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16 Jun 2024



i was at work and there was a new guy, he was checking all of the doors and seeing the strength of it - i was worried and told everyone he’s trying to harm us. Everyone left but my manager, we all ran out and ended up in an suburban area, one I haven’t recognised before. Trees and big houses, ended up splitting from my co-workers and ran into a white house with a nice garden from fear, opened the door and there was a man walking up to me, I ran out scared and instead of running away completely i levitated into the universe, reaching heaven, where I was met with my deceased mother. She told me things, i forgot exactly what she said but it was comforting, i then get transported to being in a living room with my sister, and we had ordered food but it was being served by two asian people, the third man came in, who had our food said “got two meals, both wings and rice” and then when being served, it was actually one wings and rice, which was my sisters and wings and thick chips for me - however the thick chips were a bit undercooked and looked greasy. They served it out in front of me and my sister but was putting a lot of seasoning on top of the chicken wings and chips, adding lumps of seasoning powder and lemon juice - before we could eat it, i woke up.

16 Jun 2024



Was at the metrodome, was wondering where home plate was there in relation to target field. Was sitting but the baseball game had finished long ago. Richie was there and my family, my dad and sister already left. Richie somehow had a tape measure that went from the roof of the metrodome but didn’t go all the way down, his tape measure only went to 280 feet. We were looking for his grandma to head home before the metrodome was going to be demolished the next day to build US bank stadium. We found his grandma, somehow Richie could close down the lights at the metrodome there were maybe a dozen other people sitting in the stands, he shut down the lights. Then I started singing “hello darkness my old friend” and everyone started singing “sound of silence” by Simon and Garfunkel and smiling as a goodbye to the metrodome one last time as we walked out the windy doors.




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16 Jun 2024



Inside my childhood home. It's storming and raining badly outside. Trees are blowing and even falling down. I open the front door to get my cat Casper inside. Many people sitting around. The ceiling starts to leak and then caves in one spot as water is pouring in a little. My ex's mother says Taya should leave since she has her own place now. I got really mad at up in her face. She was smaller than me all of a sudden. She sat down. I told her how I was done with her off the shoulder comments towards me. That I do not have my own place to stay now. That I'm on the couch with my daughter every night now. She shut up. I woke up. (In wakelife I have broken up with my boyfriend that I was ready to leave) I also remember a flash of being held or being in someone lap. A bright red flannel shirt and just smelling his scent. Faceless man. I felt I missed the person or I was craving them. I thought is this my ex? Do I miss him? But then said no, I don't want this to be him. I don't miss him.

16 Jun 2024

Old woman


Earth had been invaded by two alien species. One species wanted to destroy myself and those that are like me, that were created by the other alien species that was trying to save us. We were a genetic creation by the other alien species, and they had telepathically spoken to all of us to gather in a central location, find one another so they could take us off the planet and save us. The hostile alien species that came, none of the other people around could see them. In my dream I never directly saw them. but I could sense them it was like a darkness that was kind of a spooky feeling like something lurking in the shadows I was told to meet this guy who is this gay actor and he was at like some sort of convention and I had to find him through all these fans but luckily like he got the same message so he kind of knew who to look out for. Then we found each other and then for some reason people kept giving me like gift bags and then this person was wanting to get him some beer and I remember him being very like specific about the beer that he wanted and I was like dude we shouldn't be drinking beer right now we need to like leave. So then we were trying to get away from these hostile aliens. In my dream I remember him seeing them, like I looked at him and then his eyes got big and he got like super scared looking. But then by the time I looked back, the alien wasn't there anymore. But he saw them and he was extremely frightened by them. So we finally made it out and away from these hostile aliens and we were just about to get to a location where we were we could hide in this U-Haul full of like storage bins and stuff and we were on our way to hide and at the same time there was this old woman who was meeting us in this same place and we were being chased and she sacrificed herself for us so that we could make it to the inside of the U-Haul truck and hide inside of the plastic containers to get away from the hostile aliens. It was interesting because we could communicate through our minds to each other, and I remember her telling us telepathically to run and hide and to get where we needed to, and that she had lived a long life and, you know, didn't need to come with us. After that I remember getting into a plastic bin and kind of like talking back and forth telepathically to the guy and feeling the U-Haul truck moving and kind of musing about how the others are getting to the spot we're supposed to be getting to and being concerned if we were actually safe or not.

16 Jun 2024



My first dream, it was that I was at a river with my family and I was in a hammock and there was food and it was a pretty view and I enjoyed it. And then my ex posted something on his story talking about he loves another girl. So I blocked him because in the dream we were supposedly together and I was like, respect boundaries, I'm not comfortable with that. He just kept defending her. He just kept saying that they've been friends for a long time and that I know how their relationship is. And I was like, yeah, but I'm not comfortable with it. And I blocked him. And then my second dream, it was that I had a big family, my mom and two other siblings. So it was four of us. It was fantasy. We traveled different worlds and different realities with a guidance. And my siblings got lost and me and my mom had to go get them in different realities. And it was very awasome, colorful and very adventurous. The plants were different, there was one tree with flowers and inside the flower there were pearls, it was also like a videogame because we would collect some keys and we would have to fight enemies. We traveled through rivers with big leaves and we also were flying with either leaves or dragons, im not sure but it was amazing

16 Jun 2024



I was in a foreign country with my mom. I’m not sure if there was an apocalypse kind of thing happening but it kinda felt like one. In one scene that I remember, my mom had me rushing out of the townhome with our bags and everything packed to the car. While I was arranging things and getting our dog situated, my mom told me come hurry over to her as she could see a rainbow in the sky. When I rushed over, I didn’t see it. She brought me to a different car with my things and was wishing me safety on my journey. In another scene, I was at school but had my packed suitcase along the wall of the classroom. After a while, someone handed me a hall pass to leave and when I peaked out of the classroom, there was an immigration service there with some other students. When I went back into the classroom, the desk I sat at was pushed tightly close to another desk so I couldn’t sit there. I was told that for some reason since I wasn’t a citizen, I had lost many privileges and couldn’t sit there. So I started packing up my bags and getting ready to leave but I woke up before I left

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