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25 Jul 2024



Dreamed that I was going to a new college. It was massive. At the same time, there was an alien invasion. I got separated from mom, but gathered in a big hall with other women and a woman teacher. We were told to hide in blankets all over the ground, and to completely cover up or the aliens would take us. I did exactly as told. I even held my breath for good measure. Then, after the aliens left, a man was going around stealing children. The teachers told us to hide in rooms because he was dangerous and scary. Me and some other people were hiding in the bathrooms when a little girl from church came into the bathroom. She said she was running from the bad man. I told her to come in and hide quickly. She didn't get through the door quick enough when the bad man saw her and came in through the door. He stood there, watching us. He then smiled at me creepily, and pulled out prices of hard candy. Somehow he was able to use magic and turned them into spiders and put them on my hand so they could burrow into my skin. I started screaming from pain and had to pull the spider from my hand. I got it out when he told the little girl to do the same. She was scared of him, so she did. I had to pull the spider out of my hand while screaming again. Then the man took the girl from church. The group I was with decided to get out of the college and make a break for the cars. We did, and his in the cars. This all happened at night time. Wehidbwell enough from the man, and he had stolen a bunch of kids from different families as we watched on in horror. Then I was sitting with my ex talking, it was calm ad we were just chilling out.




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25 Jul 2024



I was living in Costa Rica and I had to decide whether to leave or stay. All I had was a tent and there was a place to live in a campground. And I was concerned because it was so rainy there sometimes that I didn't know how I would stay dry in this tent. But I thought about putting a tarp over top of it and I still thought that I would be very uncomfortable with all the rain. There was another lady there, living there, so I talked to her about it. And then we decided to go up the road. And as we walked up the road there young men carrying platters of fruit and one of them started tipping and some of the fruit was falling off so I caught it and then I ate it and it was pineapple and some other little fruits and it was so delicious and then I kept walking.

25 Jul 2024



[That I was Peter Parker, and my powers in the dream were flight, and invisibility.] The dream first starts off at my Aunt May's house, it was night time and the street light buzzed my eyes on a weird way. I walked to the house, but I realized that the area on the porch was bigger than I thought. I even needed to sprint to get into range. Phew. When I was close to the house, I heard a few sounds and looked around, I was a bit scared so I blended myself in the surrounding, like a chameleon. I hid behind a rock in the front porch of the house, we waited. That's when Aunt May(?) came to my house. She was different than what I remembered earlier, but she was European, and her hair was lighter. (Ah, it must be no biggie right..?) ... (No, this version was different.) She appears to look irritated and as an empath, that affected me. She quickly put her duffle bag down and got out her keys to unlock the front door. I let out a pant from the past running I've been doing, but Aunt May heard it and said, "Is anyone there..?". I held my breath and changed my body desperately to match the color grass, as I was laying on the ground. She took one step towards where I was but ignored it and carried on to go inside her house. I got up from the ground, my sweat was intensified earlier that I wasn't ready for. I found out that I could fly and used it, it was difficult at first, I had to jump and swing my legs in a swimming like position until I eventually got it..! I was flying, and I flew to the top of the home, and peered over, I saw a police helicopter with blue and red flashes on its light. I turned to my right and flew that way, I saw an arena that looked dusted and fought with, and I observed there. There I saw, Iron Man..? The color palette of the Iron Man I saw was this; the face mask was white and contained palladium. And the rest of the body of the suit was the color black. I guess my version of Iron Man I saw was War Machine, owned by Rhodey. I saw the Iron Man suit go towards me, and I looked behind to see a possible hiding place, I saw a half and half building and went there, I went to the left side of the building, since the right side is where people viewing can see it. I hid under a table on the left side of the building and waited. I then saw an Iron Man suit go on the right side of the building, maybe he had to go there to collect his thoughts, I wondered. A man got out of the Iron Man suit, his skin color was black, and he wore a blue shirt that had a button up, and he wore jeans. I peeked around the corner and saw him going around to investigate, I quickly pulled back and hid under a white table that I was for the past time. I felt his presence on my left, I knew it, he could easily see me under the table. I surrendered, and got up from the table, I sort of waved to him. "Uh, hello.. my name is Peter. Peter Parker, yeah.." I said with a tinge of nervousness, scratching the back of my head to fill the silence. The man replied with a firm tone, "Well nice to meet you Peter Parker, im Rhodey." I looked to the side and pressed my lips to a straight line, yeah, it's probably good that I meet someone new. I saw in the corner, a Iron Man poster, with the original color palette, the Iron Man that I knew. I frowned and my eyebrows seemed to reflect that too, i wasn't hostile or dangerous or anything, I didn't anything on me that signalized that. Rhodey let out a sigh and met my eyes, "Kid, you wanna meet Tony..?" I could feel my tears form in my eyes, "Yes, absolutely..!" "Well, congrats kid, I have his number and we can designate a time to meet him." Rhodey said. I felt a need to compensate, "Oh, well I'm Spider-Man, just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man of course..! But I found out that I could fly and be invisible, two new powers that were a really valuable asset to help me get away from Aunt May..". There was just something in my eyes that told Rhodey that Aunt May wasn't the person for upbringing. Rhodey hesitantly put a hand on my shoulder and patted it, despite being awkward in emotional situations, he really wanted to help me out. "Do you have anyone else you could lean on..?" Rhodey asked. I let out a deep breath, "..No, I don't anyone else.." Rhodey frowned, the situation was worse than he thought, "Well Peter, you could hangout a my house and Tony's house too, I just saw you, and knew I had to help." I smiled at his request, "Sure, I'd love to, anytime..!" I walked down the road with Rhodey, the moon shining bright on the pavement, he reconfigured his Iron Man suit to follow closely behind him. I walked off the road. To Rhodey's and Tony's place.

