Dream interpretation about Falling, Party, Apartment, Child, Window, Superhero
I was dreaming last night about a lovely party that I was at with the host being a very nice guy that I liked. He may have been my old doctor, but a guy I liked similar to the guy that I had lunch with yesterday anyway it was a rich, social gathering, and For whatever reason the party moved up to my apartment on the sixth floor of a house that reminds me of the apartment I grew up in in Manhattan in a bit of a slow neighborhood, and there was a big noisy party in the street, and when we came into the apartment There were some kids and especially one kid on his knees in front of the window on the window ledge, looking out at the party down at the street and I was afraid that the kid was gonna fall through the screen and I went up to him and I think I’m afraid to admit that I actually touched him or I said something to him and he was startled and he fell through the screen and fell down six stories screaming the whole time and was killed and the dreamed and I woke up in reality when I was maybe six or seven I was on the window ledge of the apartment in Manhattan with a towel wrapped around me because I was now going to be Superman and fly out the window, and my mother came and rescued me OK into the dream
Dream date:
7 Mar 2025
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