Dream interpretation about Ex, Blood, Gun, Pregnant, Alien, Child
had a dream I was with my ex-boyfriend, we were visiting my boss, and he was pregnant. He was carrying some kind of alien/bird. We went to my boss's home and we were carrying around a baby carriage in case he had the baby. Suddenly he got really mad and upset and left. I saw him grab a bunch of people with a gun. He saw me and started shooting at me. I asked him why he was shooting at me and he told me to stay away. I wouldn't leave and he started shooting again. I said that that wasn't very nice of him. I let him leave and found a child with a small Beebe gun. I asked her if I could borrow a gun, that someone was shooting people. She spoke a different language and didn't seem to understand me. I saw another child with a bigger Beebe gun, and we all saw my ex shooting another person. I asked this other child if I could borrow his gun and he gave it to me even though he also spoke a different language. I grabbed the gun and was following the mass amounts of blood, and feathers.
Dream date:
23 Jan 2025
Emotional tone:
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