Dream interpretation about Ex, Fear, Escape, Car, Hotel, Work
I had a dream about my boyfriend and my ex but it started off like this me and my boyfriend went to a hotel that my ex visits a lot with different woman possibly but I went because I wasn’t scared and I wanted him to see me with my boyfriend I also had my 2 year old son with me as it went on and I played in the halls and tried to hide from my ex we went into a room and hid under a mattress the stranger went on to find us and smoke a weird type of weed with us that got us super high. After this we left the room and a weird Muslim type of ceremony started to happen and we couldn’t escape through the stair way but I remembered we were on the first floor we ran down the hallway to reach my car so I could head to work. I didn’t want my ex to see my boyfriend I was scared he would try and kill him he knew I was with my boyfriend because he heard him through my watch when me and my ex were talking that’s when we ran out to my car.
Dream date:
21 May 2024
Emotional tone:
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