Dream interpretation about Fire, Following, Flame, Smoke, Shadow, Man, Past, Forest, Part, Point, Walking, Woods, Squirrel, string, Worker
I had a dream where a man was walking through the forest when it suddenly burst into flames and he had to run out. Alongside him, hundreds of squirrels were also running, with one in particular followed by a large shadow which I perceived to be smoke, however on closer inspection, was a mass of squirrel tails attached to a string, following the poor squirrel. At some point I start existing as a safety intern who has to monitor the fire suppression and end up in a construction site within a sandy part of the woods. I immediately become anxious due to not knowing the work hazards nor wearing a hard helmet, and attempt to make my way past the strip of construction work. Luckily, a helpful Latino tells a nearby worker to carry me on an electric platform across and past the site. That’s all I remember.
Dream date:
21 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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