25 Jul 2024



My friend Hawa and I went into this store which should be her office. But now has been taken over to set up shop for a clothing line. We decided to window shop and check out what they had in stock. Then we heard someone pulling up. We hurried to get all our stuff out of there. She got all her stuff out but i didnt. For some reason one of the stuff i had was a van-like vehicle which i dont remember it being there when we got into the space. However it was light enough for me to pick up and put it away. While still trying to get everything out. The store owner got back in with someone else. I realized the store owner was my old co-worker Kenya when I used to work at the City of Boston before I moved to NC. We chit chatted for a little bit to catch up wondering what brought her down here and transition in her career as she was a landscape architect in Boston. She told me she wanted something different and decided to open up this store. I congratulated and went back to connect with my friend. When i reconnected with her i think it hit her she was getting laid off and she wasn’t even made aware. I comforted her and we decided to prep some food to celebrate her time here since the office space is still officially hers. We started to get food together cause there was a kitchen but the place was now full of ppl coming in and out getting the store ready. It seems like the store was a branch of this whole corporation and my former co-worker was going to be the manager of it. So we were navigating all these ppl while trying to prep this food it was frustrating because we felt overlooked and not seen. It was particularly emotional for my friend which I tried to be there for. At some point they even closed a door in one of the rooms attempting to prevent us from coming inside which we decided to come in anyway. At some point we left and as my friend grieved and try to figure out what was next I comforted her. She needed to go tell her husband the news and we left. We bumped into the senior executive who advised her she needed to send any money back she earned from her last check because it sounded like the reason for the closing down of this department was a scandal. But she couldn't do that cause her funds were already allocated and send out to pay bills. It became increasingly frustrating and emotional for her. In another connected dream. I became a roommate to this white woman who was pregnant. We lived in this home and it seemed like we had limited freedom. However the white woman was getting particularly abused by this white man who is the owner of this place we were staying at. There was very little of anything I can do to help her. At some point of the dream she was wrapped up in a blanket alive but seem unconscious surrounded by this group black village people who decided to take her to help her give birth cause she was late. This other group of Black people told them they were taking her. I was really confused cause I was wondering why these Black people were putting themselves at extreme risk to voluntarily help this white woman who probably was going to be ok despite the abuse she was going through at our house. The dream felt like it was making us black people the stereotypical trope of the magical negro. They black folks sent her back and she ended back to care of the white man. I was also there and he instructed me to care for this woman as she gives birth; which I didn't volunteer for but I didn't have a choice. They put us in this room and I set up the bed and put her down so she can be comfortable. Somehow my eldest sister heard about this and came to me and asked me why I got roped into this and I told her I had no choice she stayed to help me. The baby was teddy bear like. The head was already out but the rest of the body wasn't but we also knew that didn't mean the baby was dead it just seem normal for the head to be out sometimes and then we could reconnect if later. Seem like a weird part of the dream but was normal. When the white woman she saw I was helping her and she was very grateful. She was also anxious about giving birth but I comforted her. I woke up before she fully gave birth.

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