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16 Nov 2023
My mom got a flat tire so we went to a weird guy's house. He had these things in front of his house so I said, mom he doesn't like lactose intolerants! Because I'm lactose intolerant. He came out and teased me with a gun case but there was no gun. He showed us his house and told us the solution to moms flat tire. We had to go 2 days with no Internet. And we had to be careful because the government was watching us so if we used Internet we would have to start over. After that a ton of guests came out into the living room, including my cousins. Turned out that 3 girls live there with the man: Lilly, and 2 other girls who also go to dance with me, like Lilly. They showed me their rooms, and one of them didn't like me in her room. I was worried that Ethan would think I was dead or missing, and I was worried that my friends would be worried about me because I couldn't use my phone at all. After that, the dream ended.
I've seen that dream about going to a Taylor Swift concert six times. In some of my dreams I even met her. After that I managed to het tickets for her show in France. Is this an coincidence? Do my dreams affect my real life?
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15 Nov 2023
my last dream was about my mom, sisters, and brother going into this house and coming out of it. on our way out there was a woman by the exit of the house, and an old tow truck outside while it looked bright and colourful in the inside but on the outside of the house it was dark and disturbing. the woman seems unfarmiliar and had a smile on her face on our way out of the house.
I had a dream about all of us being stick figures. All my friends were coloured and everyone else seemed Gray or black. I was pink. We were all at an arcade place playing games. I seemed to have a crush on a few of the colours. Orange and Blue. I was heading over to oke of the machines in the corner to win a toy. When I got there I looked up and noticed one of the pipes had come undone and was starting to cause an electrical circuit. Knowing what would happen I run towards orange and push him as hard as I can. The machine explodes, the place was burning down fast. I grab arrange and take him outside. I beg him to stay there while I get the others. I remember thinking that if they all died, I would kill myself. That's why I wanted at least him to survive. He nodded and I ran back to the entrance and started calling everyones colour name. Once most of us were evacuated I noticed that there was a group of stick figures that tangles themselves in a knot. One of them was purple. I kept shouting desperately for them but they could not get untangled. A few second pass and all the other colours run back into the shop to help them. I stood by the entrance worried. I needed to be a beacon for others to escape so I did not move. Luckily we managed to get everyone entangled. We all made it out and headed for a large whole. It looked like we were on the moon. Everyone jumped in, I made sure everyone I loved was inside first before I finally jumped in.
Drowning in a pool
I dreamt this at our old house I lived in as an adult. I was walking in the front yard and it was overgrown as it hadn’t been kept where the chickens were and there were a lot of them running around. I then seen the avocado trees that had heaps of avocados that were over ripped on them. They were dropping from the tree as they weren’t been picked
I’m constantly having dreams where my husband is cheating on me or worse he actually leaves me for another woman and on top of all that, his mom is always helping him in my dreams, protecting him and his lies. I wake up crying so bad my heart is so heavy and the dream feels so real.
Me in the shower having a s area moment
I had a dream that I was having sex with a YouTuber that I watch this YouTuber's name is boogie2988 but in real life I do not find him attractive whatsoever but in my dream I did
me and my cousin were at a hotel and lots of different people came into our room. it was very awkward at first but then we started talking and got closer and my cousin went and got us food and cupcakes but i didn’t eat anything but the cupcake because i didn’t want to gain weight.
I had a dream about me and my girlfriend Mahaley. We were cuddling on her bed. Then we started to have sex. First from behind, then I was on top. Then she was on top. I came on her back, and inside her.
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