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5 Jun 2024



I was in a place like a school compound thing, and me and my friend/roomate wanted to leave which wasn't allowed but we tried to run away anyway and I was caught by someone and they brought me to this elevator platform thing (no walls just a circle in the ground that moved down) and they were showing me a bunch of monsters they had made, just huge walls full of inactive monsters that they could use whenever they wanted, to show they could send any one they wanted after me as a threat for trying to leave, then one big monster got loose and it was super tall with lots of legs like the bottom half looked like a cell tower almost but the top was more like an animal and I was running from the monster and trying to get back up where I came from and then when I got back up there I managed to kick the monster back into the hole and close it again and then this guy came up to me and told me I got the part as Spiderman in his movie so then I was acting as Spiderman and I was so excited to be in a movie and watch it when it came out and at one point we got to one of the last scenes and I was in the dressing room joking around with my two stunt doubles (one of them was the streamer Slimecicle so that was really cool) and then I was trying to get ready for the scene without them and I was struggling to get the bald cap on right to get the wig on over it, I was struggling cause my hair wouldn't all stay in but eventually I managed to do the last scene and then I was telling my dad about it and how spiders was originally gonna be played by Tom Holland and he was in the original preview but then something happened so he wouldn't do the movie anymore and we watched a part and then I woke up.




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5 Jun 2024



I dreamt that my boyfriend and I were going to visit an old friend of his. When we arrived, we were welcomes into the home. The man had three dogs. Immediately, on started peeing on the floor. I was embarrassed but he didn’t care. He poured some wine into the urine and said “they will lick it up if you pour a drop of wine on it”. Immediately the other dog started urinating as well. I gifted the man some packaged dog toys. He seemed disinterested in me. I noticed that each time I spoke I felt uncomfortable and the conversation was sort of shift to make what I said rude or inaccurate or I was otherwise not given much credit. I was trying hard to be polite but it was clear the effort was either unwanted or unnecessary. At one point I started sobbing and left the house, I went to hide outside. My partner and the friend found me. The man started saying something along the lines of “if you’re going to bring some sort of gift basket, you could have at least pulled over (while driving here) to open all the packaging. that is what a courteous guest would have done” and I remember feeling upset and wanting to go home before I woke up

