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22 Oct 2024



I went to my coworker’s house to look at art on her wall that she collected from traveling. I then was in her bedroom and a door to the outside opened up




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

22 Oct 2024

Sexual Assault
Violence and death


This was a very intense and extreme dream that took place during world war 2 with nazi germany. There was a lot of other racially and sexually related persecution and violence in this dream as well. At one point me and the group of women i was with stumbled upon an old barn with a working radio inside. We went inside and I ran into an old friend of mine that was my neighbor and best friend growing up. His name is Geoff and he is an American born full blooded German. He ended up sexually assaulting me and grabbing at my breasts and asking if I remember when he used to do this when my breast’s were smaller. This was terrifying and traumatic for me, especially because we have never been romantically or sexually involved. The women I was with helped me to fight him off and we ran. There was anarchy in the streets as it was a full war zone with no laws and no law enforcement. It was every man for themselves. The women I was with were very sexually promiscuous and were looking for German soldiers to have sex with. They found a group of African American women who had small babies. The babies were nude and one of the women made a comment about the size of the small boys penis and I was absolutely disgusted. She attempted to buy the child from the poor mother and she asked her what she wanted with a little black baby boy. Then I could literally see her what she was thinking like her imagination was projected onto a screen. She was in a field of flowers with a young black man who was very handsome. There were these black and gold elephants and hippos that were adorned with fine jewels and precious metals and onyx. They were care free and playing in the meadow until suddenly they turned and became mad. The elephants turned violent and started tearing apart the hippos with their tusks and then several humans as well and went on a wild rampage. It was terrifying. Then I heard the war sirens go off and bombs were dropping from planes above us. I took cover until it was quiet. When I came out I could see the devastation and destruction unleashed as far as the eye could see. Bodies burned and bloodied were piled high all over and wreckage from the buildings and homes that once stood proud and strong were nothing more than piles of rubble and dust: I finally understood the true nature of war and the evil of man

22 Oct 2024



My dad needed help in his backyard so he picked me up from my place and when we got to his place which felt like an instance I realized I forgot to brush my teeth. I asked him if he had any gum and he said no. I looked in his truck which was like a convertible and it was super messy. Stuff piled all over and I found some gum and grabbed it and started chewing it. I then looked around the property and it looked how I remembered it last. It was night and I was looking at the stars and the moon was massive. Like 5 or 6 times larger than normal. I told him to look but he was in a really bad mood and by the time he looked I had looked back 3 times and it went from massive to big to normal ro maybe half it's normal size in just a few seconds. But the we saw a big semi truck flying and it landed in a nearby neighbors driveway and I remembered him going, hmm, that's odd. Some other person showed up to help and he was more likena contractor or somebody professional. I kept asking my dad what I could do to help and he wouldn't respond. We then went inside and the house was totally different. My sister was there and a girl my sisters age that was her friend and almost our step sister was there and we saw this huge scorpion. I tried killing it by hitting it off the table hard and it broke away from it fat tail and was on the ground angry. It did some crazy spinning jump and latched onto my side. That freaked me out. I hate bugs and there's a lot in the country where my dad lives we somehow got it off me and headed outside. We all crawled through this little doggie door looking hole in the bathroom wall to get outside. I remember being behind kaylen my sisters friend, thinking why we never hooked up or anything but then those thoughts faded fast. When we were back outside it was day time and the yard had been flattened and cleaned up like a tractor went through and pushed all the dirt and mounds of debris out. Somehow that scorpion got back on my side and we spent a while trying to get it off again and when we finally did it was much much smaller than before, like a 3rd the size. The neighbors that my dad has an issue with came over the guy was old with long grey hair and a beard and the wife was younger and attractive and Hispanic. we somehow started talking about how they have some immigrants that were squatting in their house living there. They wanted them gone but the old guy and was way too nice to kick them out. I joked at first about willing you there hole they crawled into with water forcing them to leave and he said no then I came up with a very humanitarian plan since he would prefer that and it was to gift them some large investment that could support them financially so they could leave and he could write off the whole thing as a loss to get a writeoff on taxes and he considered it. We went inside and there was a whole family. I wasn't expecting that. They were all just hanging out in there kitchen area. We were talking and that's when I woke up

22 Oct 2024

Angry at mom


I had a dream that a girl who in the waking world said some very ego fueled, hate filled, and hurtful things to me including that I was a terrible mom, traumatic to have around children, and that she needed to surround herself with moms she could "look up too". This girl pretends she is enlightened and on a spiritual journey in which she empowers moms and women, meanwhile is completely awful individual when it comes to trauma she cannot understand. She has a 3 year old and projects a perfect marriage meanwhile her husband and her a miserable. I've been a mom for 10 and 8 years, and my daughters were born to extremely abusive men, the 2nd being a grandiose narcissist with psychopathic tendencies who made my life hell for 5 years. Any way, I had a dream that this girl texted me saying "hi it's lea", her name in real life is Georgia, and in my dream I even had her saved in my phone as Georgia. In the waking world I have her blocked, but still have her number in my phone. I knew she was lying about her identity in my dream because I have refused to forgive her for the emotional damage and false narratives she placed on me. I woke up angry because in the quantum, this girl has been harassing me for 2 years. She is an energetic vampire who has latched on to my energy and refuses to let go, despite cord cutting and akashic record writing. One time in a dream, she was in my home and stole my seat on my couch, I walked over to her and loudly stated "You didn't want me in your safe space, you do not get to be included in mine." And I feel that boundary held for a bit in the waking world, but she has returned to my dream world

22 Oct 2024

Home Invasion


I dreamt about me helping a friend moving out. He was from another country and he was leaving the place he was living in. I helped him to move some of his staff and to organize things for his departure. He had a son that in real life was my student. He told me that he struggled with the mother of her son at the beginning so he is a single father. In my dream I saw notebooks of the kid ,paintings belonging to this friend, a basketball and groceries that I helped to move to another place. At the end I invited my mom to see if she could take the lease of this friend apartment, I was worried about my mom being so critical since she is like that in real life. Of course she did, she looked at my friend very weird, however, I took some pictures with my mom where I was pretending that I was dancing with a lot of money, and I look happy in the pictures but my mom didn’t look good in the pics. He returned the staff we took for the pictures and my mom didn’t finalize the deal of taking my friend lease.

22 Oct 2024



I was with some old classmates from elementary school in a school building that kind of resembled my middle school but it looked very different. I’m not sure what scenario happened in order, but I was at this train station when I believe I met them but it was after I was on a train for about an hour and that’s when me and the girls went somewhere. I was walking down the stairs with them, where we got to the third floor and found a door - we were supposed to take on a caregiver case together and the door we was at was the patient’s door. I rung the bell, which a lady answered “Is this Aaliyah?” And one of the girls, Cheyanne was already closer to the bell so she answered yes then that’s when we were able to get inside the patient’s home. The patient was in bed in another room, and the girls preferred me to go talk to the patient so I did. The patient mistaken me for someone else who had a birthday or something, and that’s when she needed for me to throw out some things. Me and the patient made our way to the kitchen where Cheyanne was washing dishes, and Catherine was sitting on the side with an unopened sandwich. The patient was confused about the other girl’s presence as she thought it was only me but seemed fine with it.

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