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7 Oct 2024



Last night I had a dream after I was watching the movie Agatha After Long. The particular episode I watched was about witches who were going down this path that they needed to face their fears. when I went to sleep the dream that I had took place at I was at an airport and I got to the security and I didn't have my boarding pass so I was trying to find pull up my boarding pass on my mobile phone but I couldn't find it and then I couldn't find my ID so I was looking for my ID and my boarding pass so I decided I needed to go back home to get my passport and I knew it would take it was only like a 30-minute train ride away to get to the airport and back in There was a subway train connected to the airport. I hopped on the subway. It was only supposed to take me like 10 minutes to my house and 10 minutes back so I should have been back to the airport in 20 minutes. However, the train never stopped. I asked the conductor why didn't the train stop and he said this train is going backwards and it's gonna take over an hour to get back to the airport which I was super nervous because I said I'm gonna miss my flight but there was no way for me to get off the train. Next thing you know it went pitch black and the scene changed and I was walking out of the subway. When I got out of the subway, I transitioned from a subway to walking out of the homeless shelter in my hometown of Kalamazoo, Michigan. When I was walking out of the homeless shelter, I was holding the hands of two children who were scared. There were a lot of homeless people, many of whom were on drugs and some people were even dead. And I was trying to guide the kids around the different bodies. I also saw one of the pastors who I know was with me as well. And he was saying, come on, we got to hurry up and get to this training. While holding the kids' hands and trying to navigate them and keep them calm from being scared, all of a sudden the scene changed again and I was at another building and I was trying to find my way in so I could take this training. I knew I needed to be there for a training. However, when I got in the building, nobody could answer me when I kept asking where the particular training was. Nobody knew where it was. The pastor and the kids that were with me were gone and I was trying to find them to see if perhaps they knew where I needed to be. I ran into a woman and she said, Hey, the place where you need to go is next door. Go over there and ask them when you get there, ask them for this particular information. I can't remember what it was, but she told me what to ask and she was like, you need to go to the building next door. When I walked outside to go next door, it was pitch black. As I was walking next door, I almost heard this voice saying to me, this is a dream, but it's not, pay attention. As I was walking to the next door building, I heard somebody say my name, Nicole. The voice kind of sounded familiar, but the voice also sounded distressed. They called my name again. When they called my name, they started coming towards me and then they fell and they were in so much distress. I instantly stopped what I was doing, I dropped everything and I ran to that person's aid and I started to help them. As I was helping the woman, it almost seemed as if she came out of the ground which was similar to something that happened in the episode but she was coming out of the ground and she was struggling and stressed and I was helping her, trying to keep her calm and then eventually her demeanor changed and she was more calm and she said, for helping me, here is a door and a door appeared out of nowhere like magic, almost like a magic wand and I heard a voice say that you can go through the door she said, you can go through the door, this is almost your reward for helping me and as I got ready to go towards the door, it closed really fast Almost as if she shut the door when she slammed the door her face completely changed and almost like a demonic But not really her face can change and she ripped off this mask and she said You are not supposed to go through that door you are actually supposed to go somewhere else you are distracted This was a distraction and I heard a voice say listen like this isn't a dream But this is like it's a dream, but it's not a dream Listen to the words she's saying she said like that door wasn't for you to go through But because you were helping someone else you thought this was a door that was presented to you But that actually wasn't the door you got distracted when you were trying to help this individual instead of Going next door to do what you need to do You stopped to help someone else and then you thought this this opportunity was for you. That wasn't for you so then I sat there and then I woke up




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

6 Oct 2024

Being chased by murderer
Plane Crash


I was sneaking around the airport space and I then boarded. I worried because I didn’t have my baby. She ended up coming in the plane and we crash landed. I got these pair of shoes and my two friends were at her family house. A lot of people were coming and going and by the time we were going to go my shoes were gone. Someone must have taken them. I used someone else’s shoes and we found the dude who stole my shoes. He did parkour just to get away. Next I was laying by Peter and he asked where I’m going to sleep. I said I’d sleep by yago since there’s no where else to sleep in the house. Peter didn’t like that. I looked at a picture of my shoe and it was different. I was trapped in this weird garage with two others. The workers were keeping us there hostage. The elder tried to say he needed to go to the bathroom to distract them so I can get away but the other worker was watching me. The workers who took the elder to the restroom started spraying me with a squirt gun with pee in it.

