Dream interpretation about Naked, Bike, Guy, Bag, Blanket
I was at an event (don’t remember what it was) and when it finished I walked towards my bike. The first part was in a corridor and I walked naked (I didn’t care that some people were watching me), later I covered myself with a blanket. Once I was outside I lowered my bag got out a shirt and shorts and put those on and walked further. When I almost was at my bike I realized that I had left my bag with my new expensive parka. I ran back and looked everywhere: no bag. My thought was: too bad of the €900. When I got to my bike I touched it and a guy who was sitting on it fell off of it violently on the ground, he got up angry but when he saw me he relaxed and didn’t do anything to me. I got on my bike and drive away.
Dream date:
13 Feb 2025
Emotional tone:
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