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20 Jun 2024

High School


January 26-27th ⁃ Train I bonded with? ⁃ Was happy to help celebrate my birthday ⁃ This train took me magically to this temple. To deliver a gift box. It was labeled with “Chicago” on the letter/gift box. ⁃ Was claimed to be lost and found to be delivered to clothe someone. ⁃ Arrived safely. This train spirit seemed to receive trouble and was arrested (?). ⁃ There was a tiny house I arrived in, inside was bookshelves with dolls. Possessed dolls but had no interest in harming me. I went to grab them to set them free. As they seemed to be sitting abandoned for years. ⁃ Upon going outside I encountered overgrowth of the temple and came upon cat food and then Cats in a cage/coop In a temple-like setting. ⁃ I was trying to feed the cats as they seemed very hungry ⁃ One of them managed to break free. A cream colored cat with orange tabby stripes ⁃ This cat was so eager and happy to see me ⁃ I picked this poor baby (cat) up and she clung to me. She was in rough shape. But I protected and held her and gave her love. ⁃ Was about to release the other cats to bring them with me ⁃ But an elderly man yelled at me to stop me which scared me ⁃ I knew then I had to , so I rushed down the stairs of this temple. Trees were growing and flourishing more…had I passed a test of sorts? ⁃ Made it to an airport or court like setting. ⁃ Two blue haired twins that matched 2 of the possessed dolls I was carrying. I knew the twins were malevolent when they grinned evilly at me. “Prove it. You won’t.” ⁃ I ensured they knew I knew. ⁃ Right after that I encountered a woman at the check out that matched another of the dolls. Even down to the ghostly purple will-o-wisp dancing in her head but also was seen through it. ⁃ I had to find a way to restore them. ⁃ By this time the cat that was clinging to me must’ve died or disappeared. As I looked to my cradled arm and noticed she was missing. ⁃ I grieved for her but no ill will came. In fact only love and care blessed me. A boon of sorts? ⁃ Looked over, hadn’t realized I was hungry, seeing a buffet of food. ⁃ Urged to go over and nourish myself. I did so, encountering my tall as fuck older brother, Shariff, and soon after my dad. ⁃ My hair was very well done curly free. From me doing it earlier. It was dark brown and not dyed red irl. ⁃ Was called over by my dad and as if I was a child again sat me down. ⁃ I was vibing as he did my hair. Braids…twist at the end…form afro puffs at the end of these….then tied it into a high ponytail position. ⁃ He let me go. ⁃ By the time I did, the food I was going to grab was gone. ⁃ I expressed my sadness but someone noticed me. Adult man, black hair and beard and mustache. White. He had 3 of the brownies. He offered to give me one once he was finished and told me to grab a tray. ⁃ I did and waited. He gave me his phone and all I saw was him and his girlfriend naked in erotic positions? Cool tattoo jobs tho. ⁃ He gently took the phone back and gave me a brownie in thanks ⁃ This brownie was a vanilla cookie and chocolate brownie combo. A Brookie! It was absolutely delicious. And I thanked him. ⁃ Full, I went back on my self-imposed mission. Saw a vision of the old man, the woman and the twin talking at the temple stairs. The woman was crying like “What happened to the stairs?!” ⁃ At some point I remember telling my youngest sister to grab the dolls from the temple. She did and bright them to me. ⁃ Snapped out the vision, Heard the ghostly woman and one of the dark blue haired twins arguing. Screaming match. ⁃ Fed up, I marched over and barked “OI!” Which got them both to shut up and look at me. ⁃ “You’re both screaming and not getting anywhere. You’re grown adults and not children. Communicate like it or I’m pinching nipples. God.” (Paraphrased) ⁃ The woman noticed and listened. The twin would try to elevate his voice and only pipe down when I followed through and pinched his nipple (even with his shirt on) ⁃ This would happen a few times before I realized the possessed dolls I was carrying were missing again even after retrieval. ⁃ I sought out the stairs. Found them. Covered in pink petals and prospering trees. Even the cats from before were doing better and free. Loved. ⁃ I went up those temple stairs. No sign of the coops the cats were locked in. ⁃ I found one of the people I sought out to save. The purple haired ghostly woman who was in the doll. She was free. As the Will-o-wisp was no longer there. The dark blue twins were gone. ⁃ I found myself tearful and crying joyfully from the relief. “You were a doll…I’m so happy you’re okay!” (Paraphrased) ⁃ She smiled and sat me down next to my old friend. Erica from high school. We hugged sitting together gazing at the view. I woke up after that.




