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14 Mar 2025

Abandoned home
Being Pregnant


So last night I had the most realist dream of my entire life. Basically in my dream I had found out I was pregnant and I told my parents and I was in complete denial about the whole thing and being like we havnt even had sex how am I pregnant and luke whose my boyfriend was like soph we have and then we were sat on my sofa and my mom was like you know your going to have to tell the rest of the family soon right and I said well I think grandma already knows and then my mom said I think she does aswell and then I went round to this girl in my schools house called Elyse and we were playing hide and seek and I went downstairs and I found another girl who was there and was like do you know where the kitchen is I need to start to learn how to bake and cook . She asked me why and I just stared at her and nearly started crying then everyone came into the dinner room and camera men all followed me through and then We were sat at the table and I started crying and saying I can't do this and then I said to the cameraman I really can't do this and then everyone was going can't do what can't do what and then I just ran off and I was walking down the street and I saw this like ladders and then I was walking with Luke and I said Luke I can't believe I did this and we did it up there and I was pointing to this ladder and like at the top it was like an abandoned building place and there was like and we went up there and there was like loads of toilets and it was really open and it had this really really amazing view at the top And then I said to Luke, I can't believe I'm pregnant. I was going to be abstinent. Then, me and Luke. Luke took me to my school and I got into my school and I was with Ruby and I hadn't told Ruby yet. And then I went to Miss Archer and Miss Bennett and they both said, you know, if you ever need to, like, use a toilet or something, just, you can have a staff key room and you can just use, like, that or if you need, like, some help, just come tell us or, like, anything like that. And I was like, OK. And then I went out of the school and was just walking around this grassy, like, park area bit. And then I went to Luke's school and I came to him and I started crying and being like, Luke, I don't know how we're going to do this. I'm really upset. And Luke was like, it's going to be fine. Like, don't worry, we're going to make it work. And I was saying, like, I don't even know how we're going to, Even get money to pay for the baby like we haven't got jobs or anything so how are we like gonna like actually afford to look after this baby and he's like it's fine we'll make it work and then We were going through baby names and they were saying like I think it's gonna be a girl and then we're saying about how we should call like Arabella and we were just going through baby names and then I was just like leaning on his shoulder and just crying bicycle and he was like come on let's go find Ruby for you so we went around and we went into this classroom and Ruby was there and I sat down there and then looked at me and he was like are you okay now? I was like yeah I'm fine I'm fine just you can go if you want he's like okay I just want to make sure you're okay before I leave. I was like yeah and everyone was there because it was Ruby, Millie and someone else who I don't know who that was and they were going like what's going on are you okay and I was just like yeah I'm fine I'm fine.




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14 Mar 2025

Running away
Getting Hurt


I keep reliving the night Cristian attacked me. It always goes the same. Coming home, trying to find the camera he took down and hid, and then grabbing his keys to get it from his car where he told me he’d put it. That’s when he gets up, backs me into a corner and winds up to punch or choke me. I yell at him to get away from me, but he grabs me instead and we fight, I’m yelling at him to get off me and let me go. Then he runs to my bedroom to go after my cat and I chase him in, ignoring my injuries, and tackle him down to get him away from her. He gets on top of me, is grabbing at me and forcing me down at the wrong angles and I say I can’t breathe three times before he gets off of me, gets his keys and walks away yelling horrible things at me. What happened in real life is that I say there wondering if I my body even still worked while I cried until I couldn’t breathe and he yelled at me. What happens in the dream, is I text my mom to call the police to my apartment NOW, or I drag myself outside to call them myself since I’d need to let them in the two locked doors. Sometimes he follows me outside because I’d had to drag myself when my legs didn’t work, and he catches me on the phone so I say it’s my mom while the cops are on the line listening to him yelling at me and me yelling to get away from me again. I always wake up before my mom or the police arrive.

14 Mar 2025

Abandoned home


I had two dreams. The first one is in a familiar house but I don’t know who’s house it is. It’s got an open circle layout, so the doors all lead to the next room or opening, or stairs up or down. My sister and I were there with other people who I felt like I knew but I don’t remember who they were. There was a spider that came from nowhere, the size of my hand spread flat, it looked huge. I screamed and ran, I’m afraid of spiders anyway, and my sister ran too. It only seemed to chase me and Michelle, and we’d run through the house trying to find ways to get away from it. I woke up, when I fell asleep again I was with Jaelynn. It felt like we’d just gone out drinking and dancing, because I felt intoxicated and tired and sore. We were talking through a library that went on forever, like there was no end and no ceiling, but it was beautiful. I’d picked two books, one poetry because there were two guys with us, and one of them had said it was his book. The same guy went behind the desk when I paid for them and got me three bookmarks featuring characters from Supernatural, Sam, Dean, and Castiel.

