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28 Apr 2024



I went to the beach and began swimming in the ocean and all of a sudden my son swam towards me (which is weird because he’s 6 and hasn’t learned how to effectively swim.) but he was a merman and he told me to look down and I realized I had a mermaid tail. Looking around I see my husband who’s also a merman. It was kind of odd that we lived in a structure similar to king Tritons castle….




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

28 Apr 2024



This dream was just about everywhere. First it started off with me entering this really cool event in this huge and homey penthouse, dark wood colors and greens. The light was shining in through the older looking windows. I thought to myself “wait, I’ve been here before, and I remember looking to my left and seeing who I was supposed to meet up with then leaving” but this time, I decided not to leave but rather just explore the event. It was a huge mixture of women that were artists, psychics, or that had their own businesses. I did worry about if I should be there but I chose to pull through and build up the confidence to walk over to my new group of friends. Everything at this event seems like it was taken from the deep parts of my mind - I just loved anything and everything there at the event and connected so well with all the items and people. I then bump into a woman who is a psychic and she immediately starts telling me of my love life. She was a white woman, older with blue eyes. She had a head wrap on and she held my hand as she told me my soul mate is someone who I am avoiding meeting with (one of the girls in the new friend group) and that her and I will share a deep and genuine connection along with beauty. I pictured Janai in my mind. Then the dream switched around to me being a completely different person, a younger girl with curly long brown hair and I was in a laundry mat of some sort. I had alot going on is all I could remember from this. The dream switched around again to me trying a THC soda, and then my younger siblings trying it with me too. They ended up liking it so much that we went all around to dispensaries looking for some fun THC treats to try. I then bump into my ex Jeremy and some of his friends and a random girl. His car looks like it would be an old one off of scooby doo. It had lights and velvet seats, and multiple rows of seats to sit in. It seemed like I kept making comments to him about our relationship and how I expected some things to never change. And everytime we got into the car, he kept letting this random girl into the front seat instead of me. This time around though I was actually vocalizing more of my issues instead of surprising them. It made me reflect on the relationship while sitting in the back seat of the car and I just kept thinking why did I stay for so long? And that he was clearly into someone else. I kept looking down at my hand in which I was holding an amethyst. I looked to my sister genna to the right of me and I noticed the amethyst started shining very brightly, until its light encapsulated me and I woke up.

28 Apr 2024



Was in the dark town, where the sun never rose, and there were monsters and beasts more than people, and I had the awesome powers to transform into a dragon. I could fly, Spit fire, roar and could still talk. And I retained some of those powers even when I changed back like the power of the roar and the fire. as I explored the skies and roads I found an area that I quickly discovered belonged to a great lion that would challenge me and ask questions later. he attacked first but didn’t stand a chance I defeated him and other powerful beasts revealed themselves but they were like me they could change and become people on command and so could the lion. We all talked things out and became good friends after a while the lion too was actually really timid he said he attacked because I had scared him. But the peace didn’t last we were all chilling in a tavern when something outside came to level the place things came to attack the building through the roof a friend of mine was an ice dragon he grabbed me and the lion and we flew through a hole in the roof. the land was darker than usual and a fiery aurora blazed above us, something dark attacked him mid air he went down but dropped us through the roof of us home. We couldn’t change back into our more powerful forms, we were stuck as people but retained some of our abilities. I wanted to go to find the ice dragon but my the lion was injured and too scared to go outside without his powers, so I found him a good hiding spot and headed out to search for our friends. I got lost searching and found a very hostile man he realized he couldn’t defeat me but he could summon monsters from another realm, they would have killed me if they hadn’t turned on each other too. I escaped but was torn up pretty bad

28 Apr 2024



I was in my childhood backyard the swing set had the swings too low to use. A neighbor asked about them I couldn’t describe what happened. Then I turn around there is a picnic table. Lauren my sister, Gaby and Priti my friend were at the table, Lauren kept taking pictures of me with a big camera that looked like a Nikon but was a Polaroid. I was telling the group how I felt trapped and survived an attempt at taking my own life, I had graduated college and been a teacher, I had to move back in with my parents who thought I was incompetent and so they signed me up for 3rd grade as a 30 year old. I kept trying to tell everyone in the class, the teacher, the principal that my knowledge was beyond that of 8 years old but no one believed me. I kept on pausing the story when my mom came back to give the picnic table food and went back to the kitchen, my sister Lauren went to take pictures of my mother in the kitchen to document the moment and of her cutting food in the kitchen. They had strawberries at the table, we didn’t know what to do with the tops and threw them on the grass in front of us, my dad popped his head over from over the fence where he was cutting the hedges that grew too tall in the neighbors yard. He said he would bring them to the compost later. Gaby said she drank her own urine and everyone thought she was joking so we laughed, but she was serious so we said you shouldn’t drink your own pee. Eventually I kept trying to tell my story about being put in the third grade when I was 30 and no one was listening still, my sister looked at me like I was talking nonsense, Lauren took a Polaroid of me in that moment, she signed a note it was a quote from Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ 100 years of solitude, I didn’t quite know what it meant because I didn’t understand the Spanish.

28 Apr 2024



we started bringing stray cats onto our porch cause when we got rid of the one that was mean to my cat Kirby we just started finding more and each one that showed up I asked if they were mean to Kirby but they weren't, but there was like 10 other cats that were all friends with Kirby and we talked about getting them spayed and neutered, and then we went out to mow the lawn together for some reason, and then like halfway through it I saw a husky and I went to pet it but then I noticed there was a person with the dog so I stopped and she had her kid with her and when I turned the corner there were some other kids too, and they were looking at pumpkins my grandma had planted between my room and the porch, there were a few different types, and one of the kids took one and my grandma talked about needing to take good care of the pumpkins for the kids so appreciate they were supposed to do that, I asked about a pumpkin exchange as we walked to the front door because there was a blue painted one left on the front step for us, and then the real Kirby woke me up.

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