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21 Jun 2024



חלמתי שמישהו מהכיתה שלי שאני לא כל כך מחבבת היה הבן זוג שלי. אהבתי אותו אבל גם פחדתי ממנו. הגענו לבית של סבתא שלי אבל היא לא באמת הייתה נראית כמו סבתא שלי. הוא סידר את הבית, הביא לי פרחים והכין לי ארוחה וניסיתי להגיד לו תודה אבל הוא לא נתן לי לדבר והשתיק אותי וממש פחדתי ממנו.

21 Jun 2024



חלמתי שאני במטבח בשישי בערב מדברת בטלפון עם חבר, ואבא שלי ואחותי ישנים. בבית ממול הייתה מסיבה ששתי אנשים שאני לא כל כך מכירה ארגנו והם כל שנייה נכנסו לי לבית וביקשו כל מיני דברים שאביא להם. מישהי נכנסה לי למטבח והתחילה לחטט לי במגירות ובדברים בלי רשות ועוד להתלונן למה היא לא מוצאת את מה שרצתה, אני סגרתי את המגירה ואמרתי לה לעוף לי מהבית. אחותי הקטנה הייתה ממש נחמדה והציעה לה עוגה והיא סירבה לה בחוסר נימוס וזה עוד יותר עצבן אותי והעפתי אותה מהבית שלי. כשהיא הלכה היא השאירה את השער של הבית שלי פתוח וזה ממש עצבן אותי והלכתי לסגור אותו ובדיוק כשבאתי לסגור מישהו שאני לא מכירה נכנס לבית שלי עם כלב בריצה וממש נבהלתי והתחלתי לצרוח. רצתי מהר וניסיתי לחסום לו את הכניסה והתחלתי לצעוק לאבא שלי שיתעורר ושנכנס פורץ לבית. אחרי זה התעוררתי בבהלה.




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21 Jun 2024



me, sage(?), random dude go into a house to investigate ghost sage is ghost(?) separated from sage walk around dude falls asleep off and on on the couch, we have small evidence, i tie a shoe and out it under the couch, ghost unties it. i go outside to the car (little beat up black car) i turn ut on and start rolling up the windows, i see someone coming close they catch on fire while still walking but when the windows are all the way up the fire stops sage calls tells me to "use extra clothes to dress up like a person they love people alone, take your first two rights and your first two lefts. keep that pattern till you reach the main road. dint mention anything about me or my cousins we gave 5 siblings each the same ones and it'll make them show up.when you see the school drive towards granite street. do not ho to either if our houses. do not look at the people you've already passed five times and di not get behind those who have passed you several tines." and then i woke ip

