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27 Apr 2024



I was with this one guy named Roger Wilco or that's one of his alias his real name is Darren or Daryl but anyhow him and I just rum around and just good friends it's just nothing special but he always get into some weird mishaps but anyhow we went down to at some point and it was like a bar club like thing and we were just talking about something then I look passed over his shoulder and I saw three guys one looks like Ares from Xenon warrior princess the other one looks like rock zombie and the third one looks like my uncle who has kind of disheveled hair but he just looked at me and just wait and I went back to him so everything seemed good and then there was some kind of Cleon person just joined them in and they were all seemed like they were happy but I didn't take notice of it but then somebody tapped me on my shoulder it was my uncle and and he was like what you doing here I was like oh I'm just here with a friend of mine and we're just on some kind of leave so we're like okay and then and then him Roger and I were just talking he eventually sat down and he felt like he was really happy to see us but he says this is my time but I have to go and be with my friends I was like okay have fun now I have to go back to work in about a few minutes I gotta go finish up gotta go finish up my food and get some pepsi and that's it and they all four amigos teamed up somewhere so Roger and I were just talking we were hearing some kind of outer spacey musical band playing so and then we just decided to go back up to our ship it was tiny raggedy good small ship that seemed like it was hold by nothing but bubblegum and super glue or something no matter what I do is always seem like something breaking down but hey it was my first it was my first new ship so now Roger Wilco and I landed lamented and what we did before we became space group workers he was telling me that he was nothing but a janitor and I said well I was a manager of a hotel I was an army brat for a little bit and I was in the army for a little bit raised a couple of kids or a few kids three or four of them and now all this workers were nothing we're just like the lowest people on the totem pole he just shrugged and said it's a living paid the bills free room free board and stuff like that hey at least I get to be ahead on my child support I was like like you a bunch of kids are growing up he's like yeah but you know full-time is college so now I still gotta pay for them even though if they're all grown up hell even the master so I got a person got to do what they got to do so yeah and I was like I'm not cooperating I was like okay I know how you feel you and your ex-wife didn't get along and me and my ex-husband didn't either I was just glad that I moved out or I moved out when the kids were all grown up and me my husband didn't see I die anymore he's like yes I know so we just went back on some kind of bridge into surreal dreams and then when nobody was around he told me that I know no matter how much you you feel like you worked may not be enough but I'm glad you're here and I looked back and I saw pieces of blood always messing up my shit I was like no and then I had two spoiled women who were badgers entitled ultimate Karen's oh my god just want to pull my hair out and then I became bald and had to wear a wig when he's a butthead and the two spoiled sisters left I we just had a five relief and then I went down with Roger Welko and he got a Golden Moth Award again. The End.




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27 Apr 2024



then I woke up in the backseat of a car that was like old-school SUV and I saw the guy that I was with on the passenger side and some really tall white guy with no the muscle-bound talking to him he was driving the SUV and for some reason we just got out parked does let me eat I guess it was like Subway or something and I went back then I saw some albino black woman her hair was blonde and she had all the black features except she was white like me and she went in got some tacos and we were just shooting the breeze about something and then few minutes later her older brother named Slego a very very light-skinned black guy with the head shaved and everything came in and we were just talking the breeze nothing special saw a dog on my right side I was just barking at something and then all of a sudden we were starting rapid-firing it was like surreal so Slego went back Slego and Memphis went back to his car and I went back to Harry's SUV I think it was a old 1995 Ford Bronco I went in and Harry just slammed on the brakes I mean not brakes I slammed on the gas and squealed and we got the hell out of there it was a tornado and for some reason it didn't hit us but it was just seemed like it was chasing so a few moments later we got into behind waste it was the wasteland of dissembled or dismembered robot parts and I and I talked to the come on talk to like Adam guy and he was like come on let's go so we went and for some reason I went up and him and I finally got up on board the Enterprise and he asked me if I was alright I said yeah and then my commander would tell me go get a physical or something go get a physical or something so I did it turned out I was fine and I was I was having some flashbangs that was happening and somebody put their hand on my shoulder and I just snipped out of it and for some reason I saw Slego Memphis and all his family we were just all talking about nothing and then for some reason it just turned out to be the board and I was like okay so my commander told me we got to go down there and get a switch to get to the heart of their ship down on the ground so we can so we can get this thing out of our heads in mind if we can go down on the ground and the ship will be collapsed we can actually go in to the heart of the matter and just destroy the ship that's hovering above the planet so so the commander and I went down and Memphis, Slego, Black Adam and Harry went together up on the ship and for some reason they decided to fly the spacecraft so they can get inside the board and destroy it so the commander and I went down and we're trying to find the wasteland with the lore and he was like I've been doing this for the longest time and we met up we got together and somehow some way we found the center of it without even trying got it being back up Slego, Slego, Harry and Black Adam even Memphis all got in and actually went in the center and destroyed the ship without even trying and then after a while for some reason I went back to the very end of the year when I graduated I was in Australia and I decided we're gonna ride in this light blue car that was a 1965 Chevy Corvair in the middle of the hot sun in Australia but whatever so me and Zeno just went in and I was just talking to her and then she tells me don't worry about the future let's just worry about here now just have some fun for once I was seeing some kangaroos jumping around some koalas up in the trees the usual Australian critters and we just rode off into sunset

