24 May 2024
I had a my first lucid dream. I realized it was a vivid dream, because in the dream I was in my bedroom with my boyfriend John - it was starting to get a little sexual/romantic but I stop because I saw my family coming out from the house and for some reason I could see completely clearly out of my bedroom window which is normally covered. I looked out of the window and I saw my mom do a gymnastics maneuver like a front walk over that I knew she couldn’t do and I realized it was a dream.
I actually told John that I was lucid dreaming, and now that I’m thinking about it I wonder if as a non-playable entity in that scenario he tried to distract me from the fact that I knew maybe I wasn’t really supposed to announce that I knew. I’m not sure, that’s sort of my theory right now though. I’ve never had a dream like that before it felt completely real most of the time, and I was so aware of what was going on and I was actually able to manipulate it a little bit and do things and that’s a literally never ever happened before and I’m over joyed that it did so back to the dream. As soon as I realized, what was going on, I quickly went to work started trying to see what else I could do in the dream and I was able to do a few different things, but then dream John (who was kind of inside of my closet/wardrobe thingy, and manage to be fitting in there, even though that defies logic of physics) started telling me a story that I really didn’t like some thing about a dead dog that his dad had found or heard about which had been stabbed and it’s private parts being mutilated. As soon as he started telling me that story I basically wanted him to stop because it started taking my attention away from the pleasantness. It was just too gruesome and I don’t know if he was upset or offended by that, but he didn’t seem to like that. I asked him to stop. I realized that I couldn’t control the dream as much as I wanted to, and maybe that was just because I didn’t know how to do that I didn’t fully believe I could. Maybe it’s because I said it out loud? I change some things about the dream, but John suddenly disappeared, and I was all alone. But I wasn’t worried. And then I myself did a handstand, at first I tried, and I didn’t do it very easily because I didn’t think that I could or I thought that it was going to be dependent on my actual real life, physical prowess. As soon as I should be able to do it for sure I was able to do it very easily, and then I was sort of floating the air and was even able to adjust my hands while upside-down. The only odd thing was that I was doing it between where my bed and the cat closet is, and in the dream it felt like that space was very narrow and then I was basically being squeezed by it, so when I did the handstand, my hip sort of picked up the part of my bed, where the curtains hang from, but doing a handstand at that point was incredibly easy because I wanted to see what else I could do. I felt a little sexually frustrated and so I wanted to imagine John came back, but I wasn’t able to make him materialize again I think this is partially because I couldn’t convince myself in that moment that I could or it was possibly because I was disturbed by what he had said before and I didn’t fully want him to come through. I’m not sure. But I wanted to play with myself, so I laid down in the bed fully clothed with my feet facing for the head of the bed, and as I was looking up at the wall I saw that there was a Minecraft style painting, with a bunch of hotdogs on it. It was like a hotdog tree in hotdog grass and a hotdog flying through the sky. And in that moment I realized that this is a game or at least I could play it like a game. Suddenly it shifted in a way that felt like I was waking up at first but very quickly. It was clear that that wasn’t what was happening. Suddenly it was like I was watching a screen without seeing the edges of the screen that I was a character from what I thought was Krapopolis. I was hippo, but hippo had like this long orange hair - at one point the animation shifted from sort of the normal animation style that was originally presented to a pixelated style and then back and it was like he reacted to that happening. They were like observing a bridge or like a ramp, or some thing and talking about how they needed to get into a Town and there was the theme of stars. I knew that this was actually very important and I tried my best to listen and I heard him talking and referencing stars a few times but the very last thing that I remember before I woke up was him saying “we need to get that star fire back”after that I immediately woke up. Before I realized it was a dream I remember that I was eating some jelly beans that were in a mixed box of taffy and jelly beans. The very last one of the three I ate was a popcorn flavored jelly bean which I thought was John’s favorite flavor. Also there was like some sort of takeout food that John had left in the room that I was eating. And there was a cat that definitely wasn’t marshmallow who I thought may have started to eat the food at one point before I shooed her away.