12 Jun 2024
So, the part there I start remembering, so I was sitting in the tram, I was on my way home from vacation, and there was little mountains and beautiful sceneries, we were always driving through with the tram, and eventually I made it home, and, oh I'm not sure if I ended up somewhere, where I ended up, but, yeah, then there was, I went to my therapist, I think, and, because she's got a free appointment for me, like a spontaneous one, and, but she didn't expect me, so, first of all, it was like a nice big room, like a nice big flat almost, in a loft apartment, with a nice view and big windows, and receptionists kind of brought me to the room, but she was a bit surprised that I came, and opened the door to my therapist, she was expecting someone else, so she'd already prepared, she was wearing a costume, it was like a weird doppler stripe, and all like, stripes or whatever, which were meant to trigger her, and, I was half naked somehow, I don't know, and, yes, she was a bit embarrassed, and then she realised that, you know, I had an appointment, and then we went somewhere, and we did like a, we did like another thing, it was more intense, more exposure, and, and somehow there were other patients there as well, and we went outside, and in this kind of city escape, and it was a little bit more cuddly than an usual city, somehow, like a bit like, not really comic, comic-ish, but it felt like that, and one of the people was, I'm not sure what his problem was, but he was psychotic, or he had some kind of weird condition, and, and then I just remembered that we were kind of, we went shopping, me and him, and his, his milk, someone just randomly opened his milk that he was pot-purchasing, and I tipped it out, just to trigger him, and he was like, incredibly intrigued by that, and so he started going crazy, and, and people didn't really understand that, so they started trying to, trying to capture him, or something, like police, or whatever, and he is well-versed, so he just started running away, and he, he, yeah, I think, I also remember somehow, we were driving around the tram again, and there was someone else, I don't remember most of the people, honestly, anyway, and he was running through the city at night, and then suddenly I was him, and I was running, running, running, running, and at some point I ended up at a bookshop, sort of, like a really nice cafe, and he said, it was me, that he should go inside, or I went inside, and I just basically said, explained what was going on, as it was the most normal thing in the world, and they were kind of happy, actually, that I went there, I felt comfortable there, and then my dad sat down next to me, it was kind of a statement, and, you know, we waited basically for, I think, I don't know, for the police, or someone else, outside, somehow, and, yeah, we went to my dad's place, to get dinner, and then I kind of woke up.