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30 Jun 2024
All I remember was I was at a beach
I think it was at Disney world or Disney land hanging out with someone. right now I’m thinking Lyndsay and cash or just one of them anyway I saw Star Wars and was going to confront them cuz everyone knows Disney literally destroying Star Wars but sometime I lost my phone and my money then I saw some lady at a desk with it and asked for it and she gave me the money too I was about to run off then I realized I already had money hidden in my pocket the whole time to I gave the lady her money back. When I actually looked at her she looked a lot like my granny from my dad side of the family literally like her twin I don’t remember her voice. She mentioned church I might of had my cross on but anyway we had a conversation I think about how I was honest and did the right thing so she gave me a rewards I forgot what it was but didn’t expect a reward
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• Entered Loch’s car…their car was a Jeep/SUV • We arrived down a road similar to a rollercoaster going downwards • The road went into a car wash/aquarium? • We drove into the water as water flooded the area around us as we went deeper • Loch’s car despite my visceral reaction, wasn’t flooded and remained room temp and dry • Orange Gold fish passed by my face and windows • Swaying sea life and seaweed • The water was blue and easy to see through, clean and well • There was a Hafgufa (Giant flying jellyfish) floating upwards gracefully, singing the Songs of the Sands. • Only its song…cultivated to the wellbeing of the water and sea life around us as we drove through on a track
Or think I was at my old summer camp boys and girls club the old location back when it was fun. I was with 2nchildhood freinds cash compean who I saw again a few years ago and now goes to my school. I also saw this girl Lynsey Bobo who I think I had a crush on but was too young to know now thinking back I think junk we liked each other. Anyway we were catching up and were for some reason brought up the movie frozen and the song let it go. I haven’t seen that movie since like the second grade I used to watch it all the time but I stopped and haven’t seen it since. I used to know this girl Delilah who used to tease me about it saying I like Elsa and let it go this aaa a year before Lyndsey. My family thought I had a crush on her when they asked me I said yea cuz I was thinking the word crush as in breaking something and she got on my nerves I just thought of her as a friend
I was at the park in Georgetown with some freinds from school and my brother was there. I met this pretty Latina who was babying me I just played along cuz it was funny. I was trying to tell one of my freinds something so I tried asking this girl Jimena to move but she was being rude so I walked across anyway
i had a dream that a girl that bullied me was in, and she was transferring back to our school
i had a dream that i was at dance rehearsal and that billie eilish was there (she’s my idol). and i gave her a very long hug and then we went to a theater or something like that
I has a graduation party for high school, I went back and finished the last year.
I had a dream my current husband z my ex husband and his new wife were being hunted. We were in a random neighborhood I had never been in. We were all running through a door to escape to safe I was the first one through and my husband the last. He didn't seem to make it and the dream ended.
I went to a childhood friend's house and took a weird way there. I was cleaning her room we used to do that ask kids but she left and had said her mom told her to leave but I later found out that she left because I was there. I spoke to her Mom and brother about stuff. My husband was there with me and another guy I think she dated from high school and they couldn't figure out why AI was there cleaning her room. They kept asking me to leave.
The dream took place at night. I remember a fish tank but there was no fish or water in it. I remember there being a beautiful owl in it and I tapped the glass and flew to the other side of the tank. I also remember having to go to the ladies room and there was girls pocketbook hanging on the door. I remember when I was finished in the bathroom I left and went outside and there was a school bus filled with seven or eight boys and girls and asking if the pocketbook belongs to that end and they said no. I remember there being a dollar inside the pocketbook.
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