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31 Oct 2023



In this dream I was sorting letters (Mails) at the post office

31 Oct 2023



Someone probably my driver driving me to a place for which I need keys for but I forgot. I drove myself back to take it. Saw my mother there, then I am taking the key of that safe from that safe. My mother calling the driver back so that he can pick me up again. Me waiting for the driver but I cannot see him, searching for that specific car in all the places while am on road. I don't remember the car plate number and I realises that's why I should have byhearted the car plate number. Then I see myself in a dorm. Where there are beds for four. One of the women who lives there is slowli fading into depression. Another women comes in, she asks me (I am a man at that time) if I can see a pile of garbage in this room. And I respond, no the room is very clean. And she very suspiciously again say, that there is a garbage pile in this room, clean it nicely. And I look into the bed of the women who was fading into depression and see a pile of clothes in her bed. Suddenly I am on bed with a man wanting to have sex with him. I am driving that sex. I am about to cum but doesn't. The sex dream happened when I was have awake.




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31 Oct 2023

Having a baby


I dreamt I was pregnant, also dreamed of the delivery which was easy, no pain, the baby came in literally seconds. I was holding her in my arms, yes it was a girl. Fast forward we were in a pool and I was dancing with her, and was really happy overall. Then I got out of the pool, and for some reason I didn't have my panties on, but all of a sudden had a t-shirt that was half covering the situation, still a little bit unconfortable. I was going back to where I had my stuff in the pool, but before that I saw some old childhood friends speaking ill of me upon discovering I had a baby at only 19 years. I didn't approach them, just heard the conversation from a distance. The rest of the dream was me scared because my daughter had grown literally so fast, which made me really scared.

31 Oct 2023



So there's this one dream that me and my friend shared the same night around, I would want to say. I was outside our local laundromat here in Cambridge and um, I remember looking at the house where her and my ex-girlfriend Alyssa was living at the time and next thing I know I'm getting shot. I'm laying there coughing up on my blood. Hayley comes running over across the street trying to make sure I'm okay and she's like, Heavenly, Heavenly, are you okay? Are you good? And I can't really talk but I'm trying to like mumble words out and the ambulance I hear down the road and me, I look at Hayley and I'm like, tell Alyssa I love her. And um, I get in the ambulance and that's all I remember. But my friend Hayley said to sum up her side of the dream that we shared with this whole situation was she was sleeping and she felt like something wasn't right and as she woke up she was getting a call from the hospital and the hospital told her I passed away from the gunshot and she said she literally woke up crying from that dream and I woke up crying from that dream. So what does that mean when you and somebody else has that same exact dream?

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