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20 Sep 2024



A rather chaotic dream of trying to address some of my health issues, and seemingly going in circles for answers. I had some lab work done and was told that this girl would be helping me. She was supposed to send my results back to the doctor. I spent hours waiting to hear from her and she kept telling me she had everything taken care of. Some time had passed and i had the feeling of just waiting around for nothing. I somehow run into the doctor and he reminds me that the the girl is responsible for sending my results back to him. I called the girl from my phone and caught her voicemail. frustrated, i yelled FUCK! And she started giggling, revealing to me that the voicemail wasn’t prerecorded, and she was trying to trick me and obviously was avoiding me. It was very obvious at this point. She was laughing facetiously about it. When i finally got ahold of her to ask her about my lab results she seemed like she was lying about everything, like she didn’t want me to get any help. She was kind of being a bully. Then I’m alone wandering around aimlessly again. I’m in a semi dark empty house where a man and a woman are exiting through the front door. The man tried to lock the door but after he left i noticed the door wasn’t locked. So i tried to make sure it was locked before i left, but the door wouldn’t lock. The lock just kept turning, like it was broken. I gave up on the lock and began walking outside to the left, towards a golden sunset. I dig through my pockets to look for my air pods and begin to stress when i realize i don’t have them. I’m walking along a lot of empty concrete which makes me wish i had my longboard. It felt very lonely. I get a snapchat from my old friend richy who I’m not friends with anymore in real life. It was a picture of him in a courtroom and he said something along the lines of “wish me luck”. I immediately replied, “What happened”? Eager to know what was going on and if he was okay. I felt extremely lonely thought out the entire dream.

20 Sep 2024



I had a very long dream last night. I was in like a campsite, but it was really big and my friend Latina was there on her own and it seemed like she was hosting like a guided healing circle thing with her clients. For some reason, her clients were elders so she ordered snacks from the main campsite building and they brought like Jell-O and yogurt because her clients were old. And she was annoyed about that because I guess that wasn’t the type of snacks that she asked for. as I walked through the campsite I saw a different kinds of people and at one point there was mention of a bear in the vicinity. Everyone seems to be on the lookout for it and somehow ended up in like a community center that had a pool with very shallow water. There were two small children by the pool and I could tell that one of them was going to jump in, but he was too small. he made emotion that he was going to do a front flip and I was worried because he was in diapers and there wasn’t enough water so as he jumped and flipped, I ran over to him and caught him before his head hit the ground. I went to find an adult to tell them about the unsafe situation and they told me that they were in a village full of people with special powers. It was like the people knew the baby had powers, but they felt like if he got hurt it would be a test to see what his powers would be, which is insane. Eventually, I went to another part of the area, and people were starting to gather everything together because of the bear was getting closer and eventually the bear tried to attack a couple of people and I ran into somebody’s encampment that was made out of boxes and inside they had turned it into like a tiny home so I stayed there until I felt like the bear was gone. Then when I left the box I saw like, a spirit of a human it was gray so I could tell the person was deceased, but I could see him and everyone else could and they said the person died because the bear got to him and he had no powers. the person was all gray in color and surrounded by either some type of feline spirits or butterfly spirits. It was weird. I actually ended up seeing the two kids from the pool. I guess they grew up within the last like couple hours that I was in the area. For the kid that obviously had a brain injury from flipping in the pool. I could tell that he had a dark dark energy over him, but the villagers were like oh my God yay they have powers and I was just like OK like they’re obviously crazy. Then I left the box house to start running away from the bears line of vision and I ended up in like this Japanese type location where people were like preparing for. So I ended up in a restaurant that was owned by the enemy, and I was trying to get out with my comrade who I don’t know who it was some white guy. And we were trying to get weapons to join the opposing army, but the restaurant owners didn’t know that we were siding with the enemy. So we ordered food to try to be normal and then the shop owner saw that I was black so they got excited and started to tell me about their favorite artists and they said they liked hip-hop so I just mentioned the Migos to try to, play along with what was happening. Then somehow they felt comfortable around me because I was black and they like hip-hop and black culture so they offered us anything we wanted so I asked for weapons and they brought down their top quality weapons and said oh be safe out there because there’s a war going on. So my comrade took the weapons and then we left just to find out that we had basically missed the entire war, so we ended up going back to the Japanese area which was connected to the main campsite. I was glad because I really did not want to fight in the war. It’s not my thing. I was happy to see that the area had found peace amongst each other. And then I woke up.




