12 Mar 2025
i was working at domino’s store and i was standing back from the front of cashier. everything feels okay. my friend and some of my family member was there for some reason, so until i noticed black car maybe suv or van was drove through the store and toward to where i was standing. my friend was next to me and we was freezing. then the window rolled down and i see the hand with the gun pulled up and target at me. it did hit me for three times on my chest and i can feel the pain. so i was screaming and fell back, then crawling and i can feel there’s another two shots on my back. my friend was just standing there and do nothing. i was crying and laying down, feel the pain. after shooting, the car left. after that, i get up and walking to my home. once i arrived there safety, and i can feel the relief. my family was keeping asked me who did this and i remembered i said, “i think it’s juan”. even though, juan and i was out of contact for few years after i got out of rehab. so i was sitting at the living room and alone. i noticed there’s a guy parked near my home and he got out of car, walking toward to my home. i got panicked and he succeeded broke in, jumped on me. i was struggling to fight back and i grab in my sweater’s pocket to feel if i have anything on me and turns out it’s a small key. i grabbed it and stabbed on his neck then twisted so hard. he fell and dead right there front of me. some how, i left and go to neighbor and spending with my family at there. i was in four levels, so i was enjoying until one of my friend that i never met before in my whole life, told me that he need something from my home. i told him that i want all of them stay with me, i feel sense of danger around me. but he insisted and still went there. few minutes later, my mom told me check it out on outside, downstairs so i looked. i saw my friend walked enter in my home while there’s another man was walking behind him with the big bat but that guy realized that my friend isn’t me so he decided to go back to car and waiting. after that, i was bawling, feel so scared like crazy.
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