27 Apr 2024



It was nighttime and I was in the desert driving a giant tractor or something like that. It was really hard to control. I was in a high rise apartment with three other women. It looked more like an office mixed with a kitchen. They were sitting at desks working on computers or talking on phones. There were dirty dishes stacked everywhere and there were more than one dish washer. I was putting away dirty dishes and silverware in the dish washers but it seemed endless and they weren’t helping. I was visiting my kids at a boarding school. They were showing me their rooms but I was sad that I didn’t get to see them everyday anymore and I didn’t want them at that school. I was in a private plane with a man. He was trying to land the plane but it was a crowded city in South America and he kept hitting shopping stands when he got lower. He finally landed the plane on a street and we ran to an apartment building. He said I have to turn myself in soon but he didn’t want to see me go. Then he made love to me

27 Apr 2024



The second dream I had tonight was a dream of my family and I enjoying a beach vacation. We went to a rental shop on the beach and rented a small boat that would take us to an island beach park. I remember my dad, aunt Connie, brother Harrison, cousin Patrick, and cousin Christine, her husband Josh, and their daughter Isabelle in the dream. We lined up and put lifejackets on. The rentals we took were lined up in lanes, and the guy that went before us was in this car and boat hybrid. I remember it being a black convertible Porsche. It was funny watching him drive off the dock and into the water and remain floating. The rental employee gave us the go ahead to get into the boat and start traveling down the lane. Most of my group was in the boat. My aunt Connie decided to take a surfboard across to the beach park island. All of the sudden, we see a gigantic wave ahead that the guy in the Porsche car/boat hybrid in front of us drives through. We thought he was going to flip over. The wave heading towards us and we gave a giant collective yell and also drove straight through the tall wave that was at least two stories tall. All of us got wet as the wave splash us as we drove through it. We laughed after all of us got through. I looked back, and my aunt Connie looked upset because she went through the wave on her surfboard, but the surfboard snapped in half and broke. We offered her a ride in our boat since there was space. We finally got to the island beach park and celebrated Isabelle’s birthday. We had balloons and cake. She opened one of her gifts which was a soccer ball. Her dad Josh kicked it over to me to try and shoot it in the soccer goal, which I wasn’t ready for, and the soccer ball rolled onto rocky gravel that I slowly tiptoed my way through to get the ball back. Once I got the ball and was on the smooth grass again, I kicked the ball back to Josh. The birthday party ended, and my dad and I finished cleaning up our area before we went back across the water in our boat.

27 Apr 2024

Dead body
Running away


Okay, there was this one dream that I was in a fighter jet getting ready to take off and then I heard a loud boom and I landed in somewhere unknown. I was unconscious for a little bit and then my father woke me up and I asked what happened to my co-pilot and he said they couldn't find the body. But then once we found the body, it turned out that he was dead. He had dark hair, dark eyes, without skin and his name, which I had on my dog tag, was Luis. So we buried Luis and we made this trek to where my mother picked me up and we were just looking around this big old mansion. It was like really huge. I went up the stairs but then for some reason I didn't. So we were just talking, just standing by the stairs, just talking about nothing. And then for some reason I went up and went to sleep and some guy with black hair, blue eyes was saying, come on, let's go, let's go and there was bombing like everywhere. So we made a rush and it looked like it was a big old border tag. We didn't know what was going on and then all of a sudden I was back up on the Enterprise. Ding, ding. And then for some reason he got transported to the ship, but I wasn't. I was running around for a little bit and then I saw somebody from Blackjack that looked like Throck and I was just scaring, I was just like, I don't know what happened. So for some reason I hit my head and I was waking up on the stone bed and I just, being every fiber said I need to get the hell out of there, but that dude just wouldn't let me go. And they tell him we gotta go. I gotta get back to where I came from or else we could perish. Lo and behold, I saw that he was levitating and flying and I was just jumped out and I ran and then he get in front of me. He told me, don't be afraid. I know who you are. He told me that he had lost a son in some plane crash. He looked at my dog tag and tears were welling up in his eyes, I was like, he was your son or somebody you know. He was obviously upset and told me that he lost his son. I asked if he had any kids. He said one grandkid and was a single dad. So for some reason he lifted me up and carried me to that place where the plane crash took place and I was like, yeah. So I was asking him where was his grandson and he told me that his sister was taking care of him. So I was like, just let me go back to my ship and I'll leave you alone. I wouldn't do anything, I wouldn't say anything. I'll let you do what you gotta do, just leave me out of this. He was telling me I am involved if I like it or not. I was like, wait what? I know you're devastated but I need to go back to the ship. I need to let my captain know that we are in peril. So he let me back down to the ship of the Enterprise where my commander had went back up. So I did and nothing happened. A couple weeks later there was a couple of explosions, it was like missile airstrikes or phaser airstrikes. So I was yelling out, Black Phantom, don't leave me. So somebody geared me back to some foxhole or some trench looking thing and I looked and I see a whole bunch of people getting stabbed and they were screaming in agony. And then I looked up and there was fear in his eyes, immense fear and sadness. We ran and then we went to some place that looked like in New Mexico where a bunch of people looked like they were Aztecs, ancient people and I guess this one guy he was like a medicine man. So we went up and we were talking to him and then I looked back behind and somebody just was trying to stab me in the back and I just woke up.

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