21 Jun 2024



My boyfriend and I got married and moved to a house in a foreign country, and everything was perfect for a small amount of time. Then my POV switched to a man cleaning up a little farm, and a 500 year old tree that had somehow lifted itself off the ground to create a little cubby under the roots. It was full of trash and old memorabilia. I was cleaning it up and out and while I was I was telling my boyfriend about it. I’m still in the POV of some random guy. I assume myself as a man, seeing as I at some point want to transition. But I’m talking to my boyfriend about all this, and I’m telling him about how after all these years, there’s been 5 murders under this tree. I start to tell him the stories of it all and I finish with a story about a scorned lover killing himself and his wife with him. I don’t remember wether he believed me or not. But then our kid, a little girl, came up to me and walked with me, to help me clean up the tree. My husband was inside the house. Me and my husband have had a hard time in the past controlling his urges. I got the tree all cleaned up and started cleaning up the garden by the tree, we’d eating and throwing away trash. The garden was full of ducks, like so many ducks, and one had a cute little hat. We had a cat there and her name was Penelope or patches I don’t remember. My daughter and I cleaned up everything and went inside, to find my husband on the phone. I ask him who he’s talking to. He ignores me. Suddenly I’m my female self again, and I’m in a couple chairs under the tree, so is my husband. He is my current real life boyfriend, but he looks and acts like a mixture of all my exes. This weird woman, in a suit starts asking us questions like “what animal do you think this man represents” and she would show me a picture of a stranger. I’d say something and be wrong, but suddenly there was this other woman on the other side of my husband, she was snarky and a pick me girl. She got it right and said chameleon. And they then showed us a picture of a man transforming into a chameleon. I look around noticing my boyfriend\husband flirting with this new woman. I trust him so I ignore it but it bothered me. Some time later we are in our 2 story house and all 3 of us , myself my husband and this mysterious pick me girl, are sitting in my marital bed. She asks a bunch of weird questions and acts better than me, and I straight up ask my husband if they’ve slept together. And he goes silent, i gasp and ask again. He nods and walks out of the room. I ask her, she agrees and laughs. I start to tear up, following him out of the room, making sure our daughter is nowhere near us. I see the tree outside our window. I urge my husnband to tell me why but he stays silent and just packs his things. She taunts me and asks why I even care, I get violent and threaten to throw her down these stairs and she runs and laughs. We tussle and eventually she starts saying she’s a better lover than me. She suddenly hides in a bottle of cooking oil, and I throw it off the balcony into the foyer. Killing her. My husband says oh my god, yk I have to call someone. I cry and beg him to stay, I ask him why and how long, I go from angry to sad to heartbroken. He said it’s been this way for years. With different women. I ask why and he says he just has urges, and he shrugs, I yell at him and he pushes me lightly and walks out the front door. I walk out with him and curse him while begging him to stay “I can change” I say. My boyfriend/husband bringing up how I’ve restricted him on several things, and I say if I would have known that restricting him would make him cheat I wouldn’t have done anything. He packs his bag on his back and we walked to the airport. I’m freaking out and he is saying how he’s leaving. I ask him if we can try again, but he does a sexual innuendo with his fingers, desperate for him to stay I agree to do that and he leaves. I cry and beg and plead but he still leaves. I’m then at the airport, headphones on, no one speaks English and I’m just wandering around crying. I mean messy awful guttural loud crying. I’m in a foreign country by myself with my cat and my daughter, and a house that I built a life in with someone who destroyed me. I lay the glass shards of his mistress under the tree.

21 Jun 2024



I was walking up the road following an ambulance that was being driven by a man who I think was my boyfriend, he pulled over to get out. He kissed me and asked me to look after his dog when sirens sounded and said he had to go. I continued walking with the dog up a local road and then can to a big hill, approaching the brow I noticed that everything around me had changed, my surroundings had become almost futuristic. I was given a special belt to help me navigate around the new installed technology and found the hospital. While in there I tealosed I did not have a lead for the dog and struggled to keep it still. In the waiting room were two other women. One was sat in front of me without noticeable injuries and the other in a wheelchair beside me who had many injuries on her face and dried blood around her head. I had an urgent need to find this boyfriend and give his dog back but no matter what I did I could not find him. Another man who drove with him appeared and took the dog saying nothing. Before leaving the hospital I hugged the injured woman and told her to take care of herself. I returned to the brow of the hill to search again and noticed something strange going on. It was like being in a life musical, lots of people dancing and singing and I remember feeling sad that I wasn’t a part of that m. Suddenly a man approached me from behind, his front was touching my back and I jumped and started to shake but I didn’t turn around, I already knew that he wasn’t going to burst me for some reason, he was taller than me and so his head was over my shoulder and he spoke softly into my ear, he apologised for frightening me and told me I didn’t have to be afraid and that I was so beautiful that he had to come to me. I said I had never had a someone approach me like this and I suddenly felt very safe. After a moment he was gone and I continued searching for the boyfriend. I saw him in what looked like an ambulance windshield in front of me, except it was a large circular transparent building that was turning around like a merry go round. He was with other medical people and seemed to be looking for something as well

