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Dream About High Sky And Emotional Turmoil

Dream interpretation about Abuse, Anxiety, Being fat, Job, Relationship, Mirror, Friendship

Dream About High Sky And Emotional Turmoil
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This dream was about

I’m somewhere in my dream I was high in the sky viewing how people on the penthouse level used their porches and made sure their pets were safe. In another part of my dream I saw my lover we met up and I asked him to let me see the photos he had on his phone of me so I could delete them he wouldn’t allow me so I started getting angry or anxious. I told him let me delete my pictures so I can leave and this can be is over. I feel he was playing me and getting a kick out of how I was feeling and reacting. So people were being noisy and heard I got this new jo. The women who was supposed to be training got a bit angry since I was taking long since I was dealing with my lover outside. Then I got straight to business I ended seeing this man in the room I was seeing him abuse torture this baby chick I started screaming and putting my hands in stating what is wrong with you. I then took it out and a dog to show him howd he feel if someone did that to his dog. The dog was fine just still a traumatized. And lastly I saw my face in the mirror in the bathroom. My face looked sunburned and covered in acne. I hated it and tried to cover my complexion up. Then I saw a ex friend trying to talk to me and play a game with me ever since she started ignoring me which I thought was weird.

Dream date:

3 Feb 2025

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AI-generated Dream Radar

AI-generated Dream Analysis


Did you know, Diana? 🤔 Approximately 68.7% of dreamers report feeling anxious about their relationships after encountering pets in their dreams! 🐶📸

Emotional tone:

The dream was filled with anxiety and frustration, especially during interactions with the lover and feelings of anger about personal images.


This dream was recurring 2 times last week


The intensity peaked when witnessing the abuse of the baby chick, which elicited a strong emotional response.


The dream felt somewhat real, particularly the vivid scenes of the penthouse and the emotional confrontation with the lover.


The imagery was highly vivid, especially when seeing the sunburned and acne-covered face in the mirror, making it feel impactful.


The dream had moments of coherence but was often fragmented, especially during the transitions between emotional scenes and chaotic events.

Dream symbols





Being fat

Being fat









AI-generated Dream Details

🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

AI-generated Dream Review

Denys Chumak

Denys Chumak

Diana, your dream carries a rich tapestry of emotions and symbols that reflect your current state of mind and the challenges you're navigating in your waking life. To begin with, the imagery of being high in the sky, observing people on a penthouse level, suggests a desire for perspective and perhaps a longing for a more elevated position in your life. The focus on how they ensure their pets' safety could symbolize your own concerns about protection and care, not just for those you love but also for yourself. This element hints at your nurturing instincts, emphasizing the importance you place on safety and security, both emotionally and physically. The encounter with your lover, where you ask to delete photos of yourself while feeling anxious, reveals a deeper conflict within you. This struggle might represent your desire to let go of past relationships or memories that no longer serve you. The anger and anxiety you experience in this part of the dream indicate a power struggle; it seems you feel as though he is withholding something from you that you need to move on. This could reflect a broader theme in your life where you feel others may be playing games with your emotions, leaving you feeling vulnerable and frustrated. It’s important to recognize this emotional turmoil as a signal to explore your boundaries in relationships. The chaotic scene of people being noisy and the tension with your training colleague could signify the pressures you face in your professional life.
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The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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