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3 Jul 2024



I dream was about me back in school again I have a close friend who I havenā€™t seen a while her name is Rocelyn and she said gay wanna hang out but Iā€™m in school I said yes and it was my old history teacher miss hariss and I knew I was able to come because when your doing your homework she allowed any student to come in and help with a little project and so is went and I donā€™t remember fzoung but I ended up in a old apartment in Los Angels and there I was with my friend Rocelyn and doing some type of paper project and there was different people it was so weird these boys were tall and curly hair and he had a sassy personality,later I open the black door and see Iā€™m near my grandmas house and I was confused but didnā€™t do anything outside there was paper for the project and I ran to go get in so everyone else knew me and my friend did it first and I donā€™t remember after but I remember we were out side the classroom and something happened we were trying to get away than I yelled and pointed ā€œ over there! My grandma lived around the corner!ā€ And boom I wake up




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

3 Jul 2024



Iā€™m in a public health class. It doesnā€™t quite work for me, though during the class we go down a river and someone like chase Romero tells me to leave my mouth open while swimming. Iā€™m worried about dirty water but then I realize no different than air. I do. In another class and the teacher is wondering if a kid in the class is drinking or something. I ask him. He says no-using needles and smack. A guy comes by early evening n the morning he says and they do a little to help him through the day. I feel a little shook. the teacherā€™s husband wants her in rehab cause she sees visions. I say at least stay with someone. I believe you are okay though. Youā€™re not mentally ill. The classroom has no windows. We are putting our names on list. To go back and join with the other class that I originally came from. I need a student there who I knew from before and we are going to work together. Iā€™m excited.

3 Jul 2024



I was at a school of some sort and one of the students there had committed suicide. I had a conversation with this person the night before their death, so the next day everyone was talking about it and what happened, and the last people he spoke to before he died. A lot of information was getting tossed around like there was some people who were encouraging him to kill himself, and i remember feeling scared that people thought i did this. I remember telling him i just wanted to be happy. I was so afraid that information was going to leak that i was somehow responsible for his death even though i knew I wasnā€™t. I kept getting pressure from my peers to share a poem about his death, but I didnā€™t feel comfortable because I was so afraid I was going to get caught somehow.

3 Jul 2024



The dream started off with me and xyio outside we were playing around and then we just see the huge helicopter spinning around. Hits the water then comes back up to the sky and itā€™s still spinning like itā€™s out of control and then my cousin Ty yells WATCH OUT!! The helicopter comes straight for me and xyio and we start running to not get hit by the helicopter then it crashes onto the ground. Then thereā€™s another helicopter that basically looks like itā€™s out of control also and then crashes. Iā€™m not sure where exactly where we were at but all my family was together so I think we were on a trip because alarms and sirens start going off and over the intercom itā€™s someone saying ā€œeveryone get to safety immediatelyā€ and people just start going into this bunker I guess underground I donā€™t know. Itā€™s a lot of us down there and itā€™s super cramped. I bumped into these 2 girls and I say sorry but they get hostile with me immediately. I try to defuse by walking away and they just kept following me antagonizing me. One of the girls touched me and I turned around and told her not to touch me and then we started fighting me vs the two girls. I started backing up the stairs so they would follow me and Iā€™d have more space to fight them but they didnā€™t follow me. A few hours later it seemed like people were coming out of bunker but it was still dangerous outside of the bunker. I walked out and those girls I fought previously walked out. And they were on a mission to kill me. They were trying to make a scene in whatever market we were in and then they left when people started going over there and were trying to stab me. I ran to this body of water and got some type of tarp and rope and one of the girls came after me I dropped the tarp on the ground and we started fighting, she sliced me a few times but nothing to deep. I made her fall onto the tarp and was just punching her until she was unconscious and then I got rocks put it in the tarp with her body. Wrapped her up, and then tied the rope all around the tarp. Then I pushed her body into the water as I watched it sink. Then all I here is a yell I look over my shoulder and I see xyio covered in blood and I ask what happened to them they said they seen the two girls chasing me and caught one and they think they killed her. Xyio runs to a vechile and says ā€œget in the car!ā€ And I run and get in and we speed off. Xyio is saying we got to get away and they are driving us to California, I said I think we just need to go to a different country. For some reason we still felt like they werenā€™t dead and eventually would come after us again. Then I woke up

3 Jul 2024

Black Cat


I had to get my car Towed and the name of the towing company was called Catskill. I stayed at personā€˜s house who allow me to stay there while my car got towed and when I was sleeping on the sofa of their house, theyā€™re black cat and white cat wouldnā€™t leave me alone. It slept on me right on my back as if it were hugging me and wouldnā€™t get off of me even though I wanted it too. I had a dream that I was arriving to my godmotherā€˜s house in Brazil again since Iā€™ve already been there once and I knew how to get there. I arrived at night, walked across the bridge to the hotel, went to the second floor and took took a car that dropped me off at her house. It was raining outside during the day, and I struggled to tip the driver because I had my hands full with my luggage and wet in the rain, but I ended up giving him five Brazilian dollars as he went away when he pulled away, I went to enter the house and noticed that when I went to get the money for my pocket and put down my bag, I put it in a puddle and got everything wet and I also noticed that I brought a wrong bag. I brought a soccer bag with soccer balls, which wasnā€™t I wanted to wanted to bring. Dream transition to me being at the music festival where I got to see my girlfriend, but also stay at the house she was staying at with her best friends who are also attracted, but I wasnā€™t as attracted to them as I was to her. We were trying to figure out how to get from the campsite to the festival and decided to take a bus when I got to the bus station. It was just me and it was pouring rain. Thereā€™s no coverage and I was getting soaked and I was really cold waiting for the bus with some other people when the bus eventually did come I wasnā€™t able to get on the bus because other people pushed past me and filled up the bus. This Left me a little disappointed and even more cold. I ended up walking to the next bus stop to see if I could get luckier there as it was on the corner of the street. While waiting, a family next to me decided to call a self driving car to pick them up and bring them to their spot. for some reason I was able to get on and we made a pitstop at a fast food Restaurant. while we were there, there was a guy sitting across from us who I felt like I talked to day day prior and he was trying to get his life together and rid himself of his negative habits which he was struggling to do. I could tell that he was falling apart at this fast food restaurant. He wasnā€™t eating, he was stuffing food in his mouth. You could tell he wasnā€™t being mindful with his decisions, and he even tried to steal two boxed water bottles. I was disappointed with him because he shared with me the day before that he wanted to get himself together but He wasnā€™t taking actions to do that. Then my vision in the dream transition to thousands of white rabbits running through a simulated pasture together in unison and a voice of my hand said that these rabbits can take you exactly where you want to go. I asked how could they know exactly where I want to go? And the voice said that these rabbits have watched hundreds of recordings of individuals and that they know what we will be doing before we know. One step forward, one step back one step left.

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