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19 Jun 2024



About me coughing up mucus, but I can’t really cough it up but in actual real life, I do have a cough and I can cough it all up but it’s just strange to me that I’m having dreams about it but in my dream I can’t get it out




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

19 Jun 2024

Abandoned home


It is a darknight as I walk down the street. I see my friend Cole he is wearing all black with a cap and is carrying a red backpack. He doesn't see me as he glances back and around. Then he turns down a different street and starts running. I frown, should I follow? I glance around, I don't see anyone, so I sprint after him. I catch up to him in a dark alley. He hands me the bag and grabs my hand. Up ahead is a group of young people in a circle discussing the blight of monsters....vampires, werewolves. Unfortunately Now they have to come with us. Cole hands me a book, I can read the first sentence, though now I can't remember exactly what it says...but it's a book on werewolves. We arrive at a seemingly abandoned hotel. The people inside are weird. Some are vampires. Cole gets us an audience with the head she vampire. But the price to move safely through this place is blood. On the table is large golden bowl with four handholding and pins on the sides. Cole places two hands and tricks his fingers and blood gushes into the bowl. A ridiculous amount of blood. He disappears into the next room. Warily I place only one hand on the bowl and the pin prices my finger sending blood gushing into the bowl. I head over to the wall and kick it in. It falls down and I have to slide into the nextroom. Everything is old and covered in dust as the others follow me. We head over and see scrapemarkson the walls as if this room moves up and down. I feel the thrombin of my heartbeat in my fingertip as blood drips all over the floor. I see coles blood as well but I notice the others didn't do the pin and arnt bleeding. Uh oh that's not gonna end well. There is an octagon shape on the floor and instinctively I step into it just as a ground sound fills the room. The ceiling immediately starts moving and shoots downward so fast the others don't have time to scream. I crouch and cover my head expecting to be squashed. But everything is quiet and I stand up unharmed..

19 Jun 2024



I am am a teacher so the following is something I worry about a lot. The school was a weird mixture between the school I work at the my own Alma mater with my friends. The students at the school changed from my students at my job in the beginning, to a friend from college, to my friends from high school. The dream started with me at a convention or meeting talking to teacher friends and mentors throughout my life. I was talking to college recruiters who were trying to recruit me. I remember saying that I was coming to terms with realizing that I needed to give up on my dream to do my masters out of state because I already did that with my undergraduate degree. I was located in my home state of Florida, not Texas where I currently live. I was supposed to attend a choir rehearsal somewhere else and went to attend because I wouldn’t have made it to the high school on time. Something changed and I went to the high school. It was almost as if God was pushing me as if I wasn’t supposed to be at the school that day. When the dream and shooting situation began I saw one of my students who looked spooked. I had missed a few days of school and I asked him what was wrong. He said there’d be a shooting days prior when I wasn’t there. We went and sat in an office with an office worker and he started sharing details with us. The next moment we looked out the window to the playground and saw the flashes of gunfire. We froze for a second and then ran to find hiding places. I was screaming shooter and gun to the office workers. I ran up stairs and the next thing I knew I was in my mothers house that she lives in with my brother and grandmother. I tried to hide on the bed and realized it wasn’t a good enough spot. I got up and crawled on the floor to the closet. I’m the way I saw the cop cars and motor cycles arrive outside the school. I used to hide from abuse growing up in my closet under and behind clothes. In the dream I laid down and covered myself with dirty clothes so that I wasn’t visible. I hid for a long time in the closet until a friend from college showed up. She needed bandages for the gunshot in her hand or leg. I didn’t have any but she laid down and hid in the closet with me. I think I had a panic attack. Finally we heard an announcement from the police that it was safe to come out. I went downstairs and was back in the school. I was in a large room surrounded by other students and friends from when I was in high school. There was a lot of crying and blood. I heard that 3 students had died. I looked down at my phone and thought it was two of my close friends from high school and now. I found my best friend from high school and now as I was sobbing and shaking. She told me the names of who died and that it was a drug deal gone bad. I didn’t know any of them. My tears subsided but my anxiety still caused me to shake. I walked away and my mom picked me up and embraced me. Then I woke up. One of my biggest fears as a teacher in the USA is a school shooting. I think of it every day at school and any noise I hear makes my anxiety spike. This was a horrible nightmare for me.

19 Jun 2024

Tarot cards


I was at a work function like a happy hour having fun with my new team These aren’t oriole I work with in real life but in the dream it made sense We were playing board games and enjoying drinks and then it turned into a book event where folks from the tarot community voted on and shared their favorite books I have authored two books so in the dream one of my books was highlighted and someone brought the book for me to sign The book was a hard copy whereas in real life mine was soft cover and it had mini reels on the cover which was fun It had lookup tables like mine but it focused so much on tarot that I didn’t recognize it No one at my office table couldn’t be bothered to acknowledge my book nor my fan that came out of their way for me to sign it I played it off nicely but it really hurt my feelings Then I woke up

19 Jun 2024



Dreamt that was on a gurney en route to have an abortion. I was about 15 weeks along. The guy pushing the gurney was zooming through the hallways. There was no emergency. I arrived at the OR and he was chastised by the nurse. They put IDs on my arm. I do not remember the actual procedure but I know it was done. I walked back through the hospital and ended up at a memorial for my old coworkers father. I stayed in the other side of the room speaking to the of coworkers then went to her table. We hadn’t spoken for years. I walked over to the seat where her father was represented and kissed the figure there. I also spoke and kissed her mom. I made eye contact with her cousin who I used to date. He was also the father of the baby I aborted. I do not think he was aware of the pregnancy. I eventually went to speak and hug my old coworker. I stood there for some time and eventually started to leave. I bumped into her cousin and said hello. I got a generic greeting. I mentioned it to him and he snapped at me and said ‘we don’t know each other’. This was more likely in reference to me never meeting his family. I looked back. I didn’t see that he was with anyone else. I turned around hurt to leave.l

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