24 May 2024
My son and myself and my mother and aunt and a few other family members decided to go on a trip to a private island where there was an amusement park. All the children had luxury areas where they could swim and play with other kids while parents and the other adults had a different side. We were surrounded by tall mountains in an exotic environment like a rainforest mixed with exotic tropics but it was cold. We got to see killer whales up close as they swam around us and did amazing tricks. They were all from the amusement park non were wild. I was talking to one of the instructors about it. When we all were relaxed I asked my mother and aunt who were with me where Eli my son was, they told me not to worry and just relax, I had an unsettling feeling and wanted to go find him but then he suddenly came out of nowhere and sat next to me as we swam while night time broke out and we were watching something on a scream that was projected over the mountain. He started talking a lot and I asked him to stop, when he didn’t I held him close and whispered in his ear to stop or else he would be on time out, but he had this wicked smile and tested my patience. I covered him mouth as I started counting from 1-3 but by the time I was getting to 3 he completely changed. He started to attack all the people around us, I watched in horror as he went from one person to the other as he started to destroy children and parents but they were all machines, not all but most of the children as well started to attack there parents. I had to dodge, block and attack back and my body started to work as a machine as well. I was so confused and scared of what was happening to my body. The only people left was my and my mother and aunt as well as my son. We were suddenly trapped in a boat of some kind and I had to calm my son down. We all were scared and my son was confused. I held him close and talked about our good memories. We got our things that we could to pack and get up to a few floors, but suddenly my son turned red in the eyes and started to attack, my body responded as I tried to block and protect my mother and aunt as I told them to get to the other floors, throwing my son back to block his path as I closed a few doors. When we got to the level of where we could get picked up by the trains, we were about to pass but then my son killed my mother, and tried to attack my aunt but I held him back. My aunt grabbed her bag and bricked him back into the double doors where I had to seal it 4 times and a one way trip to a different direction. I felt sad and more confused why he was attacking but my mind was also racing with my own body’s changes and how I had gotten so much stronger. Me and my aunt looked on mortified because we needed a way out but in her bag was the last chance for our tickets back and money. We asked a fellow robotic man to held us and he brought us carts to get on, my aunt found her wallet and paid for our trip. It was her last amount of money and our last chance, we got on the metal carts and unsure how far it would take us. Suddenly we were transported to a different machine one that took us through loops and brass gears with different colors that looked like portals. The song sweat dreams was playing in the background, I asked the robot man what it was and as he was explaining I woke up