Hello Jantzen,
The dream you shared where you and your sister attended a spiritual class focused on the moon phases, particularly the full moon, resonates with an inclination towards personal growth and a search for deeper knowledge, especially in the spiritual realm. The presence of your sister suggests that these pursuits are not only individual but also tied to family or those close to you. The teacher's emphasis on learning about the full moon could symbolize a culmination of efforts or insights you're seeking in your waking life, as the full moon often represents the peak of clarity and realization.
Meeting a group of people who show a keen interest in your and your sister's understanding of Zen Buddhism indicates a recognition or validation of your spiritual journey by others. This could signify a desire for community or connection with like-minded individuals who appreciate and support your spiritual path. The specific mention of Asians might relate to the origins of Zen Buddhism and a respect for authenticity and tradition in your learning process.
Reflecting on your previous dreams, there's a recurring theme of guidance, whether it be from your dad or an unfamiliar but comforting woman. These dreams, coupled with your current one, suggest ongoing navigation and prioritization in your life, perhaps in alignment with your personal and spiritual goals. The presence of father figures and teachers points to a search for wisdom and direction.
Your recent life events, such as the Ayahuasca ceremony and the profound conversation on your 25th birthday, are pivotal moments that have impacted your perspective on your purpose and path in life. The spiritual class in your dream may be an extension of this recent awakening and your desire to explore and deepen your understanding of spiritual teachings, as you seek to become a spiritual teacher yourself.
The dream seems to echo this period of exploration and the start of a new chapter, as you've expressed a desire to travel, learn more about yoga and meditation, and eventually guide others. It's as if your subconscious is reaffirming your conscious decisions, acknowledging the importance of these learnings and your readiness to absorb and share them.
In essence, your dream captures the essence of your current journey—a quest for spiritual enlightenment and a meaningful connection with others. It suggests a harmonious alignment between your inner aspirations and your outer experiences, indicating that you are on the right path towards fulfilling your purpose of guiding others to find light and love in their lives.