6 Oct 2024



It was a weird dream. I dreamt that i went somewhere with my son (hes a toddler now but in my dream he was msybe 2 years old). Whatever we were doing, caused my son to be cloned. It was like he was copied. I didn’t know who was my real son, so I took both of them. I all of a sudden had this sense of dread that if I kept both of them, then the cloned fake son would eventually destroy my real original son. I felt emotions of extreme dilema, I wanted to get rid of the fake one, even going as far as killing off the fake one, but I didn’t want to kill off the wrong one. Finally I did a few tests with both of them to determine who my real son was, and I realize that one boy was more talkative and he said things that I know my son would not say. My son is also not as talkative as that boy was… So I was fairly confident that that wasn’t my son. Still, this boy looked like my son and I did not want to harm anything that even remotely looks like my son! so it was very difficult for me to take this other boy that I knew was not my real son, take him out on the street and threw him in the gutter. I think at that point it was easier because it was like he turned into a toy and he was no longer real. When I got home, I saw my son and I had extreme peace that that was my real son. Then the dream ended.

6 Oct 2024



We were walking somewhere on a muddy trail through an unfamiliar forest. It reminded me of a road march in the Army, but I was no longer in the Army. I was marching with a bunch of strangers. I think we were in a national forest somewhere. We were reaching the end of our destination. We stopped the march for a break and I decided to take my shoe shining kit and my gun cleaning kit out of my backpack; I wanted to shine my boots. Because I wanted to look nice when we arrive. I took off my favorite green combat boots that I love. One of the guys with whom I was marching saw that I was wearing green combat boots and came over to me and asked me if I was a veteran. I told him that I was and I was proud when I was saying that. Then he saw my weapon cleaning kit and he asked me if my sister got it for me. Somehow he knew that my sister served in the military. I was a little jealous that a stranger would think that the weapon cleaning kit would belong to my sister and not to me. I told him that no I got it myself because I was in the military too not just my sister. The guy nodded and looked like he was impressed with my green jungle combat boots. I told him I used to wear them when I was a young soldier and he complimented me for wearing them.

6 Oct 2024



I was at a resort designed specifically for families, and combined the family accommodations with the luxury “everything for everyone” feeling. I saw the ad for it which had poolside cribs, playpens and cots to keep small kids safe away from the water while parents sunbathed. There was a moment where a group of preteen girls were grouped together in the spa and they were all dissing another girl. I’m not sure what came over me, but I managed to constantly scare them by power outages, ghosts and the whole “living in a horror movie” vibe. The outside was like a concrete beach, waves were simulated in the patio area and parts were swimmable. There were baby land turtles swimming around and one of them was back stroking and enjoying the sun. I was swimming with them, watching over them and admiring how relaxed even THEY were at the hotel.

6 Oct 2024



I was married and the woman did not look like my wife in real life. She was also whiteband was much skinnier than my wife in reall life. she was pregnant and you could see her baby bump. I remember we were inside the house and asked her to come outside with me for a second. As we stood in the driveway and looked at the house asbI stood behind her wirh my arms wrapped around her. I remember just telling her how in love I was with her and how I was so grateful that she was my wife and that we had this wonderful life together and this wonderful home. I told her I loved her with all my heart and as I was telling her these things she just softened and he gave me a big kiss and then she jumped into my arms and rapped her legs around my waist and said that she loved me dearly and I could feel her vagina against my penis through the dress. She was just the perfect weight for me to hold her with little effort. she said even though it's not a sex night we're going to have sex tonight. We went upstairs to the restroom. As she was on the toilet urinating, she told me that she had problem with her blow dryer always breaking the circuit in the bathroom. I reset the circuit by pushing the GFI button in. she was emptying her bladder before we were going to make love. What was strange is that these behaviors are opposite of what my real wife would do. in real life my wife always urinates after we have sex and hardly ever does she ever ask me for help to fix things.

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