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1 May 2024
I was at the grocery store with a friend, and I think maybe I was crying at some point, but I’m not sure. After the store we went home. At home I had a hard time making meals, but I kept trying. My friend and I were waiting on our siblings to come back home . It was midnight and my brother was driving an old truck. My friend told me that if our siblings didn’t make it home by midnight, she was sure my brother would end up locked up in jail forever. And my friend told me that it would be my fault, if they didn’t make it back in time and that she would report me. Ironically, I didn’t feel upset, even though I feel like she was trying to make me feel upset because I knew I didn’t do anything wrong here. Our siblings ended up making it back in time so it all turned out OK.
My boyfriend and I went to a double date with his friend and his girl. We sat at a restaurant and the two guys started talking about switching girls for the night n having sex with each others girl. I sat and watched him cheat on me and have sex with his friends girl. When he came over to me I broke up with him and ended the relationship.
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me and my ex getting back together and doing it right this time we didn't cheat we weren't toxic but he said he missed me and that he loved me still
In todays dream I was pregnant again. My mom was pissed off and told me I needed to solve my own problems. I told her I wasn’t asking for her to help me solve them I just wanted her to know and be there for me. I was sitting in the crib I’d just built and pointed out that I had bought and built a crib all on my own. She rolled her eyes and went to town with Brian to get groceries and I stayed home. There was another part of the dream where I was setting my best friend up with the guy she’d been friends with and had a crush on. The guys best friend also pushed him to her so we were standing together and I suggested that the he and I get together since we set them up really and he acted like he didn’t want to but then flirted with me. I knew that he secretly liked me so I perused it. We were in a hot tub splashing each other when my mom came up and told me to get away from him and she was disappointed in me. Then woke up.
There was a large group of people in the hundreds marching in order for solidarity. I went up to a man who was wearing a large crucifix, but he didn't take the time to stop. I wanted to ask him what they were marching for. I then went to get into my office, but had to bend way down because the entrance was very small and lowered. My eyes were then blurry, and then they cleared up, whereby an old girlfriend, Nancy, with whom I've had an on-and-off relationship with for the past ten years and am no longer seeing, came up to me.
I am going to taiwan with my mum and dad, but it is funny that, we are in hong kong but we can sit train to taiwan without by plane to there in my dream.
I dream about that I had a pool
30 Apr 2024
I'm in a car with my mom and brother. She drives up a very high hill and there's a McDonald's. A little bit pass that, there's Dunkin donuts. We go through the Dunkin Donuts drive-through. I order a bagel with butter and cream cheese on one side and butter and avocado on the other side. The woman is a little surprise I ordered it. I know my food is almost ready but my Mom decides to leave. I ask her what if we can't find our way back. She says,"We will." The car drives all the way down the hill. We get out of the car and start pushing it. My brother doesn't want to go back in the car but I convince him to get back in. I didn't want him to be left alone because I didn't know how long it's going to take for us to push the car back up. The car starts driving on its own. My brother is out of the car with us. I'm worrying about not able to get the car back. We catch up with the car. There's an old man my brother is talking to. We start pushing the car again up the hill. We go through a building without the car. April is with us now. In the building, I see two guys. One likes me and the other likes April. But they're shy. I get to the top of the building and I can see McDonald's sign. I know which way we need to go for Dunkin Donuts. We leave the building and go pass McDonald's. We go into another building but it's the wrong way. The two guys are there as well. When I see the guy who likes me, I wanted to go to him and hug him but I didn't. They're following us trying to get the courage to ask us out. I smile.
I dreamt I was looking for new friends in the train. I also was looking for a therapist
it’s centered around a girl I was dating for about 2 months and the first person I ever fell in love with and currently in a no-contact situation that has been going on for two months. It was the both of us laughing and kissing on the couch, then the end of the dream, it was us standing apart(maybe about 20 feet apart) she was wearing the blouse she wore on our first dream, she give a slight smile, and then the dream ended
I got disowned from my family and got adopted by new people my age. I went in a car with kids from my school that I don't know, and somehow i got one a gift. Then I was staying in a log cabin with new friends.
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