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19 Jun 2024



January 15-16th ⁃ I Was migrating with my stuff ⁃ My grandmother having a family gathering ⁃ It ended up being an intervention of sorts ⁃ My former stepfather was there (Garykayi) and I was asking him stuff ⁃ And i asked him about my stuff ⁃ He brought up my suicide attempts as a jab at me. ⁃ I was furious at him bringing that shit to the family, punching him in the arm ⁃ My grandmother and incubator were both there ⁃ “I didn’t want to tell you, because no one here cares about their mental health! Why would you care for mine?” ⁃ After forcing me to explain the circumstances (and I replied with vague answers) I knew it was time to leave. ⁃ I went to go grab my stuff but only bits and pieces were laying around ⁃ I found the dog…pit Bull. He was asleep when I found him, and flinched awake when he smelled me. But he was instantly relaxed and very happy to see me. He was happy with me giving belly rubs and headpats and rubs. He had so many scars around his eyes…his eyes bulged out wild because of the treatment he’d gone through. ⁃ I didn’t want to leave him behind, but I knew if I did my leave my treatment would get worse here. Or worse, the poor dog would die because family sent him away to get killed indirectly. If I attempted to take him with me. Neither result was desirable. ⁃ Went back to the living room. I asked where my stuff was, and no one gave me a straight answer. Folks grinning at my fury like it was funny. ⁃ I walked out to find a way to my Aunt Mary’s. Surely my stuff would be there right? ⁃ There was my grandma house yard. But with trees and fruit growing on the trunks. (Before it was desolate.) ⁃ I went and walked up the stairs to sidewalk. Finding an old comic book abandoned on the stairs. Joker was on the cover…and a couple of dark clad hero’s? Joker in the pose of a puppeteer. I stepped over it and started walking. ⁃ Someone stopped me and told me to go back. I told her I couldn’t and won’t. She seemed to give me some advice while walking with me. Then disappeared. ⁃ Disney festival seemed to be going on. Familiar town square. Finished performing. (I remembered going the opposite direction from my grandma’s house and ended up with dead ends, so I went towards the square instead.) ⁃ Because I was furious and showing it, my walking speed was faster and folks seemed to want to help me. ⁃ I was soon stopped by someone (parent?) Because I had dropped the plushies I was carrying. Not recognizing I had. ⁃ Thanked them before going further to seek a way to my Aunt Mary’s. Or a way out. An exit. Something along the way. But I was stopped because strings were attached to me were pulled taut by corners. ⁃ I then was freed with the help and kindness of others. ⁃ That’s how I discovered in the donations box, there was the blanket I was sleeping with to keep warm. ⁃ I knew my family right then had donated and given away my stuff without my consent and knowledge. Stuff I had rebuilt my life with. Stuff that was given to me to support me through transition. ⁃ Grabbed the blanket and contacted my incubator who happened to be following me. ⁃ “You get one answer. ONE. Where the FUCK is my shit?” ⁃ She gave me a flyer as a response. “Abuse.” Something else… and “total shame.” ⁃ I really hated that. So I threw and broke a nearby beer bottle by throwing it at the wall behind her. Not caring if I was hurt by it. ⁃ Walked back through the square, knowing my stuff was lost for good. Or to spread out for all to be found in time. Which hurt so much as so much of it was precious to me due to sentimental value, gifts and mementos I’ve held onto from friends and folks who supported me. I woke up after that, felt the need to scream in anguish. I wasn’t sleeping well. So dreams were foggy at best; and on and off. Couldn’t stay asleep. I don’t want to fall back asleep.

19 Jun 2024



⁃ Was just me and seemingly incubator and sister and lil brother. ⁃ It was a near-apocalyptic dream? ⁃ “Then the darkness attacked.” (The same vibes of Ba Sing Se in Avatar the Last Airbender episode, “Then the Fire Nation attacked.”) ⁃ I’m Scrambling to buildings and hiding in places. ⁃ abusive younger Sister, Sarah, and youngest brother through marriage, Anaje, get separated from me “for safety.” ⁃ Small creatures join me, including the Pokémon, Jigglypuff, and another gourd-like fella? ⁃ It Goes dark and suddenly I’m half awake in the dream, trying to heal from a bad hit ⁃ “It seemed only the empaths survived” (I’m an empath) ⁃ Incubator, AKA my Abusive Mother, is tending to me. ⁃ Half the small familiars are gone. ⁃ Darkness personified forms in a boss arena. ⁃ We all go to fight it, it begins forming Anaje and Sarah clones. ⁃ Fighting monsters again but I’m kinder to the clones. ⁃ Small creatures and I go to retreat but then the barrier prevents the gourd bean and Jigglypuff. ⁃ Both seem resigned as I cry out in protest that I’d get them through the barrier. But there’s enemies behind both of them. ⁃ Gourd creature tells me to go and that they’d be fine. Pushing me through the barrier. ⁃ I watch as they war cry and go to fight the enemies (consisting of evil Splatoon kids and other black void entities?) ⁃ Both put up a good fight but are slain before my eyes. ⁃ “NO!!” I scream in anguish. Wakes up and go back to sleep. ⁃ I am half awake seemingly but healing better. ⁃ Pick up a blade and go back through the barrier. ⁃ I slay enemies rather coldly. ⁃ Squishy and gooey persona of darkness forms and tries to send the clones from before to kill me but the enemy clones side with me instead. ⁃ Ally (mad scientist? Alchemist? Druid?) comes in as we’re about to slay the boss. ⁃ They grow a plant to bring back balance into the world ⁃ And the Dark boss dies in the process as we praise the ally for cool thinking ⁃ I’m suddenly Transported to a church? Abusive Sister, Sarah, and Sweet Little brother, Anaje, and Abusive Mother, my incubator, recovering from the battle. ⁃ Church ladies and Church Choir are disdainfully looking at me and jeering like pick-me’s ⁃ I grab coffee creamers as one gets close and I pour it on her head and I throw truthful statements in regards to their horrendous behavior. ⁃ I’m told to leave. ⁃ I do, and on the way out I say, “Excuse me.” - The Church Lady responds, “Don’t touch me demon spawn.” ⁃ “Ma’am, respectfully, I’m leaving and you’re in the fucking way. Manners, much?,” I reply. ⁃ I get back to recovering party and tend to their injuries safely. It felt cathartic. But they didn’t seem to recognize or see me. ⁃ I catch a glimpse of the gourd bean or an angel in my peripheral vision.

