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18 Jun 2024

Parents dying


Often I dream about my parents that have both passed on . Sometimes my mom is trying to teach me something or we are in a setting on a day of normal activities that we all used to do together.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

18 Jun 2024



So I had a dream, My Mom brings a friend/coworker home. A woman. I think she'll be staying for quite a while...and the first time I saw her, I could say I don't like her. Something that happened and I snapped. I definitely stepped in and said no. I step on her foot disrespecting her. She was extremely offended and walked out. And Mother seems to be disappointed in what I did.. I then sat in my bedroom and put some barricades. Then, I finally realized what I did was wrong.. or just didn't really go into my belief or what I think is wrong... I spot her on a pool in a broad daylight inside. She splash a water expressing her displeased with me. I walk over to her and apologize for what I did.. Later on, I hangout with her and her friends... Bounding together in the pool. Then a flood come by... And desires and ambition floats upon..with a distain of gold... The woman whom I friended cause the tragedy... I watch her turn to gold holding something... We all then turn to gold and the wave of water flush over us. One survivor remains. And the rescue cames pass by asking the survivor. She said something strange on those people I've friended with... They all did something ridiculous... The other one slice the girls whom she's jealous of.. It's insane.

18 Jun 2024



I was on a plane with Malcolm and my mom, seemingly coming from a school field trip. Suddenly, it seems like we were flying lower and getting close to a river. I yell at the pilot from the rear of the plane, “ if something is wrong you can let us off by that highway, because I would rather walk the rest of the way than drown” he let us out and I ran to make sure my mom and Malcolm got off safely. There was a little girl there. She reminded me of my student Brooklyn from JBAB. I got her too and put her on my hip. Next we were in a hotel, I guess because we were miles away from home. I was in the hotel with Rashidah. We were talking, and she brought up the fact that someone on the plane told the pilot they were felling sick and that’s why they tried to find somewhere to land. I said “that wouldn’t be the first or last time someone threw up on a plane so there was no reason to stop. Something else had to be going on that they aren’t telling us.” I told her I needed to wash up. I gathered things for my shower and decided I would wash up the little girl first, before I showered, since I was taking care of her. Then I began to wake up and that’s all I remember. I don’t remember if the girl was supposed to be my daughter or was she just under my supervision. I don’t remember Rashidah being on the plane but it seems as though she was on the trip with us and ended up at the hotel.

18 Jun 2024

Lucid Dream


I dreamed my daughter, Kota, wanted me to take them and their friend to a tattoo removal appointment that their friend had set up. While there, I was just laying back in a chair and looking around while their friend was having the tattoo removal done. At one point, I experienced being high on edibles in the dream while at the appointment and started becoming dizzy and disoriented. I was looking through racks of clothes while they were still busy working on the tattoos. I could see their friends tattoos covering the majority of her body. One of my sister in laws showed up and showed me this black, lacy, dress that was a costume of some kind and I had the lucid thought that I was being encouraged to take the dress, but I forced myself to give it back to the shop owners instead. I went to get food while waiting for them to finish the appointment. While eating in my car, a man with a thin face and gray hair appeared at my window and said he had an extra order for me, on the house. I looked up into his eyes and they were a glowing yellow, gold, color and his smile looked sinister. I told him I didn't want it. He walked around the car as if he was going to try to get in my passenger seat. I put the car in drive and started driving away to escape. I got to an area of the parking lot I'd have to turn around to get out on to the street and when I did I saw a vehicle coming towards me. I woke myself up at that point out of fear.

18 Jun 2024



I was sitting on the floor next to a coffee table. I had a burning cigarette in an ashtray on the table to my left. And a full pack in a cigarette case in the center. There was clutter covering the table, magazines, coasters, balled up paper. My ex girlfriends sister walked in. Picked up my pack of cigarettes and took one out. Didn't ask, just did. Which fits perfectly in character to the real Shay (Real life - side bar) Her and I used to be good friends in college, then I started dating her sister. Ended up with her fracturing my right orbital wall of my eye. Her sister (Brittany) and I were together almost 4 years prior to this. Only made it another year longer. We were supposed to get married 12/12/21. Brittany left me a few months before our wedding date. (Back to dream). Her sister lights the cigarette, and Britt walks into the room. She had mid length straight dark hair with blue, teal and purple hair tinsel in it. Which is super weird because she was never ever a girly girl. Super tomboy. Hair always cut like a guys and super crimpy. I stood up, and she fell into my arms. I was confused because she was there. I was relieved and elated, because... she was there. We havent spoken in years. I remember they were both dressed in black. Like the had just been to a funeral. Then my alarm went off and I woke . up. (Real) There hasn't been anyone since Britt. Not even an almost date. Nothing. I went from never not having someone, to being in complete solitude since she left. I know though, if she walked into my life tomorrow, I'd take her back quicker than a heartbeat.

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