14 Mar 2025

Abandoned home
Black Cat


I was in a room with lots of other people arguing that the people of the US never got to choose their presidential candidates and that we wanted to have livestream debates begining now in spring with people who want to run conversaing/debating with the current president trump and trump said he would but his people didn't want to so we marched trump out of the room to a park where we would hold the debates. I then saw my Former friend heather who had come to take notes for an essay she was writing and she asked if I had an agent for my books yet and I told her no. I got distracted by a black cat and took it home but it was unhappy inside so I took it back to the park and I posted on Instagram I releases him back into the park and I got all these mean comments saying that was dangerous for him. Then I was in a downtown area looking for a bar to drunk at. There were groups of people have dance/singing competitions in the street and I joined one that was singing bright pop songs but when the lyrics got to a point of including queer people the group skipped those lyrics and I called them out on it and they started getting angry with me then a group of black in in the 20s came humming and singing gay jazz and allowed me to escape the crowd. I went into a bar and ordered a shot and a cocktail and a man came to talk to me. It was getting late so I suggested we leave. But when we got outside I was the man and the femme me suddenly was obese and rook me to an abandoned train station where there were corposes sitting in an abandoned train. I ran went into a house and I was me again watching the man running on the TV it had become a TV show and I turned to my friend saying I wished television would stop villianizing fat people ( I myself am fat in real life). We left and I was back downtown but it was late afternoon and I walked into a gallery hosting local artists. An artist i didn't know came up to me and said I looked a lot like her grandmother and she showed me pictures of an older native american woman but I told her I'd done a DNA test and I wasn't native american. She insisted that we must be related because I had the same calm small as her grandmother. I told her thank you and left and was suddenly in an apartment. I'd apparently been living there with my grandma and I needed to clean the bathroom before the landlord came to inspect. The bathroom was really dirty and I lamented that I needed to start regularly cleaning. Thankfully even though it looked grimy and awful it was really easy to clean. My grandma said I should me wearing gloves when I used bleach and I promised I would next time. The landlord came and I left and woke up

13 Mar 2025



Adam and I moved to a new apartment. After we moved in, the neighbors, a husband and wife in their 40s greeted us. They said they would love to have a game night to get to know us. I told them we would host since we have so many games. Then I was walking outside the apartment building. I saw a big black and white dog without an owner. I decided to take him in since he was a stray. Once we got into the apartment building, the dog attacked the husband. He told me that he needed stitches and I had to pay for his medical bills. He took the dog and my money and went back inside his apartment. The next day, the wife came over and she was panicking. I told her to come sit on the couch. Adam came with me to make sure she was okay. Then as I was helping her, I hear noises coming from the kitchen. I saw 3 live turkeys walking in the kitchen. I noticed my door was open and saw the husband outside on the phone. I then realized that these people were scam artists. The landlord came over to see the turkeys and fined me for having pets other than cats and dogs. I figured the landlord was also in on this scam. The next day was game night. I was setting up the table with a few games, then I heard another noise in the kitchen. My cat, Bert, was trying to get into one of the cabinets. I tried opening it and realized it was jammed shut. Adam, Bert and I all tried opening it. We finally got it open to see a little bunny with a bow tie. I decided to keep the bunny, even though I knew it was a part of a scam. After I got the bunny in my bedroom, the neighbors and my family came over for game night. We played, then I was getting a drink from the kitchen and the husband was there, looking at the cabinet I found the bunny in. I said to him, "you know, the craziest thing happened today, I found a bunny in the cabinet with a bow tie! How crazy is that?" I looked at him and he looked flustered that I got it out.

13 Mar 2025



I was hanging out with my cousin and we were going to go surfing but it started getting really windy so I said to him I was gonna go for a kite surf and it was a bit too windy to put up my kite surfing gear so I decided not to and then I watched this big boat come in and she was selling these boats so I thought they were too expensive to buy and decided not to buy one and she upsold one of the boats to someone and then I went around to my mate's house and they were doing heaps of cocaine and banging chicks so they were having heaps of sex and doing heaps of lines and heaps of sex and heaps of lines and then one mate flipped out and couldn't handle it and my other mate had nickel left a case there and he was just hanging out and not doing any drugs so I was hanging out with him and then I took off and came back and it was just the one dude there tweaking out on cocaine and I asked him where the other dude went and he said he flipped out and took off so the chick went after him and I was sitting with him while he was tweaking out and then the dude came back with a chick and they went into their room and I asked if Nicholas was coming back and he said yeah maybe and then he was tweaking out and trying to listen to their conversations from the room so I turned around to the dude and said oh I'm gonna take off but you have fun bro