19 Jun 2024



January 14-15 ⁃ Had discovered I’m in Japan ⁃ Living with a Japanese college student and her mom ⁃ Speaking the best I could in Japanese in classes and stuff ⁃ Groceries and cleaning fridge with JCS’s mom ⁃ Shopping center? ⁃ Harassed and chased by someone high and racist ⁃ Exits started closing the minute I pushed him away ⁃ Spiritual realm exit? ⁃ One I got to was closed off by Security and one of them stopped me with a big ass shot gun in his hands ⁃ He seemed to want to shoot me and I said, “Do it.” In response ⁃ He didn’t as he hesitated, now unwilling to harm me. Woke up after that and fell back to sleep. ⁃ Back in the college campus ⁃ Was going to classes but actively avoiding one student who identified as a “problemist?” Who had a living hive like organism in his room. ⁃ Relevance of a statue…It’s mentioned twice for me to visit and brought up by me once ⁃ There was another Japanese boy college student who stuck close to me helping me out of situations? Fighting “Problemist” student. ⁃ Ma-Pa, aka Rammy, and I met up and conversed seemingly by chance ⁃ Ma-Pa joins the party! ⁃ We did more in the shopping center which reopened again ⁃ Statue and Spider man like abilities? ⁃ “You do remember I know you, right?” - Ma-Pa (affectionately) ⁃ Signing stuff and getting clearance going in to shop

19 Jun 2024



December 22-December 23 ⁃ Influencer hosting a Live stream ⁃ Girl with long Dark brown hair ⁃ Scenery: Mary Baldwin University College Campus ⁃ Alligator in corner of swamp-like area on campus ⁃ Giant Hollow Tree ⁃ A crowd of people running and seeking safety ⁃ Snowstorm ⁃ A Black Winged Angel trying to escape alive ⁃ the black winged angel Struck by light showing her skull in different expressions ⁃ the Angel Summons a giant bird mount resembling the Pokémon, Honchcrow, that gets hurt ⁃ Angel barely surviving as more of the crowd falls ⁃ A (Undertale weapon from Sans the Skeleton) Gaster blaster (Skull) bursts out from giant hollowed tree to attack the black winged angel (I think this angel is a fallen angel) ⁃ “Ah! Cancer! So you are the source of this poison,” says the Fallen Angel ⁃ She sends a beam of Light down the Skull’s mouth sending it to the ground ⁃ 3 witches drag the giant skull inside of the hollow tree ⁃ “Hahahaha! Don’t worry we will take care of it!” is said by the witches in a stereotypical witch voice fashion.

19 Jun 2024



Going to the first floor of my school which is dark and quiet for some reason, and then going to a classroom and teachers and students being in there on lockdown because there's a sexual assaulter in the school so the teachers drag me in the classroom, but then a couple of moments later I'm in a car driving to my school and see one of my school statues of a student moving and I tell everyone in the car but everyone in the car says it's just a student in a costume, but then I get thrown out of the car and all of the statues look at me and I run but they're pretty fast so I keep running and then I notice there are darts in their heads and I think police officers have already tried to kill them but they're not dead. while they still are chasing me so I keep running and I run into a highway and cross but a police officer sees me and I wave my arms to get his attention and he stops and I told him that there was a statue chasing me and he talked to the statue while I sit in the police car because I think the statue is going to do something to the police officer.

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