28 Jul 2024
I had an apartment in my dream last night. It was two bedrooms, I had a male roomate. I don’t remember who it was, I can’t see a face. But he didn’t seem to be fond of me, it reminds me of how Cristian acted. It always seemed dark, even if the lights were on inside. I was always moving, even when I sat or laid down in my dream there always seemed to be movement. My vision never stilled or slowed down. And even if the male wasn’t around I always felt like I was being watched, like someone was over my shoulder, watching, judging, whispering behind my back and in my ear. If I went outside i would drive somewhere, I didn’t ever stop moving to look around even though everything seemed beautiful around me nature wise. There didn’t seem to be a lot of houses now that I’m thinking of it, wasn’t anyone else around for miles and miles. But I still remember being watched. It seemed like some different universe I was in. I remember feeling another entity in that house, a mean one. Nothing felt right about any of it. I kept waking up all night and falling asleep back into the same dream.