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1 Jul 2024



I was getting into the car with my Brazilian family member Renata and for some reason she was a stressed out too drive, but she went ahead anyways. She got in the car by herself and almost got in an accident, which was extremely shocking for her. I ran over to help her out and helped her drive the car back home. When we got back home, it was time for us to go to a friends party it was gonna be me, Renata and the three younger kids driving to the party but Renata didn’t want to go because she was scared and stressed about having to drive the kids especially since she had almost gotten into an accident but her husband, Saulo calm her down and share with her that it will be OK, so she did it and we made it to the party we made it the party fine. The dream transistioned to me watching a Jiu Jitsu class at night which happened to have Neymar participating. It was cool being in a class where all the guys were treating Neymar as a normal guy and not a superstar. During the class there was this big muscular guy who was demonstrating a headlock but something went wrong and he injured his shoulder. When he sat down to examine the pain, him and the owner of the studio realized it could be a serious injury with internal bleeding and rushed to the hospital. Everyone else who stayed was sad and worried for the guy. All of the sudden one of the pledges from my old fraternity started singing a Power Ranger song as if he couldn’t help it, even though he didn’t want to do it he was doing it. It didn’t feel like the right time because one of the jiu-jitsu teachers was headed to the hospital. Then me and one of my pledge brothers, Miles started singing and hearing a song that we loved in that reminded us of our freshman year. It was a song about love and we were both filled with love and bliss and happiness. We decided to go outside and all of a sudden, the dream transition back to that friends party that I went with Renata and her kids. There were a lot of mom’s there and their young kids were playing. One of the mothers there had a newborn girl of one or two years old. when I was given her hold, I felt so much love inside, so much affection and care for this child I didn’t even want to give her back. I remember kissing her Forehead, an experiencing an overwhelming sensation of love this child who was so vulnerable and insistent but who also felt comfortable with me and trusted me.

1 Jul 2024

Killing someone


I had a few dreams, maybe three or two. my most recent one I was hanging out with like some older guy might have been like my ex-girlfriend's grandpa or Kayla or whatever We were looking out for this bad guy or whoever because it was a dangerous town and this old man works like a protector and he went outside and saw that his truck tires were slashed. So he's definitely been targeted and I feel like I've seen this scene before maybe to somebody else but I looked out the window and saw the sniper guy and had to avoid a few shots and then I think the guy somehow gets in the fight with me and I'm like on top of some height and I push him and kill him I think. The grandpa died in the process, I believe, but maybe I'm mistaking it. It was kind of a powerful feeling to end a murder and somebody that abuses others. And then I saw my mom and it felt different looking at her as a murderer though.




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1 Jul 2024



I had a dream of me in a pool with a girl and i had on sweat pants and i jumped in the pool and busted my face and died i was in heaven and I climb to the top of the tree of life and I had a typing thingy and It talked and said where would you like to go and I typed my family and I was instantly sent to a unknown house with Quan and ej and cam there and I had to sneak in my house and they seen me and freaked out and cam had fixed my vape and said be very careful and I was and then I seen the girl turns out she was my girlfriend of a long time and she was crying so heavy and it felt as if she truly loved me and that was all I’ve ever wanted true love and I was messing with the lights with my supernatural abilities and the next day me,her,my mom,my brother wynston, and my sister Emma all went to dicks sporting goods and we played around and broke shit and I said mom I’m already dead when she said the cameras can see me but eventually I walked by a mirror and seen my arm and 2 syringes were sticking out my shoulder and I freaked out and my mom said Aiden your already dead and I said yea but I still hate needles she said true and they came to terms with my death I was looking over at my brother cuz I said where’s Winnie and he I never realized it but he was older my sister was older I was older my mom still the young hipness she had but I could tell she was older and my heart dropped knowing that it could’ve been a prediction and me and my girl were talking and she was crying about holidays and I said hey I’m always there in spirit as a joke but then I cried to knowing that what she had with me wasn’t normal and I woke up

1 Jul 2024

Demon possession
Best Friend


I had a dream that my partner was possessed by a demon (I don't know if my partner in my dream was Dean Winchester or my in real fiance). My dream was in different clips. It seems like we were living in different small areas with whatever you can afford. So firstly, seemed we were living in a truck and I was making mud pies, a guy came over kind of wearing American cowboy clothes and started sorting my mud pies out and I asked what he was doing and he said he was trying to help me out. I told him I was scared of my partner, to which they turned up and started having an argument and fight with the cowboy. The next part of my dream we were in flats I was meeting my mum, and my best friend Anthony was there, as well as his partner Brett we were just catching up and my partner attended. Everyone was telling me he was acting weird, to which I agreed. Next part of my dream I remember my partner doing a repeat exorcism on me but I don't believe it worked. Next part of my dream I was in halls and mine and Caleb's mutual friend Jade was trying to help me perform and exorcism on my partner.

1 Jul 2024



I was stuck behind a screen while someone I cannot remember was telling me about the world and guiding me. I watched my boyfriend and my dog walk past someone sleeping on the ground the person was a part of the homeless and the person guiding me pointed the sleeping person out. Somewhere in my dream I had learned some things look like people but aren’t people. They were monsters, not people but things that look like people. These things were murdering animals and innocent people so when I was behind the screen and watched my dog walk past that thing my heart sank I panicked I was full of anxiety but they could hear me telling them run and it noticed him but I was thankful that my boyfriend kept walking and my dog listened. The rest of the dream had a super hero theme.

1 Jul 2024



Dream about being in a house knowing a past significant other will call/text me. An old crush that wasn’t him ended up texting me about linking up. I remember going outside and seeing 3 people on the floor and I ended up helping them. I was with a group of people and we left the house we were at (it was a gorgeous neighborhood) and my aunt Bernadette drove us to the next place. I was the last out of the car because I was looking for my bag/purse but I knew it was there so I left without it. I was walking through the hallway my cousins were in front of me and we made it to the kitchen. Georges asked me if I can make him coffee and I said of course but there was nothing in the house to make coffee so I left that alone. I started looking at the apartment and realizing it belonged to a different aunt but I saw a picture of Claude in there. There were two bathrooms (I didn’t go inside because they were filthy) but I noticed the tubs were nice and huge. Then I noticed the high ceilings and told my cousin it could actually be really nice in here and I love the high ceilings. I noticed there were 3 windows which were all open and a cool breeze was coming in. I enjoyed the breeze for a moment. I ended up plating this man’s food that was with us & my cousin was like girl he’s a player but I smirked and then woke up.

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