13 Mar 2025

Home Invasion


I was living at my mom's house again and we were having fun and chatting. Seemed like a party of some kind. My mom let our dog GusGus outside in the backyard and she was telling me to bring him back in. I was in the middle of something at the time and was agitated that she couldn't do that herself since she wasn't doing anything, but I obliged anyway. I couldn't find our dog, and kept calling out to him. He finally emerged on the other side of the fence. I was so confused on how he got out, as he is old and doesn't jump like he used to. I was relieved he didn't go far, which I chalked that up to his old age too. I scanned the fence line and found a huge gap in the fence. I turned around and saw my mom standing next to me asking why it was taking so long. I asked if she knew about the hole in the fence, and she replied that she knew about it but wasn't worried at all. I was puzzled as to why she would let our dog outside in the fenced in area where he can just leave at any time by himself. She was so nonchalant about it but the hole gave me anxiety so I went to go fix it. I went to grab some tools but my mom insisted I eat first. I sighed, shook my head, and went inside. I opened the fridge to a rotting smell. I quickly closed the fridge to catch my breath, and then took a deep breath and opened the fridge again. I couldn't find what was rotting so I asked my mom. She shrugged and said that there's cheese sliced in the fridge drawer that I didn't take when moved so she just left it there since she doesn't eat cheese. I stood there shocked and confused, as I saw another open pack of cheese slices that wasn't expired right next to it. Instead of asking about that, I just shook my head again and grabbed a plastic bag. I was upset that I had to do everything in the house and that there were blaring problems my mom was ignoring. I was also wondering where my stepdad was and how he was ignoring these problems as well. It took a few tries back and forth to the fridge as the smell was overpowering and getting worse. I'd grab a breath of air from the dining room, then rush over to the fridge and try to throw away the cheese, but it had a weird slimy feel and my eyes kept watering, so I would need to back down each time. Also my mom would keep making me laugh so I would lose my "good" air and breathe in the awful stench and need to run back to the dining room to recupérate. In the end, I woke up before I was able to remove the cheese from the fridge

13 Mar 2025



I was in an apartment with my sister Ruby. The sky was mostly dark but one section became pink with a thousand sparkling stars. I excitedly pointed out the constellation Pleiades. Since this was so odd and beautiful, I asked Ruby to go outside with me so we did. The pink sparkling sky section was truly beautiful. I said “look at the planets,” as there were two dark and strangely large planets appearing. “Are those planets?” I asked, but Ruby wasn’t sure. The two “planets” suddenly became two moons, suddenly huge, and mirroring each other. Ruby and I were entertained by this but also terrified, so we hurried inside. One moon distorted so it was missing about a quarter of itself, like someone had pushed in one side of it. The moons were moving towards each other, to fuse. Suddenly the world went misty and foggy and grey, and a bunch of people showed up on the apartment deck, including some families. When I was back outside with them, I tried to point out the fusing moons, but it was too foggy and even though they quietly looked, I don’t think they could see it. I could barely make it out through the grey. In another dream I had a bald female roommate with a black buzzcut. She was short and had a feminine build, she seemed queer and had a relaxed, deadpan personality. She was Asian or Latina, maybe Filipino. I was looking for an empty jar in the fridge, a big mason jar, and wanted a specific one that was upright, not the one next to it that was upside down. I don’t know why I felt particular about this, because they were both clean and empty but I really wanted to upright one. I suddenly made a dough in the jar perhaps out of flour and water, and I was going to make a sourdough starter. I realized I didn’t have yeast though. It was annoying to consider buying a small expensive packet of the stuff. My roommate said I could use some of her “Swiss yeast” like for Swiss cheese (? lol) and I said I’d think about it. I didn’t look at her when she offered this to me and felt unsure. The best part of the dream was definitely the pink sky and sparkling stars, and even the two moons fusing even though it was a little scary. It was incredibly beautiful.

13 Mar 2025



I had a continuing dream of the previous one where in the last one I wasn’t ready to continue in this one I was. The dream picked up kind of where I left off. It was a winding road of hardship and I was drinking in the night went on a road trip with someone who was of significance and I came across a field, and I was with my puppy chow chow when I saw that my friend was slightly famous at that same Chowchow running around although it wasn’t this well trained. I greeted him and then the next part is where the dream continued on the significant person in the car finally said that I was ready to continue, but it required one thing and that was for me to stop drinking. I didn’t really hesitate and then everything fell into my lap. I had a team that was working for me and against me. I suddenly became the superstar that You lie past journal entries to sing on balconies and really whether they were sad motivational or anything. There’s one in instance where I wasn’t prepared, but I spoke from the hard people still adored that even though the crowd was small, it turned to large. I thought I was busy between appointments and a new wardrobe and having a masseuse it kept me going and it kept me healthy having that structure And seeing where I had come from. And came the weekend where is also my friends bachelorette party but I was scheduled for a show. I was able to find a flight while I was with my mom and brother at the airport already within 20 to 30 minutes and make it for the second half of her weekend. Then I woke up but even though they were struggles and it was a really busy lifestyle everything worked out possibly possible as long as I just kept going.

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