21 Jun 2024



for preface; this is a reoccurring dream— this being only the second time i had it and i’d only remembered having this dream after i had the second one because the plot continued. the first dream: so there was this nightclub run by this evil guy. he had tricked a bunch of midoriya’s friends into working for him (from my hero academia i love that anime) and they were all so excited but little did they know he injected a poison into them that killed them very slowly. but he “injected it” by welcoming everyone to the club with drinks— however, midoriya knew that and his mission was to infiltrate the place and make sure his friends were safe but the boss man caught on and said if he told any of them that he’d kill them all with the poison right away. so i basically had watched midoriya try and protect his friends while also simultaneously being under constant scrutiny by the boss. i don’t think midoriya took the poison though… that was the first dream i had days ago. the second dream started with me being in there with them and they were my friends i think, or maybe i really just wanted to save them but the boss man knew that i knew aswell and he told me not to tell them either or they’d all die. anyway, in this dream the nightclub had this theatre room area where he would have midoriya and i’s friends preform. (it looked like a bunch of fortnite skins and emotes on the stage.) but todoroki (on multiple occasions) kept leaving the stage mid performance cause he was sick or something and he would hide behind this pole (he wasn’t hiding very well) and when i would look over to boss man, he looked at todoroki with an angry expression because todoroki was blowing his cover. and once, a different day in the dream, i was walking into the nightclub (it looked like the entrance to my house) with this girl who said she was going to help cause i think i told her everything about everything and especially about todoroki. and she was like “DONT WORRY I GOT THIS” and she ran in ahead of me and i lost her. and so when i went inside i was standing with the group of people (just like midoriya was in my first dream, trying to play along but also discreetly find an exit for everyone, however midoriya was nowhere to be seen in this dream…) but when i was standing there with them there were these two shorter brown skin girls. they hated me. the one on the left started explaining why she didn’t fuck with me and she said it’s because i “talked to her man.” or that i “wanted him” and that was just not true. i was like “who’s your man?” and she was like “malik.” AND THAT WAS AN ACTUAL GUY I TALKED TO WHEN I WAS LIKE 14… SO I SAID “girl i promise i don’t want him” but she kept cutting me off and saying that i did. and the girl on the right was just like “yeah i don’t fucking like you either.” and i was like so confused cause i didn’t want him at all… and i said “when did u start dating him” and she was like “february 2024” or something. and i talked to malik in february 2020.. so i was like “… so when we talked.. he wasn’t your man..” and she cut me off like “BITCH FUCK U THATS MY FUCKING MAN” and i was like “okay what fucking ever bitch bye.” and that was the end of that so i walked into the club and like i was sitting in this booth by the back… i don’t remember really what happened back there. i remember a bartender lady who was looking my direction but that’s it. then skip to the theatre room again, they were all performing again and todoroki went off of the stage mid performance again. and the performance was really good, he was supposed to be front and center but he ran off and boss man was so fucking mad. BUT THEN… THE GIRL FROM EARLIER WHO SAID SHE WAS GOING TO HELP… she came out dressed as todoroki (again this specific law of physics was for some reason like fortnite so she just changed her like character to look like todoroki.) and she was doing the dance, but she wasn’t exactly doing it right at all and she wasn’t even on the stage but just right beside it.. i assume to buy him some time but bossman could tell it wasn’t actually him. i just remember the rest of the performance being really good and then at the end everyone was clapping including me. but then some girl from the crowd, which looking back i think was the bartender, had randomly stood up and said “oh by the way everyone, he’s forcing all of those people to work for him. he’s injected them with a poison in their legs that will slowly kill them over time.” and me and everyone else on the stage started clapping and cheering for her and the bossman was like “ahhh i gotta go!” and ran away. then after that he was like banned from the nightclub or something but he kept coming back but he was like a lowlife. so everyone from the performance and stuff was kinda just living their own lives, only being connected by the fact that they were all manipulated and poisoned. i spoke to a few of them, they were each like super emo or something i don’t really remember i’m sorry. but then.. cut to the future and to a different scene.. todoroki was laying on a gurney in the hospital. this part i wasn’t there, but it was more so just letting me know that this was happening while i was elsewhere. like a cutscene. and he was laying flat on his back and he looked very sick, and he was asleep. then he slowly woke up and as soon as he opened his eyes he started to slightly panic (which is out of character for him since he’s typically very calm and quiet) and he like sat up and ripped the blankets off of his body and one of his legs were amputated. he looked horrified and all he could say was “DO YOU SEE THIS??? DO YOU SEEE??” to whoever was with him (the doctor or his parents? i’m not sure.) i remember there was a lady in the hospital specifically that was like helping wheel his gurney when he was asleep and she was kinda rude that’s all i remember. what the hellllll is that about??

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