Dream Meanings – page 560

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17 Jul 2024



I had a MASSIVE tarantula in a beautiful enclosure, and I watched her with awe and satisfaction, so content and proud. But then I noticed something, there was another tarantula in the enclosure! I had no idea where it came from. The second tarantula was not as big as the first one, but was still really big and pretty. I began to panic because you can’t have more than one tarantula in the same enclosure. I began to be scared that they would kill each other. The biggest tarantula buried itself, preparing to molt and I was scared that the other tarantula would chew on the first. I was watching them closely, trying to find a way to get another enclosure when I noticed a third tarantula. The third tarantula was the smallest, but also so very pretty. So then I was trying desperately to get my hands on two more enclosures, but I was broke. I just kept feeding the first two, hoping they wouldn’t try to eat the first tarantula. Then I noticed that all the other two tarantulas had buried themselves so they could molt. And right at the moment, I was able to get the money for the two new enclosures, and I was so relieved. I wanted to get them and have them set up and ready so I could separate all three tarantulas, very carefully, before they molted.




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17 Jul 2024



I don’t remember the beginning but I remember being with zolisha which was strange because im not fond of her. there was a third person with us but I can’t remember the face either. We were walking into a building together and there was a group of people I didn’t recongnize until the last glimpse I saw my ex in this mixed group of random men. I saw someone go up to her and basically insinuates that they want to fight. I turn to yell down the hall of the building to zolisha and the other person, they start running out when a guy looked at me and said he was gonna slam me. His friends were questioning whether I was a boy or not and he slammed me anyways. I feel like the time skipped after this and we all ended up at a table talking. And we’re talking about why I was with zolisha and I hadn’t seen nyasia in so long. We started being playful and i woke up

17 Jul 2024



I had a dream that I had a son. My mom was driving me back from the hospital. We got into the driveway of the house, ig I was living back at home, and I was kind of excited. As we're getting out the car some neighbors came to greet us and see the new baby. I was kind of uneasy because I was trying to smile through the fact that my boyfriend was no where to be found. Where is you boyfriend my mom asked and my neighbors waited for a response. I wanted to cry and scream but I simply said, "I'm not sure. I think he's coming soon. " I started to get my son out the back seat as I was fully recognizing that I was someones mother. I knew it. I knew I would have a son first for some reason. As I started to unbuckle him from the car seat, he started to slip though it. The car seat started to fall apart. Oh wow. My neighbor said. That is not a great car seat. I snapped, I know, I had to use my baby doll car seat because I have no place to put him. I picked him up and held him in my arms. I thought about how tiny he was but that would only last a few days. I needed a bigger car seat. I started to think about the face that I'm responsible for this human being for the rest of my life. I continued to hold him and looked up at my mother. Her eyes were full of pity. Tears began to swell in my eyes. I shouted, I didn't even want a child and now he left me alone with a son! I began to really feel the pain of being left alone. I went inside with my son. As I was walking I was thinking of all my options to get him a car seat. I figured I would ask my dad to buy me a all in one stroller/car seat for my birthday instead of the gift he was giving me. I started planning a baby shower in my head and taking a mental note of everything I wanted on my Amazon shopping list. I laid him on the bed and began to cry again, almost in denial that I was really alone with this child.

17 Jul 2024



I had a drream that i was on knickerbocker and whycoff ave. It was a combo of being in dystopian future but feeling like the present. Im with a group of people. Some are friends. We want to try ice cream but the shop is closed. I get to my apartment and im going through my archives of projects i have wanted to work on. And i come across a podcast i started of what jt was like going to college while living jn a shelter. (This is not true in my waking life, i have never lived in a shelter). I run into dave chappele who is messaging one of his friends. He worried they are mad at him. Hes my neighbor. He asks me, if its ok if i come by later, and “slap the shit out of me till i come” and i tell him, “you asked me years ago and i said yes, but you never followed through. The answer is yes dave” in my dream dave and i are friends for many years with mutual friends. He tells me there is a sketch show in which Gordon ramsy shows his mother pornography. I find it strange, but gordon is going to be cooking for my party at my apartment so i figured i would ask him about it when i see him