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20 Sep 2024



I had a dream that I was a part of this gameshow like thing in this huge dome shaped auditorium filled with other people there was also no stairs to the bottom just big slants/ramps leading from top to bottom if you don't make it up the ramp and to your seat on the first go without sliding back down your automatically out, we were given super random tasks to weed people out but it was weird because sometimes we would drink alcohol and things like they were just testing how we perform in all circumstances, by the end there was only 1 side left we were all on the right. I had made a friend and we stuck the whole game out together I would sit between her and a guy we had to have been there a couple weeks so everyone who kept moving on started to know each other at the very end the girl I thought was my friend tried to push me down the ramp which would've gotten me out which at this point we had completely completed the challenges so it seemed out of jealousy. I moved and sat between this older lady playing cards and the super quiet to himself guy who i had caught staring at me multiple time he was hot so I didn't mind. In the end before I woke up the instructor let us know why we were here. She said basically the world was in a secret war as she's telling us this the dome covering the auditorium is like a screen she's zoomed out to the globe and all of the red is where the people are trying to infiltrate she zooms in and the area is in somewhere like an African desert with 2 white males holding big guns are walking around looking for something the instructor explained what they are looking for and that it was important i think it was a big tree but I'm not sure as I woke up shortly after

20 Sep 2024



I was living in an urban environment and my sister was around. We weren't getting along, as usual. Light and glass. Something about ghosts and haunting. Then I was moving to Oakland. I was Facetiming a younger acquaintance to talk about college - I wanted to send her a video that came across my feed on local institutions & their easy apply setup, but I was afraid to be overbearing. Then I was wandering in an apartment building I lived in. I was pretending to be possessed/acting like a crazy person. I noticed some people in the hall, and got excited about scaring them till I saw they had a double seated stroller - this meant I could be scaring kids, which was not ideal. I tried to make my way back into my unit without being seen. I was unsuccessful and felt so embarrassed. Then I was traveling through what felt like Alaska. I was with a group. The men present I didn't care for -they were macho jock types. We had a guide present to explain how theses landscapes had formed. I started wondering about conspiracies related to cataclysmic pole shift. A woman I considered my sister was present on this trip. We were walking by an abandoned railway. I decided to take her picture. She leapt into the air, her left breast accidentally flashing me in the process. Now I'm in San Francisco, grabbing some Chinese food with friends. It's crazy good, I feel like a little pig binging. We walk to a clothing store after the meal. One of the girls in our group is visiting from the Philippines. She tries on a dress - I tell her she has to get it, it's so pretty on her. It is - her waist is tiny. I'm her height but I feel massive in comparison since my waistline is nonexistent.

20 Sep 2024

Mountain lion


I dreamed that I was arriving at a church to meet my family and I met a man there also who explained that I was going to do a temporary job and he mentions that I t was gonna be very cold night and I was going to be freezing out there and the work would be outside and I would have to work for six hours in the blistering cold. I explain him that I only wanted to work for maybe four hours a day and not at night, that my availability is during the day and that I needed some routine structure and regularity. This was in the middle of a church scene and my grandma My mom were there waiting in the pews for me even though my grandma is already passed away, we then left and we were in a big truck and we ended up in another familiar area or dreamscape that I only see in my dreams. The first area that I noticed was almost like a court, but it was all waterfront property with a small island in the middle. It was shaped like maybe a horseshoe and along the horseshoe was some homes. They were remote, and you can only access them through boat or something like that it was like Marshland, I’ve been there before several times in my dreams. It’s a consistent place that only exist in my dream life not my waking life. I was happy and in awe to see it again and I wanted to know what it was so bad. In this common dreamscape you find an Altamont pass highway with rolling sparse hills with dead grass and little vegetation and the freeway that runs through it twists along these hills with 2 lanes going the same direction set up a little higher and then 2 lanes going in the other direction set a bit lower in the hills so we had a Birds Eye view of the other 2 lanes of traffic. I have traveled along this particular highway many times in dreams, it mirrors a real highway I travel in my waking life, but this one only exists in my dreams. when you get off of the freeway and drive through these hills you usually find flooded marshlands with a lot of vegetation and usually are flooded with water but this time it was the water was very low is more dry and I just remember saying I’ve been here before. I could still recognize this place even though the water level was lower, as it’s surreal beauty is found in no other place. as we drive in a pickup truck. on the freeway I look over to the other side of the freeway where it splits off to go another direction in between a different set of hills and I see this male lion jump into the back of a semi-truck and we were traveling down the freeway trying to videotape it, the driver grabbed his phone to film it and I tried to follow suit but I only had a little flip phone and it really couldn’t see it so I was trying to turn my other phone on and then I lost the image. I was really upset. When I looked in the distance I thought I saw more lions only to realize on closer inspection that it was a forest ranger dressed in a jacket that had a furry hood. I remember thinking how my vision is so distorted and nothing that I am seeing is truly how it appears. Then I ended up walking through all this place of employment for other people and it was so embarrassing because we were not supposed to be there it was like some sort of wood. I seen the whole bunch of cedar wood planks, and I remember walking through knowing I was trespassing, and it was really humiliating.

