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10 Jun 2024



I was with my friends and we where sitting at the table doing work all of sudden the work turned into food and I was asking my friend for help and she said you need to be a grown up and she was about to explain what she meant and I said Naw it’s good and continued eating then my dream turned in to me being with characters from the office Dwight was trying to make Pam make him manager but Pam wanted jim to be manager so all throughout the dream he is trying to make her make him be manager he follows her around her keeps repeating it and finally at the end of the dream she gives him the manager position. It was cold in my dream the characters from the office had on their coats and I mean big coats and Dwight had on a big coat that looked like something a big cave man would wear. And also in the dream I don’t remember much but me and another friend were on a train riding passed by old high school it was snowing and there was ice all over the street And the train was like a futuristic see threw train.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

10 Jun 2024



I went through a portal with a team of people. We were logging anything out of the ordinary. I made note of a few things like one of people who were twins was holding a lockout tag out slip when he wasn’t supposed to be. The people we were making notes about were still, or at least were supposed to be. As we were approaching one room, I made a comment about a teacher I knew that was retired and possibly no longer alive in my waking life. Anyway, somehow the majority of the group got captured and me and one of my teammates barely made a getaway. To get back through the other side of the portal, we had to go through like one of those moving sidewalks you can find at an airport. I was going to go on the wrong one by mistake. My partner was at the correct one and asked the people ahead of me if we could go first (I was a different line but the other people there were the only other people there). Once we got through the portal, my partner went through a thing where it made like an ice pack thing for your face. She was lying face down on a bed through this and the next thing I know a baby I forgot we had was in my arms as I was going upstairs. I yelled at our robot to watch the baby as I noticed my partner was going back through the portal to rescue the others. I wanted to go with her but she told me to watch the baby and keep it safe. I woke up after that. This is just what I remember from the dream

10 Jun 2024

Break up


My husband is in bed with a girl who I went to high school with and myself. There are a bunch of people in the room, it is a high school reunion. My husband wants to kiss the other girl. I finally say, “ok we are on a break!” And they have sex. I yell at her that “wow people said you were an even bigger slut than I was and it looks like they’re right” I am so angry. I leave with both his phone and my phone. I go outside to a slide and find a bag of weed on a slide. I take it. I am wandering around a house and find some male friends. Greg is sharing his sober anniverssary speech and James is there too. David calls his phone and I answer and then hang up. Then I call him back on mine. He says “are you really still mad?” And I say “yes! We are still on a break!” He says fine, it’s a lapse in judgement that he had one time. He doesn’t seem remoreseful, he seems flippant. I tell him about the weed I found. He asks me me if I am going to smoke it. I say yes although I am scared of who it belongs to finding out. I go in the house and the girls from high school are there. I am filled with hate. I yell at Roxanna and she tells me I should have one of my lesbian friends make me a pie.

10 Jun 2024



so I was walking into someone’s house I knew wasn’t mine I had left some kind of event at a college campus. I walked around inside looking at pictures of who lived there and was super horny and I guess hoping the person would come home and want to fuck me but then I realized while standing around in there how dangerous what I was doing was so I walked around and started turning the lights off and heading out but as I was leaving the guy who lived there was walking in. I swore to him I was accidentally there and thought I was waiting at the right place for my friend and I was a local college student he demanded to search my bag and so I let him and then he wanted to pat me down. After that I was able to leave I was then at the event the next day that was being put on at my college and for some reason was talking to lily Williams who had a journal very similar to one I had during my psychosis and it was full of like meditation practices and spells and such I was so shocked she had any association to something like that and we talked for awhile. I remembered flipping through the book. Eventually Wyatt showed up and I had to go back to the house I had just walked into because he took my charger when searching my bag and he let me walk in and told me it was on the table in their den but I was having to look for it once I got in there and there was a used condom on the ground next to some socks and it made me so horny for him and then I just kept looking and was able to find the charger and we left. Randomly I was in some kind of furniture store and had my laundry and wanted to wash my towels in their washing machines and they were letting me but I had to hand over a towel I know I had used to wipe my butt with and luckily the girl had gloves on but I said I was worried about it because it was covered in paint lol and that id go get the rest of my clothes after that I don’t remember anything else of the dream. I also dreamed I was getting out of the shower and the goon guy from Twitter was laid out on my desk and I immediately went and fucked him and then he was like hanging around and wouldn’t tell me how he found me to like be inside my house it was crazy

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