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24 May 2024



I dreamt I was graduating highschool again and there were a lot of steps I walked the stage or “steps” like 3 times to really soak it in and afterwards I felt the same sadness when I graduated in real life nd left highschool I felt like I everything was leaving me and all that I knew was gone, and I had no clue who I was without seeing the same people or going to the same school or having something lined up for me to go afterwards, in my dream I choose a college but I didn’t feel confident about it just like in real life,

24 May 2024



I was sitting on a couch with my good friend, and we were conversing with a man and his son in the room. I was wearing a robe that kept opening up, which made me keep having to close it. The sin was holding a guitar and I asked the son if he played guitar and bass. He said he did. I asked the son if he knew how to play funky bass rhythms. My friend and I started giggling a little. The son asked, “what do you mean?” I said, you know funky like “brown chicken brown cow .” My friend and started laughing but the father angrily grabbed my face and turned it towards him, and said, “my sons not black!” I was confused and jerked my face away and told him that’s not what I meant and sing the bass line for him. He realized he made a mistake and the son understood what I was asking. The son continued by playing a funky bass rhythm on his guitar. My face was throbbing with pain and was feeling angry. I was looking to find the man in isolation so I could tell him how I felt. I had a red mark on my face from where he had grabbed.




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24 May 2024



I was in an empty two-story house upstairs with my baby. The sun was going down and zombies started appearing in the house. The would come up the stairs and all I had to fight them was an axe. I would axe them right in the head but it took a lot of hits to kill them. More and more kept coming and it was getting harder to keep them away from my baby. I screamed for my husband to come help me but he never showed up. I saw a game console and realized that I might be in a game. I ran towards it an pulled all of the plugs. They slowly started to disappear. I was outside walking my husky when a beautiful fox came up to me. I touched its head and told the fox how pretty it was and then it walked away. I thought I was very fortunate to have the chance to touch a fox and it not run away. I walked up to a building where I found my husband talking with a group of people. He pointed at some dogs and said there’s a cute dog over there. I looked at the dogs and said I don’t see any cute dogs, only mine. He started talking to a woman in the group and complimenting her telling her he really liked her style. It made me so mad because he never compliments me. I looked at him angry and gave him the middle finger. The woman said she didn’t like his style or anything about him. I thanked her for saying that.

24 May 2024

Killer whales


My son and myself and my mother and aunt and a few other family members decided to go on a trip to a private island where there was an amusement park. All the children had luxury areas where they could swim and play with other kids while parents and the other adults had a different side. We were surrounded by tall mountains in an exotic environment like a rainforest mixed with exotic tropics but it was cold. We got to see killer whales up close as they swam around us and did amazing tricks. They were all from the amusement park non were wild. I was talking to one of the instructors about it. When we all were relaxed I asked my mother and aunt who were with me where Eli my son was, they told me not to worry and just relax, I had an unsettling feeling and wanted to go find him but then he suddenly came out of nowhere and sat next to me as we swam while night time broke out and we were watching something on a scream that was projected over the mountain. He started talking a lot and I asked him to stop, when he didn’t I held him close and whispered in his ear to stop or else he would be on time out, but he had this wicked smile and tested my patience. I covered him mouth as I started counting from 1-3 but by the time I was getting to 3 he completely changed. He started to attack all the people around us, I watched in horror as he went from one person to the other as he started to destroy children and parents but they were all machines, not all but most of the children as well started to attack there parents. I had to dodge, block and attack back and my body started to work as a machine as well. I was so confused and scared of what was happening to my body. The only people left was my and my mother and aunt as well as my son. We were suddenly trapped in a boat of some kind and I had to calm my son down. We all were scared and my son was confused. I held him close and talked about our good memories. We got our things that we could to pack and get up to a few floors, but suddenly my son turned red in the eyes and started to attack, my body responded as I tried to block and protect my mother and aunt as I told them to get to the other floors, throwing my son back to block his path as I closed a few doors. When we got to the level of where we could get picked up by the trains, we were about to pass but then my son killed my mother, and tried to attack my aunt but I held him back. My aunt grabbed her bag and bricked him back into the double doors where I had to seal it 4 times and a one way trip to a different direction. I felt sad and more confused why he was attacking but my mind was also racing with my own body’s changes and how I had gotten so much stronger. Me and my aunt looked on mortified because we needed a way out but in her bag was the last chance for our tickets back and money. We asked a fellow robotic man to held us and he brought us carts to get on, my aunt found her wallet and paid for our trip. It was her last amount of money and our last chance, we got on the metal carts and unsure how far it would take us. Suddenly we were transported to a different machine one that took us through loops and brass gears with different colors that looked like portals. The song sweat dreams was playing in the background, I asked the robot man what it was and as he was explaining I woke up

24 May 2024



I'm having a weird dream. I am at a beach. I'm at the beach with my friends and we had to get some kind of drug I think to make me get better or something. There is a pastor too and me and my friends are trying on our own to talk to this old Chinese lady but she's really not cooperative and will only give a certain amount and make us pay overprice. So the pastor walks in and wants to help by taking this Chinese lady into the water, dipping her under and saying God will never forgive you and he will let you drown if I let you. And we get to get back into the beach. She has her daughter there which is kind of dying from not eating and we have food but the pastor says no food. She can't get any of our food as long as you are denying to give us what we want. If you give us what we want for a reasonable price your daughter can get food. And then my dream kind of stopped. I never got ending on what is going to happen with this lady or me.

24 May 2024



I dreamt I was on a cruise and we landed on an island so I left my room and went to find the buffet area but I wasn't really hungry so I disembarked to do activities on the island with a really good friend I met on the boat, we ended up going to some place where they have different goats behind different doors, we decided with a few other people to go see the cutest goats that were very small too so we went through the door with that type of goat activities, when we got there there was a tour guide and hundreds of people who were waiting until it was very full to start, I didn't understand what we were doing so I took my bag with me and then I realized it was a physical activity where we are running around catching goats and the goats are chasing us around too and jumping in our arms, after the first round I went back to the start to put my bag down and went back, we get deeper and deeper into this maze of different areas like a poop section for goats, a classroom etc. Then we finally got far in when we noticed something was off and they were actually killing people, so we had to find our way back down to the exit, we ran through different sections including a massive theater where we almost took a wrong door, but there was an alien that looked through it for us and learned it was a trapped that ended up letting out a jaguar that started killing everyone in the theater but me and my friend found the right exit and my friend helped me slip through the crawlspace and we managed to escape with some other people who survived whatever area they came from. We all took a shower and got cleaned up but then noticed these people in uniform with guns walking down the hallways looking for us so we had to sneak out behind them but their boss lady found us and one of the armed guys tried shooting me but I dared him and I ended up breaking his gun bending it towards him and shooting him with it and we dragged the evil boss woman out by her hair but she didn't care because she claimed to have been raised on much worst abuse. But we escaped and me and my friend appreciated each other so much after this.

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