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9 May 2024



Last night i had a Nightmare wher I saw a wolf attack a moose and a deeer while i was hiding in a cabin during winter season




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

9 May 2024



It was night and was in a city full of tall buildings and I was in a special force squad roaming the city to exterminate "goules" that were occupying some buildings. We have heard noise in one of the buildings we were passing by and went inside to further investigate. As we moved forward the noise was getting more and more heard and then a Goule jumped out of tue room to start chassing us and we ooened fire. The shooting had alerted all the other Goules in the building and they were coming from all directions. Our Squad found an escape route by jumping down the window with our grappling hooks and I was the last one to escape. As I was the one giving cover for the others to escape it became too crowded and if I stopped shooting I wouldn't make it to the window. I decided to turn tail while shooting in front of me to get down the stairs. I've ran out of bullets and ran right into the Goules pushing them and brawling my way through. I made it through them and continued running and reached the stairs, but had many floors to go through while being chased by these monsters. My heart was racing and freaking out as I was alone against so many but I knew that if I could cross the exit door my squad would save me and get out of this mess. Once at the bottom floor the exit was jam packed with all of those monsters and they all noticed me. The ones up stairs are catching up and I don't have my gun anymore and tried to find a room with a window and alert my squad. When I found the room I jumped out the window but got caught by a Goule but also had a member of my squad trying to pull me out and then I woke up.

9 May 2024

Violence and death
Home Invasion


So I had three separate dreams, but two of them were the same scenario, well two different things that happened, but it wasn't like one thing happened after another. It was the same place and time. One thing happened and then it went back and something else happened. So all of this happened during night time and it was relatively dark and the first dream I was here at my house and there were police lights outside that I could see through the window and so I went downstairs and the police were there because there was like a bunch of homeless men that were trying to get into my house. and they had bad intentions it was scary like I knew something was wrong and then the police helped me out they like took them away or something and then the dream switched. I was in a parking lot in my boyfriend's car he had run into the store to get me something and he was parked horizontally right in front of the store and this is a store like we've never been to I had like made it up in my head and it was nighttime it was dark and I was sitting in the car and like a couple feet away from the car there was this big like strong-looking man who for some reason I knew that he was a Navy SEAL. He was out there like smoking a cigarette and I was sitting in the car the window was cracked for some reason like cracked like as in halfway open like three-quarters halfway open and this homeless man like cracked out like scary like crazy type man came up and was yelling something at the Navy SEAL and then he just immediately like really fast turned around and locked his eyes on me and went straight for me like arms out it was like he was flying like went through the window to where only like his head and arms were in the car and they were reaching for me and he was grabbing my face and trying to kiss me and my boyfriend had heard me scream and ran out of the store and him and the Navy SEAL we they were pulling the guy off out of the car and then the dream switched and I was in a different parking spot I was actually in a parking spot instead of pulled up next to the store and I was waiting for my boyfriend again at the same store and it was nighttime and dark and I was in the car vlogging and this like Ted Bundy looking man I think he had glasses and that's what he reminded me of he was like scrawny kind of and unassuming and older and he walked by the car and smiled at me. And I had the thought to lock the door. But I didn't and I don't know why I didn't and he just immediately after I had that thought and didn't do it he got in the back seat behind me and said give me the keys I'm gonna get in the driver's seat and take you somewhere special or something along those lines and I my stomach like dropped and it felt so real and I already knew what he was about to do to me. but I was telling him my boyfriend is inside and he's a black belt and my boyfriend is a black belt and trained in MMA so I was telling him that and after hearing that he like opened the door and was trying to get out like he looked scared and he was trying to get out and he tripped while trying to get out of the car. Then my boyfriend, it kind of changed again and the man was still in the car and my boyfriend walked out and he hadn't seen the man yet and I was mouthing help to him and then my boyfriend knew and he looked in the back seat and he like pulled the guy out and was beating him up and then the dream changed and we were in my backyard but this man and my boyfriend were fighting. My boyfriend was beating him up and I went up to my boyfriend and all of a sudden the man was gone and I was asking him like where did he go and I was really scared and my boyfriend told me like he's gone he's gone and he had thrown him in the canal behind my house like the canal connected to the ocean he had thrown the man in there and in my head like I thought that the man was going to die because I thought that since he had been knocked out and thrown in the water he would have drowned but then he crawled out of the water and said you should have killed me before you threw me in there. And then I woke up with my heart pounding.

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