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22 Sep 2024



I was with my family walking in the middle of the night to get ice cream. I was with my cousin Dominika and Maks and their parents. I read the ingredients of all the ice creams in the store and I decide I'll get something that I can't see the ingredients list of because every ice cream I tried to find was like that. I have severe eczema that flares up when I eat artificial things in food, that's why I was trying to check ingredients. I decided that if I eat this ice cream I'll be fine because it's just one ice-cream. But before I can buy it, in the shop there is another stand with electronics, and my aunt Paulina offers me to buy something from there if I can't have the screams so I do. I wait in line with my cousins which also wanted to buy smtng and I pick this weird device that you connect through hdmi and had 2 antennas like in a router. I tried to find the price but I couldn't, I was a bit worried since I didn't wanna overspend. Another girl that was in the cue asked me "how much does this cost?", I look for the price again and I don't find it so I tell her "well your gonna find out", cuz it's my time to pay. He tells me the price was like 11,00zł which isn't that bad and I look at my cousins if they could give me some money, I thought their parents would pay. So the girls dad that was in the queue decides, that if Dominika exchanges some money with him he will give me money to buy it for myself. She agrees and I take her money and the guy gives me so much more money than I needed to buy that thing. For some reason I keep all the money and don't give any back to Dominika but I'm satisfied that I earned lots of money. I should also mention that there was only one of these devices I bought so the girl didn't have to know how much this device cost, deep inside I knew I should've told her that I took the last one but my shy self didn't let me. So we walk out of the store including my cousin's parents and we go into 2 cars. I decide not to sit with my cousins for some reason but with my uncle Lucas in another car. It's weird but we could see each other very clearly while sitting in those two separate cars because their car was Infront of my uncle Lucas car. They tell me to drive with them, I tell them no. Dream ends. Btw I should mention I do often get awkward around girls my age




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

22 Sep 2024



I was in a field with all my classmates but i was mainly hanging out with my friends, when suddenly it started raining so everyone runs to the mall. I lose the 2 friends I was with (Charles and Kenan). I shortly find Charles but when I call kenan he said he ran home. I should also mention that I was one of the first people to arrive at the mall. I decide to go to a store to look for some new clothes (which I do irl). I'm not sure if the only worker in there was walking to me, but I started walking in a way where she wouldn't start talking to me(what I usually do irl), my goal was also to find the men's section of the store, so I follow Charles to the weird looking men's section that I'm not sure is a men's section. He dissapears into the chaninging room for some reason and the worker is walking towards me. Me trying to be more extroverted (just like irl) I ask her "is this the men's section?", she says "yes" but in a way her sentence didn't seem like she said yes but it sounded longer and more kind. So in the men's section are just blushes of whales in different colours. I say "oh well there isn't much here to pick" and I start walking out the store, Charles is already walking out Infront of me. The worker follows me and says something along the lines of "yeah, our men's section isint the best" but the weird thing is, that it felt like she didn't say anything, but it did feel like she was keeping up the conversation pretty well. I asked her are the whale plushes polyester, still while walking out. She says "plushes can only be polyester". I thought to myself "I am definitely not buying it then". I'm at the door and she says "yeah, such a big store and I'm gonna be all alone again". She was saying that if I left she would have noone to talk to. I thought to myself "well if only u had a better men's section". I tell her an awkward "yeah... goodbye" and she gives me a confident and warm "see you later" and smiles as I leave. I walk around some more and I see a green shirt I like to buy in a store with no door, the store was designed a way where customers could walk in and walk out easily. I look at a shirt and think to myself if I need to put that shirt on to test it. I tell myself "nah I'll do it later". Suddenly I see an announcement come up and it was telling everyone that there were students coming here to wait for their bus for Debs (Irish version of prom) and that they had to gather all of my classmates to a store called Dealz. So Charles goes into Dealz, but I stick around for some time. Then I see one of the prom people go up to a glass window and make a funny face, smiging the window with his spit. Then like a minute later I decide to be my confident self and see how the shirt looks on me by putting it against my chest. it was alright. I should also mention that just like in real life I was checking out that stores security, wondering if they get things stolen often and how they could be a more secure stores from shoplifters, this stems back to my childhood trauma. But when I realize they might force me to go into that Dealz, I decide to run out not suspiciously of the mall and go home. I successfully run out, but I get shivers when running next to the Dealz because I don't wanna get caught. There was a window in the front of the Dealz near the exit and a window in the back of the Dealz which people could see me through. Then the dream ended.

22 Sep 2024



I was in a traffic jam on a rural country road. I came to the place the traffic was stopped. I pulled over to the left and there seemed to have been a fire in a field. There was a mound right next to the road on top of a slope down into a valley. It seemed the valley grass has all burned and and smoking but not on fire. The was a manhole with the lid off and a donkey standing next to the hole. The donkey kept wanting to go down the hill and kept starting to go down but was too scared and could never get going down and just kept starting to go and stopping. He was right next to the hole. Then I realized that the reason the traffic has stopped was because they were trying to catch a really small horse. A big man had caught and up and was holding the very small horse. The horse was a tiny Black Stallion. It was intensely black and very beautiful. It has a shiny black very long mane the was very curly and very beautiful. Then I woke up.

21 Sep 2024



I had a dream that I was in my bed, trying to wake up and on my phone was an The national weather service saying a storm was coming on and I knew immediately what it was so I was so tired, threw my phone down because it was connected to my charger and let myself fall on the side of the bed that I rolled underneath the bed and pulledthe cover so I can sleep underneath my bed while this tornado passes. and then I feel a lot of shaking like an earthquake that I feel a lot of wind then I hear the glass breaking in front of me and I start recording all of this with my phone and then after everything dies down, I go outside after it’s done and then I see the tornado that’s passed by our house in the distance and I see all the dirt that’s on me. then I feel shaking again, so I go in hide under the bed again but it was nothing so then I get out of bed and I grab my phone because I wanted to call my friend Jonathan and I see two pythons snakes near my door. then one of them climbs through the broken window and goes outside to cows, but then all of a sudden this snake turns into a lion and the cow turns into cat looking animal that I knew was wildlife. so I started petting the female lion and I just remember that my brother was holding a monkey and that’s it

21 Sep 2024



Ok so I was at the pools but they wernt just normal pools bacause the had snow on the out side all over. And there was this boy he was white, blone brownish hair, longer hair type like a surfer and he was so cute. I new from that point I had a crush on him. So he was swimming and he came up to me and said hi. I said hi back and we started talking. For some reason we were the only ones at the pool, there were no parents life guards or other kids. We started hanging out and he had long shorts. After a while we started swimming together. I wanted to be his girlfriend so bad but i didn't say anything when one time he sat on the rail bars and he looked to cute and I could hear my mind thinking dham he's hot. But anyone's a while later we were talking and he said go underwater and I was like okay! And so we both went underwater and I could see with my eyes it wasn't blurry at all. But the he held my hands and he kissed me on the forehead.

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