aspects of your life that might be influencing this vivid dream narrative.
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Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

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