Dream interpretation about Aunt, Crying, Airport, Boyfriend, Cat, Hotel
I was supposed to fly from Chicago to florida but i was lost in the airport and the weather was really bad. I found my mom and my aunt barb in the airport with my cat. We sat there for a little bit playing with the cat. Then I told them we should go find our gate but my mom wanted to go the opposite direction as me. We end up in a hotel room connected to the airport and my mom said she forgot her carry-on and was going to go grab it before we try to find our gate. Then my mom and my cat went missing. Then I am in the hotel room with my boyfriend. He had strange tattoos on his back that I had not seen before. He was leaving the hotel room but I didn’t want him to leave so I started crying about not being able to find my cat. And then I licked his chest and he was getting excited.
Dream date:
10 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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