5 Jun 2024



I had three dreams last night. Dream 1: This dream was weird. It was set up like a mix of real events and tv show events. What I mean by that is that dream me would experience something by herself, would see something else happen immediately afterwards, and then comment on it like it was a tv show. Anyway, onto the dream. The dream started of with my boyfriend, my sister, and I driving to a hotel. We had been traveling and needed a place to rest. Once we found a hotel, the hotel manager took us to this small glass house and told us to sleep well. While we were sleeping, I saw the hotel manager enter a secret bunker. Thinking that she’s up to no good, I woke up my sister and my boyfriend and told them that we need to leave. My sister and I get into the car and start driving, but my boyfriend gets left behind. Then, this random blonde girl riding a black cloud comes out of nowhere and starts yelling at my boyfriend. She says that she’s his ex-girlfriend and that she wants revenge on him. Then, dream me comments on the girl saying: “Hey, it’s nice to see her again. We haven’t seen her since season one.” After I finished my comment, I teleported to my house. Before I could process what just happened, my sister told me to grab my backpack and step outside. I did just that and saw a school bus waiting for us outside. Before we could get on the bus however, an evil wizard comes out of nowhere and teleports me and my sister into a magical, fantasy land. While we were there, I became a servant to the king and queen, and my sister became a traveler. One day, I get pranked on by the evil wizard by making me think I had transformed into a humanoid goat creature. I start to cry before going to confront him. He denies everything, but I find a way to prove that it was him. After that, I went to a fancy hotel and found my sister. We both relaxed together before finding our way back home. Dream 2: This dream is the shortest out of all of them. Anyway, in this dream, I was playing a real life version of “Five Nights At Freddy’s.” My friends would pretend to be the evil animatronics, and I would pretend to be the night guard. If they got into my room, I would lose the game. We decided to take turns, and I became the night guard first. I did awesome and made it through the night. Afterwards, my late grandma appeared and became the new night guard. I told everyone to go easy on her since she was new to the game. They did as I said, but she still lost. After that, I went for a walk, saw a white cat and a small dog, ran into my neighbors, and went back home. Once I got home, I looked out the window and saw a floating factory in the sky. Suddenly, the factory exploded and a bunch of lava came flowing out of it. I went to warn everybody and they called a rescue team to come save us. The rescue team arrived the same time the lava did. Everyone got rushed onto helicopters and were taken to safety. After a few minutes, only a handful of people were left, and only one helicopter was available. My boyfriend and my late grandma helped me get on the helicopter. I told them to follow me, but they refused. They each had a different reason as to why they couldn’t get on. My late grandma said that her old bones wouldn’t allow her to get on the helicopter, and my boyfriend said that it was too expensive for him. After that, the helicopter flew away, and I watched as the lava overtook the building. Dream 3: This dream was a mix of real life and tv shows. There were a lot of cartoon characters and real people in this dream. Anyway, this dream started off my dream me watching a tv show. In the show “SpongeBob SquarePants” was talking to a white cat that was secretly evil. The cat turned on an arcade machine that was connected to a computer and attempted to throw SpongeBob into it. Before I could watch the end of the show, my dad told me to go to school. Once I got to school, I was given my class schedule and started walking around the school. Everything went fine until I got to my third class, my Spanish class. Once I got there, my sister and I started talking about all the supposed traumatic events that dream me has gone through. The teacher started asking questions, so I started explaining everything to her and the class. After I was done explaining, my teacher opened a secret door and started showing me a bunch of paintings. The paintings had descriptions about what happened to dream me. Both dream me and her sister were shocked that this room and the paintings existed. They both went to the bathroom to calm down. After they came back to class, the teacher showed them a small figurine that supposedly held a dark spirit inside of it. My sister takes it and accidentally breaks it. My sister and I try to fix it, but it was too late, the evil spirit had been unleashed. The first thing that he did was pull me into the same dimension as every single cartoon character ever. Then, he told me that he was going to form an army before he ran away from me. After that, I went to form my own army. After a few cartoon shenanigans went down, I finally got to fight the evil spirit. Both of our armies were equally matched though, so we had to think of a different way to solve things. After a short discussion, we decided to have everyone vote on the outcome. You could either vote for the evil spirit to be locked away again and stay on Earth, or you could vote to follow the evil spirit into space. After the cartoon characters had a few moments to talk and think about it, the votes were tallied up. 32% said that they wanted to stay on Earth, while 67% said that they wanted to follow the evil spirit into space, and then 1% of people said they were find with both outcomes. This confused dream me because she thought everyone would want to stay on earth. She desperately tried to convince everyone to change their minds, but they weren’t budging. So, she decided to just seal the evil spirit away once again. After that, she went back to school and finished her Spanish class. Those were my dreams from last night.

5 Jun 2024

Gas Station


I had a dream that someone was messing with my car and then the girl was a bitch and I was telling her that’s my car that’s my car! Because she was going after someone else’s car that she thought was this other girls car and then she messed up my car in a rage and so I kicked her in the shins really hard to make her stop and then she fell down. When she got up she must have made me mad again because then I was chasing her barefoot down sidewalks of a busy street with highways and gas stations. But when I was chasing her I got like locked in usually I’m slow when I run in my dream, but this time i kicked off my shoes and was pushing myself off the ground with every step and she got further at first but then I was gaining on her I was catching up and I eventually caught her. But once I caught her I realized I didn’t know where I was anymore, so I started to retrace my steps to see what was familiar. I thought I was making my way back but I saw a river, and it was beautiful. I saw 2 people in the river walking towards me and I turn around and there’s an open train car. I get out of the train car to put my feet in the water to splash around and then I was worried about leeches so I get out and I look at my feet and I had tights on? So my feet were protected, the tights were a little ratty at this point. Then I hop back on the train with these people and they pull me in. In the train car it looked like a little cabin everything was wood, there were benches with pillows to sit on and there were windows with curtains to look out, we were the last car because the back also had a window. I had no idea where we’re going. I talk to the people but I look out and I see these rolling hills, there was a house that was put together with 2 big books and I wanted to take a picture but I couldn’t get it open on my phone fast enough it was gone. Then I saw this pastel castle in some other hills and it looked like there was a town attached to it it was also so beautiful and cool. Then the train goes into a huge elaborate city made of glass sky scrapers, fountains, and there was a big Christmas tree with lights laying diagonal on purpose infront of a store. When I put my camera to the sky it was like you couldn’t see the sky, it was squares going up. I started to wonder if we were going the right way, because clearly I didn’t remember all of this from my run, but the people assured me that it was the right way and that the train would get me back.

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