10 Aug 2024
This wasn’t a last dream, but I often remember when I was 9 - 11/12, I used to have the same dream over and over again. It was a dream of me running through the parking lot, but it was a specific one, where we used to go to shop at Food Lion. I remember there were lots of cars, yet the only one I remember passing as I ran was a red car. A Ford, maybe? I have no idea. Anyway, the only store that had a sign was in fact Food Lion, I always hated that grocery store when I was little, just shopping with my parents in general. I don’t know what I was wearing, all I know was that this man was chasing me. I never knew what the man looked like. All I know is that when I started to think about the dream at any time besides at night, I kept thinking it was my history teacher that was chasing me. I don’t know why. I don’t know if he was the one in my dreams but whenever I tried to remember the dream again it’s always his face. He was weird. He always played opera music and never gave us any work or tests, just gave us slideshows we had to do with like, 50 people on them. (I’m exaggerating, ofc) he would always play these magician YouTube videos where this magician tried to trick these people. At the end of the year we had watched all the videos because he liked them so much. He let us eat.. have our phones.. it was weird. He always stared at some of the classmates with weird stares and he said he had a 5 year old.. he was 47. Anyway.. whenever he asked us morning questions, he would always say “stop lying” if we answered the question with anything. Once my sister, who had him aswell, said that he asked her what’s her addiction, and she said her phone, and he yelled at her to “stop lying”. One time me and my friend saw him cough, pull down his mask and there was blood on it.. along with that, one morning he had a serious expression and said that he’s very sick and he might die today. We were in 6th grade. But anyway, back to the dream I had almost every month until I was 12… he was chasing me, screaming something at me over and over again. Like the man, for some reason I only know what he’s saying when I’m in the dream. It’s the same thing everytime. But everytime I think about the dream I always think he says “actions have consequences” everytime, and I don’t know if that’s what he is actually saying or not. It scares the living hell out of me. I’m running to this car dealership, and my parents are standing there, crossed arms and staring at me like they’re not going to do anything until I arrive. They’re just watching Me. Blank stares. No words. Just endless waiting. The sky has no clouds or stars, just a rich blue.. for some reason every dream I ever had always had the exact same sky. I reach the car dealership, and once I do, I wake up.