Dream interpretation about Abuse, Anxiety, Being fat, Job, Relationship, Mirror, Friendship
I’m somewhere in my dream I was high in the sky viewing how people on the penthouse level used their porches and made sure their pets were safe. In another part of my dream I saw my lover we met up and I asked him to let me see the photos he had on his phone of me so I could delete them he wouldn’t allow me so I started getting angry or anxious. I told him let me delete my pictures so I can leave and this can be is over. I feel he was playing me and getting a kick out of how I was feeling and reacting. So people were being noisy and heard I got this new jo. The women who was supposed to be training got a bit angry since I was taking long since I was dealing with my lover outside. Then I got straight to business I ended seeing this man in the room I was seeing him abuse torture this baby chick I started screaming and putting my hands in stating what is wrong with you. I then took it out and a dog to show him howd he feel if someone did that to his dog. The dog was fine just still a traumatized. And lastly I saw my face in the mirror in the bathroom. My face looked sunburned and covered in acne. I hated it and tried to cover my complexion up. Then I saw a ex friend trying to talk to me and play a game with me ever since she started ignoring me which I thought was weird.
Dream date:
3 Feb 2025
Emotional tone:
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