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Dream About Dating Jonathan Bailey And First Day Of University

Dream interpretation about Mother, Kissing, University, Dentist, Boyfriend, Shower, Bed, Restaurant, Clothes

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had a dream, I was dating Jonathan Bailey (the guy from Bridgerton who is also GAY) He’s gay to the world but straight for me like he didn’t want anyone else but me, anyways I was still living in my student accomodation and it was fun. Anyways, Fast forward, I was trying to find an outfit to wear for my first day of university, i was looking for a particular pair of jeans that I know in the real world, i do not own. Anyways, I kept looking for an outfit, but my mum (whose dead) and my Grandma (whose alive) was sitting on my bed telling me to just wear the clothes I have already, funnily enough I found a good pair of jeans that I actually own and a really cute outfit, they kept giving me advice, i don’t remember what it was exactly, but they kept telling me about things. I was like “thanks guys” anyways, they needed to leave and they left, I took a shower in the dark of my bathroom, but leaving the door open so I had some light. I ended up going to my first day of university and it was fun, anyways after my day of university, my accomodation turned into a hybrid of a Dentist and my boyfriend “Jonathan Bailey” was the receptionist, we had made plans that would mean he would come to my room - he had one last customer who had an apparent tooth ache but had to tell the customer that he was out of service now and that he should go somewhere else, it was weird because just because HE the receptionist was leaving, doesn’t mean the clinic was closed, anyways. We went on the elevator to my room and laid in bed, with a pink light in my room, which by the way, i haven’t been able to turn on for months now because i lost the remote but when i woke up from the dream, it was on??? Anyways, back to the story, we were on my bed, kissing and cuddling and stuff and he was like saying “i’m only straight for you” blah blah, then out of nowhere my roommates come into my room for a movie session, i say i’m hungry and one of my actual roommates suggests a Chinese restaurant and i’m like “YES” because i love chinese - then i wake up.

Dream date:

28 Apr 2024

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👧 women of your age from 🇬🇧 had dreams about Job by 9.5% more than 👨 men.

Emotional tone:

The dream was filled with feelings of excitement, joy, and nostalgia, as well as a sense of longing and connection.


This dream was recurring 1 times last week


The dream was filled with passionate and engaging experiences, such as kissing, cuddling, and making plans, creating a sense of heightened emotions and energy.


The dream had elements that felt plausible mixed with fantastical scenarios, blending real-life figures with fictional situations.


The dream was quite clear and detailed, with specific scenes and interactions, although some elements were fantastical or surreal.


The dream had a mix of logical and fragmented elements, blending real-world scenarios with dream-like transitions and settings.

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🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

Dream review

Yvette Miller

Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

Jennifer, Your recent dream where you were dating Jonathan Bailey, a celebrity known to be gay but straight for you, symbolizes your inner desires for uniqueness and exclusivity in relationships. This theme resonates with your longing to be the exception, someone's one and only, which is a common yearning at your age. The twist of him being the receptionist at a dental clinic that turns into your student accommodation suggests your anxiety about new roles and the merging of your personal life with your public life. The fact that he dismisses the last customer because his duty to you takes precedence can reflect your subconscious wish for prioritization in a relationship. The presence of your deceased mother and living grandmother in your dream, giving you advice while you prepare for your first university day, signifies the guidance and wisdom you carry from past generations. Your choice to shower in partial darkness reveals a comfort with some ambiguity in life, while still needing a connection to clarity and light - you're willing to explore the unknown, yet you maintain a link to the familiar. The positive emotions and absence of nightmare qualities indicate this dream reflects your hopes and confidence rather than your fears. The dream's progression from searching for the right outfit, to receiving guidance, to the successful first day at university, ending with a cozy, intimate moment, illustrates a journey of self-discovery and the building of confidence in new beginnings. In relation to your past dreams, there's a thread of concern about your social surroundings, such as the unsettling party with gang members and the desire for recognition like the singer Jen. However, this latest dream seems to have a more positive and personal focus, suggesting a shift in your subconscious towards personal relationships and self-assurance as you navigate your young adult life. The dream ends on an intriguing note with your roommates interrupting a private moment, which could symbolize your struggle with boundaries or your need for personal space amidst communal living. The craving for Chinese food at the end ties back to a familiar comfort, indicating that no matter the adventures of the day, you still seek the warmth of known pleasures. Overall, Jennifer, your dream reflects a blend of aspiration, the influence of loved ones, the search for identity, and the need for balancing intimacy with social dynamics. It seems you're navigating your path with a mix of nostalgia and anticipation for what lies ahead.
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Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

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