17 Jul 2024



I was in a dream where I was a part of a video game and the main objective was to get from point A to point B in a certain time limit. The game started out at daytime and gradually transferred to night time. There was a specific part where I had to zip line to an area, but I had to get there before it was night time because if it was night time the police would stop me. I was having a really hard time doing it and I kept dying and respawning and I was really scared to do it because it was embarrassing and difficult to complete. I took a break and sat down for a bit in a meeting with some friends of mine. I sat next to my best friend and we listened to the meeting. Then someone urged me to go back and try the mission again, so I did. I failed and I came back and sat down. Then my ex-boyfriend sat in front of me and was basically sitting on my knee and I tried to move, but I couldn't and then I started sneezing and coughing and there was some blood in my sneeze and a lot of boogers that were bright green and that made everyone really concerned so my ex boyfriend went and got me some tissues and cups to put the boogers in and my boyfriend sat at the back of the room, but he never came over. Then I went back to the video game and I tried to do the zip line again, but I couldn't get all the way across so I stopped halfway through and got dropped into the middle of a dark city and I ran around in the city trying to find a way out and there were just dead ends everywhere and there were lots of bad guys and other players that I wasn't sure if they were on my team or not and eventually I found a pathway that had five grape bombs bounce out of it. I guessed that I was supposed to go that way and time it so that I didn't get hit by grapes, so I waited until the last one came out and then I ran through. When I came out on the other side, Christopher Lee Robinson in grape form was there and he was apparently the final boss that I didn't know was going to be there. I scrambled up the platform so I could sit with everyone else and we all gathered there together. The people from Ninjago were there and pretty quickly Cole and Kai went out the back door of the game and went outside, but everyone else stayed and we started fighting the final boss. I switched my weapons from short range to a sniper weapon and tried to do my best to help and then at some point in the battle, my parents came to me and said that we needed to run and that we were going to get out of this place, apparently we were trapped So I asked if I could grab some things, so I did, I ran back to my room and grabbed like two things and then ran back to where they were and for some reason, my little sister had come with us, but my little brother couldn't come with us and I don't know where my other younger brother was, he just wasn't in the dream, but my parents said that we were going the same way that Cole and Kai went, in that they had taken a canoe and they had already made it to the new safe place in the swamps, so I went with them and we started leaving and I said bye to my younger brother and cried a lot and then as soon as we started traveling, I realized that Cole and Kai and the ninjas weren't there and they weren't a part of the dream anymore, it was just my parents taking me and my sister away to live in some isolated place and all of a sudden I got very scared because I would never see anyone that I knew ever again and my parents basically had me contained on this new swampland area and then I forced myself to wake up.

17 Jul 2024

Video Game
Childhood home


I was back together with my abusive ex. It seems like I gave him a 2nd chance or something. I was living inside an apartment that was familiar to my childhood home. My friends and siblings was there. I specifically remembered seeing my older sister Jenny and my estranged brother in the dream. I don't remember seeing my eldest sister but I knew she was around. My ex was playing video games and he told me to get him a coke. Something he often did during our relationship, order me around. But this time in the dream I asked him to rephrased his request as a question and to add please. Because I was practicing boundaries on how he should speak to me. He rephrased it but deliberately didn't add please. I told him I would not get him the soda until he asked me the way I would like it be asked. I went back to my friends and family letting them know what he did which was something he often did during the relationship. I wanted them to see the abuse I've experienced before. They took my back and supported me in putting that boundary up. My ex did not budge he continued playing video games and instead of rephrasing the question went to get his own coke. For some reason are started to feel physically insecure to be in the same space as if I was unsure if the issue was going to escalate so I decided to leave. I ended up in the subway/train station with friends nearby all supporting me. My ex was at the station to attempting to leave too but I knew he was only there because I was there too. I was trying to dodge him and I found one of my friends I hugged them and somehow it was like we were able to hear him from some sort of comms radio where he was at and my friends helped me nor encounter in the subway/train station while I was there and I was able to dodge him with the help of my friend. I remember feeling validated by my friend and family being there to experience and see an abusive act I often had to deal with throughout the relationship especially one of the most covert type of abuse, which is verbal and emotional abuse that aren't often taken as seriously as physical and sexual abuse though I experienced those in the relationship as well.

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