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15 Jun 2024
I had court and my sister picked me up in her car. We went to this drive through scanning area to get in. We parked after that and walked in. It was a bit of a struggle because I was a priority guest and they didn’t believe me at first. It was almost like a venue but I was just there to do court and everyone else was there for other reasons. We walked outside afterwards and other family was there like my dad. And we were happy because court went really well.
Having sex with my ex husband
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I dreamed about a forest and spirits shining in golden light
we were a random guy came into this random apartment with me my sister my brother and my dad in it and decided that he wanted to buy a child and looked at my sister and said i want that one my dad said how much you willing to pay and the dude said how ever much it costs and my dad said how about you pay me your life like threatening to kill him.and then my dad said you should take my brother and the random guy said no i want THAT one pointing at my sister and then my dad said get out and the dude just left
14 Jun 2024
I am in a sort of underground tunnel with lots of other women in swimming suits. There is a glass wall and door in front of us. Behind the glass is a stone staircase leading upwards. A man in a suit opens the door for us and we rush up the stairs with me in front. The stairs lead up to an overgrown cave that we walk out of and into a small complex of three outdoor swimming pools filled with people. It’s all made out of stone and seems like an old roman ruin or something like that. I jump in the pool closest to me and start swimming but realise the water stings my eyes without goggles. I come up and rest against the wall where I see my friends I’ve known since childhood that I have mostly drifted away from these days: Euan, Umair, and Finn. We get out of the pool and sit at a wooden table with lots of other people and food between us. Umair starts talking about how his brother swims alongside sharks with his eyes closed for up to six minutes at a time while meditating and that he wouldn’t feel any fear. We’re all impressed by such a feat and we wonder how you begin training yourself to do such a thing. Euan and Umair start talking about a video game they have been playing together and I feel excluded from the conversation. I get up and walk back into the cave repeating the mantra, ‘Hare Rama, Rama Krishna, Krishna Hare, Hare Krishna,’ and feel myself become at peace with the present moment. I walk back to the pool and see that somehow everybody has disappeared apart from a child who is starting to leave. I see a toy ship in the furthest pool from me that shoots out water. I feel like I remember this place from my childhood and from early holidays. I start wandering around and say ‘you don’t miss it until it’s gone.’ I feel sad and a sort of longing to re-experience those times so I look into the waters of one of the pools and try to remember a moment from my childhood. I can’t quite do it but still feel a sort of nostalgia for the whole place while at the same time still residing in my peaceful awareness of the present moment.
I’m in my living room late at night with my girlfriend Colleen. We are having a good time chatting and becoming intimate with one another, making out and etc. I’m on top of her and looking at her face and she looks at mine, she tells me ‘I love you Myles’ and I’m a little uncomfortable that she used my deadname rather than my chosen name ‘Ellen’ but I figure it was an accidental mistake and move past it. I walk into the kitchen and see my Dad who has come from downstairs and hasn’t been able to hear me or Colleen. He talks to me briefly as he pours himself water and mentions my mother is in the backroom which is also downstairs which is unexpected to me as normally she wouldn’t be up at this hour. I hear her coming out and so scamper into the living room hoping she hasn’t heard me or Colleen and we run out of the house together. Outside is not the way it is in reality. There is a big hill that we run up and at the top is an old mansion with a gate. I recognise this as part of my house also. There are people waiting at the gate, middle aged and in formal attire. A woman holds a vase and asks to come in to offer her condolences. I open the gate for them and guide them inside at which point Colleen goes off on her own. Inside there is an old man sleeping in a bed who is sick, I wake him and tell him that there are people here to offer condolences. All the middle age people gather in one room and I bring him into it so that they can be together. Although he is being woken at 2am he seems cheery to see everyone and they talk loudly. I walk outside that room and in the hallway sitting on the ground are children and teenagers and young adults. I sit with them, we are the children of this strange family. Eventually I leave again to find Colleen. Outside I see Colleen walking with her friend Mhari who in real life is someone who I like. In the dream she is somewhat insidious, influencing Colleen to go back down to my house, I tell her ‘no’ that it’s a bad idea since my Mum could find out about us but they won’t listen and insist on going down the hill. About halfway down we see my Mum walking up the hill so we all run and hide in the bushes as she and my Dad walk past us.
I have strange dream.. I change a new job where I’m the driver and driving a woman who give instructions to drive her with big truck and ask me stops whenever -and she will jump back into the truck. Then we receive a call, she ask me to drive then we drive to a scene where there is dead body.. she jump out and ask me to wait. I got scared I drive the truck up the hill. And she jump back in. And I saw so many vitamins, body, bicycle and research place. Then finally I found out the dead body were murdered.
I was terrified seeing a girl with black hair and terrifying face that didnt look human wanting to destroy my life and that she was the reason every thing happening in my waking life is her. I guess because the same day i saw my crush kissing another girl in real life so maybe it was bc i was sad
I was hanging out a motorcycle gang looking for an ex from a long time past. There was booze and drugs all over the place. I went into the building that the party was outside of and I saw my old club I worked at. The music was the same, the clientele the same, and the pour system the same. But outside and inside had polar opposite people. Outside all white, inside was all black. And yet nowhere did I find Robert.
I had a kind of dream or vision that while I was praying a meditation I kind of fell asleep. I don't know where I got into this but I saw a live picture that I was in my church and in the place that we are gathering and having coffee everybody's sitting around the tables and talking and having coffee and me and my friend who sharing something together and he's also my ex but we are still very close friend but not in a relation so I was walking passing him and he hold my hand and then I was dancing and spinning and coming to his hug and I feel kind of safe but at the same time I was a bit uncertain about people around judgment
I don’t live in a place where it snows so I assume I was on vacation. Me and my two uncles were playing in snow, I was around 8 or 9 when I had this dream. One of the uncles in the dream I had not seen in a while as he’s in the army and lives across the country the other was my 15 year old uncle that passed away when I was 7. It was a very sentimental dream I ended up having twice.
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