Dream interpretation about Friends, Kissing, Sister, Music, Class, Chewing gum, Assignment, Embarrassing
I was with my current class, we had an assignment to do. A video assignment. It seemed it was a music video. We were separated into different groups. I wasn’t in the same group as my ex-situationship, luckily because I don’t wanna look at him anymore. My group made a music video of one of my teammates, she didn’t sing very well and hated it too but she was the one spending time on editing it thoroughly so she must have liked it. When it was showtime, everyone was seated. I was pretty far away from my ex-situationship, let’s call him B. One of the other music videos apparently had an intro where I started without have given consent. It was a video of me and one of my friends really drunk - very embarrassing and unfair that they had to put it in there. Rest of it was fine. I was chewing a gum so I had to throw it out and the trashcan was next to B. I walked over there and threw it in. But he sat right next to it so he grabbed me by the waist and made me sit next to him. I wasn’t very happy about this. My sister and friends looked my way as well because they knew I had ended it with him some time ago. And I promised myself to never go back. Also cause B was out dating different girls and was sleeping around…. Well I sat next to him and he put his hand on my thigh, sliding it down my inner thigh and really staring intense at me. I looked at him and wanted to pull away but then he kissed me. We made out for a very few seconds, he was very needy. But I pulled away and he asked why. I’m not sure what I answered but I knew it all just felt wrong. I think I got up and left, knowing it was a bad idea. In the dream it seemed that the girl he was sleeping around with wasn’t available that day so he chose me as a second choice. Mean.
Dream date:
28 Feb 2025
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