20 Sep 2024



First off I had a dream where I was with my stepdad again and we were having like a special day together where we went to an island. We were heading back to the boat after having dinner at a restaurant and it was dark out. I started to stumble and walk a little funny, he thought I was going to have a seizure. He called a doctor the only one on the island and one nurse as well, they called the rest of my family to come straight away to the boat hospital and it turns out I have a fever not a seizure. They weren’t sure if my fever was going to trigger a seizure so they wanted me to stay a couple nights as well. My friend was also there and I said I was cold so he gave me his favourite sweater that I’ve seen him wear multiple times so I asked him if he was sure to give it to me. We kind of have a thing going on like we both kinda have crushes on each other but too scared to say so. The hospital boat let my family stay in a room they had open and my friend left to go home…. I woke up the next morning to him sitting in a chair and he said he just got there. He wanted to check on me before he went to work I told him I was feeling a bit better and told him he could take his sweater back but he refused, I was confused because he loved that sweater. I asked him why and he said that it fitted me well when actually it was a little big on me, he also said I looked cute in it which caught me off guard. I started to blush and then he said I know it’s weird timing but will u be my girlfriend and I said yes then I threw up on the floor by accident. Another dream was that I was at this school and I was trying to look for my best friends but had trouble finding where they were so I looked in every place that we liked to hangout in… I managed to find one of them and asked her if she could help me find the other one. We found her but she was acting strange, she had a wagon with her and didn’t tell us why she needed it she just kept going everywhere with it. Then all of a sudden a bunch of people were looking out the window so I looked too and it was a big storm and it started to stir up the cars and lots of them got damaged but I thought it was strange that it was only hitting that one parking lot and not the whole area. I realized the wind wasn’t part of the storm it was a helicopter stirring up the cars and making them crash into each other and break, so I opened the window which everyone was shocked and kept telling me not to do so, I yelled out the window and stop. All of a sudden the big wind was gone but lots of the cars were damaged and I felt terrible about it even though it wasn’t my fault. Turns out one of the kids that were at school angered a boy who had a lot of money in his family so the rich guy decided to wreck them while in a storm so it would look like it wasn’t them and get in trouble. We called the police and the police said that the the rich guy was going to pay for the cars to be repaired and that we didn’t have to worry about how to fix them. We couldn’t find who angered the boy, a teacher or a kid could have done so but we did know it was someone in that parking lot that did it.

20 Sep 2024

Birthday Party
Home Invasion


I moved back in with my mom I met 2 guys it was a current war and we had powers and stuff and everything was good but my stepfather was a big bully and after my birthday party they started showing out. I wanted to fight my stepfather my sister encouraged me and he wouldn’t fight me all I could see is gray with hints of red I went and turned the stove on and wait I was finna burn him and he wouldn’t fight me so I turned the stove off and went upstairs then my mom looked at her snap map and said look at Kameece shitty booty ass and I was livid and told her, “You’re snap map is wrong.” She tried argue that it was and bring up my post to my Uncle she doesn’t like and tried to argue about it. I said it was a shout out for his birthday my mom and stepfather said something smart before I woke up.

20 Sep 2024



Another twin flame dream. And all night and morning long, it was just me and my TF, Steve, making love. But it felt so real. He just loved being next to me, feeling my body, and both of us being exhausted from a long night of ecstacy, but no matter how tired we were, we never stopped and we became more virile. Both of us were pouring in each other's sweat. Hearing our longing moans while our bodies were entwined to each other. It was like we were nonstop giving each our highest of energies and we just kept going. During the dream, I can hear him whispering and moaning to me, "Soon darling, this will be real. And I can't wait to feel your body for real and get to finally taste you. Be ready." I felt like I was in Shangri-la. And I seriously did not want to wake up. But I woke up and I feel some virility that I never felt before. My heart was pounding fast.

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