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Dream About Losing Everything In Room

Dream interpretation about Falling, Mother, Crying, Empty, Dog, Sun

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This dream was about

i was just waking up in bed about to get ready for work, and i woke up to my room being almost completely empty. everything i had owned had been gone. i started crying trying to search for everything hoping it was a bad dream. the sun was shining through my window, i admit that was a very pretty scene. anyways i then went to my moms room where she was, and i said “WHERE IS MY STUFF?! ITS ALL GONE!”. and she said “oh i cleared it out!”. then i said “YEAH YOU THREW EVERYTHING AWAY! ALL OF MY CLOTHES, ART, MAKEUP, EVERYTHING! GONE!”. it was obvious she was on something, cause she kept slumping over and slurring her words, almost falling asleep as she was standing up getting ready. i said “WHY. WHY DID YOU DO IT. TELL ME WHERE MY MAKEUP IS IF YOU DIDNT THROW IT AWAY.” she said “i didn’t throw it awa…y…. it’s in yoouurrr.. box..!” i then said “NO ITS NOT! THATS NOT MAKEUP I USE! WHERES THE STUFF I BOUGHT!”. then she said “tell me which one it is! and i’ll tell you where it’s at!”. i said “COVERGIRL! IT SPILLS EVERYWHERE YOU KNOW!” she then starts slumping over again as we walk out to the living room, and starts to fall asleep, then she stands up straight and grabs her forehead, and says “oh you know i’m not good with names sweety..”. i just started at her as my rage turned into tears in my eyes. i watched her walk to the door saying “come on dustin!”. i ran to my room frantically trying to find an outfit for work and my makeup, and there was nothing in there. i looked on my shelves, bed, and closet, but it was all gone. i found a single candle she left behind of mine, but it was one of the worst scents i had. i grabbed it by the tiny rope and seashell she put on it and threw it across the room. glass shattered everywhere. i started ripping my room apart because i was so angry she threw everything i had loved and paid for myself. even all of my stuff i had just gotten for vacation, gone. everything she gave me that had value, gone. my dog came in the room and i started crying because i don’t realize daisy was still there. she started whining cause glass was getting in her paws, i picked her up and said “im so sorry daisy i didn’t mean to. i swear i promise everything’s gonna be okay” while trying to fight through my tears. i open my bedroom door with daisy in my arms, and tripped over something. but when i hit the ground i woke up. the entire time the sun was golden hour, which is around 7 a.m in the waking world for me.

Dream date:

23 Apr 2024

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👧 women of your age from 🇺🇸 had dreams about Dead by 22.3% more than 👨 men.

Emotional tone:

Feeling of deep sadness and betrayal upon discovering everything I owned had been taken away by my mother


This dream was recurring 1 times last week


The emotions of anger and despair were intense throughout the dream


The dream felt very real, with detailed emotions and clear visual imagery


The dream was highly detailed and vivid, with clear scenes and emotions


The dream had moments of fragmented and disjointed interactions, particularly with the mother

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🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

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