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26 Nov 2023

Dead Person


I dreamt that i was the place where my family and i usually go on vacation. I remember walking on a side walk next to the beach and i saw one of our families friends, that we usually only talk during vaction. I tagged along withher and we walked together. I remember being really happy to finally have found her again, but being really self councious about my body, in my case people around us being able to see my ribcage bcuz im really thin. Next thing i remember is being with my sister and in front of a really big and dark building that was supposedly where we lived, we went up and we met with a 'friend' of ours, i dont know him, but in the dream i did, he also had a really big black and brown dog and being terrified at him. I remember this especific scene where me, my sister, and that dude were in balcony a really dark one and with really tall walls, and i remember my sister throughing her phone in my direction and i wasnt able to catch it so it felt down the balcony, and then the situation kinda of rewinded and that time i was able to catch the phone, but we still down to see where the previous phone was. Then i rember being at a cafeteira that was inside that building, and it the owner was that dude from previously. I remember being with my sister on a really weird website, and insite that website there was a page with i people who were killed, and we came across a picture of me, it was at the beach and it seemed so normal that didnt even looked like a 'dead person' and once i processed that that person was me i started to get really terrified and scared i remembered calling my parents and urging them to come home as quickly as possible. I remember running to my mom crying and trying my best to explain the situation I think i woke up, then went back to sleep, so heres part 2 A bit after i remember that my sister had send the photos we saw to her class group chat and they said that it was okay and that it was normal... Actually after a bit of digging further we found a video of my sister enterinh the bathroom at the cafeteria and then the camera glitches and some dude taking her while she was passed out. I also remember seeing a man with smoke almost like a cloud covering his face, he was behind the bathroom door and was starting directly at the camera I think i woke up here again so part 3 I remember being in the same location as where the photo of 'dead' me was taken, but this time i was only wearing white and i remember going against one wave and it leaving brown stains in my clothing, i remember smiling and laughing but idk if i was really happy

26 Nov 2023



I went to one of my aunties places for the weekend and there were cameras everywhere and it turns out the aunty had them up for a game it was like a virtual world game that would come to life like vr but with out the virtual reality your inside the game . Because it was a game me and my fiance was thinking of adopted a virtual reality child just for fun but we couldn't settle with one so in the end we decided to not adopt even though we wanted to . Anyways so I walked in front of one of the camera my aunty set up for the game and then I heard a low female giggle which was confusing it was on a tv I just shrugged it of and walked off and then next minute I her a ring from the door bell so I decided to answer it and then there was a girl in a dark gothic dress that looked like me and then she started chasing me around swinging a knife around to try and kill me I start started yelling my aunties name and then I said you have the wrong person all she did was laugh then my aunty got home just before it's to late and while I was trapped in a corner my aunty ppered and stabbed her from behind killing her . I was freaked and my aunty told me to calm down and then she explained the whole situation to me that the cameras is to do with a game of survival and that you have to kill in order to survive and ever since I stood in front of the camera that initiates the game I am now a player and I have to survive . After some time of playing I would get attacked randomly in random places but I would always come out victorious and killing them. Before the killed me . I found out that in the game they gave a annual subscription that doesn't cost money but it cost souls and the souls were the people you killed to survive So I decided I wanted to stop killing to survive so I decided to use the souls I collected in order to pay for the annual fee of 1000 souls to which I had it was a annual fee that makes you basically immortal where people can't kill you but you can kill them and you are given three special weapons a hammer a sword and something else I don't remember the hammer I can hit people that Bann them from coming near me and the sword was a instant soul collector that would kill them instantly in one strike the other tool I don't remember what it was . The weapons could get thrown like a boomerang and return back to me It turned out I became a hit to kill in the game so my entire house would get flooded by the people who wanted to kill me . But I used the hammer to Bann them to which they can't be within what ever amount of ft I choose or else they die instantly I was sick of killing so instead I decided to ban instead so they will not die but get sent miles awhile from me I just wanted a peaceful life But after some time I just got so annoyed with being targeted on a daily basis that I actually decided to use my sword to get rid of them all because when I was banning they survived yea but they would also hire other players to target me . So I snapped and I started killing all of them in order to get them off my back or just to scare them into surrendering . I also found out that I was the only one who was able to buy the annual fee to be immortal and impossible to kill that's why people decided to target me more necaus there was also a massive billion dollar should bounty on my head . But I was to difficult to kill .and they couldn't kill me because I was protected . Anyway a massive war broke out between me and all these people to where I destroyed them all . Somewhere in the middle I had people join my side and it turns out I had a bit of a fanclub that worshipped me like a goddess but they took my side on this war and I managed to win against all the people who tried to kill me with the help of my fan club of lovely humans After this war I decided to build a wall around my house to keep people out and my fanclub would help me build it too it was to keep all my assassin's out and it helped they tried clbing but ended up shocked and falling back down. Some nearly made it past but failed . After some time I decided to build a business that would help other players collect some souls in order to pay for the annual fee and not have to kill in order to get money . So I came up with the bright idea to buy a business within the game as I found out souls can be transferred . I built my own mini mall surrounded by extremely tall walls that kept the crazy out and the good in . I decided to hire my fan club who didn't wanna kill any more and I would be paying them a hourly fee to run my store . It turns out I became the richest player out of the whole game . I wanted to create a society of peace and invest my souls into the business I would protect my people away from the crazies and the people who entered my estate were non players or people who are new to being a player but they wanted to spend their souls differently The non players thought the walls were part of the theme and the people that were trying to kill me were entertainment but really that was just a cover up the money non players used was transferred into souls for the players so they can survive I was beloved by all my workers and people as my heart was only to prevent anymore murder and just help others who ended up in the game by accident.




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26 Nov 2023



My dad. Birds. I caught a bird I never seen before. It was very colorful and pretty. Then my dad tells me we have to kill it. He was teaching me how snap the necks of birds to prepare them to be eaten, killing a bird he already had from his stock to demonstrate. I couldn't do it when I tried to. My dad ended up doing it for me. I only felt sorry for all the birds. I had another dream. I was a witch in a school for witches. I visited a teacher named Ms Broomstick. She showed me metal shoes. I put on metal shoes and they took me back in time to my past. I see my family and told them I was from the future and that I want to go back. They believed me. I began my mission to go find the school that will have magic in the future. On my way there, I saw my old neighbors. Then I see a group of people sitting in front of a construction site, like they were protesting. I sat with people then they started to build a something for me, something that would keep the area safe when I time travel and it would be a capsule made from glass. I continue my mission and I find the school. I caught the attention of some kids there when I didn't want to. They followed me to where Ms Broomsticks room would be. It was a school counselors room. Somehow I find another room hidden behind the wall. I had to climb over it. In the hidden room there was witches books and items. A teacher finds me looking around the hidden room and she was my aunt. She knew I was a witch and would be in some trouble like always. My aunt then melts magical metal to make me the time traveling shoes. I put on the shoes and the dream ended.

26 Nov 2023

Smoking cigar


I had a dream that I was in a dark apartment room. I was laying in bed and I was very comfortable and listening to my favorite record on vinyl. The album was โ€œUnknown Pleasuresโ€ by Joy Division. But when one song ended- a completely different band started playing and I was upset. I got up and ran out of my apartment, I was so annoyed because I could still hear the music even as I made it to the lobby and went outside. Outside it was daytime and it was raining a little bit. I was in the city but there were no people or animals and it was very quiet. Everything was kind of grey and a little gloomy but I felt very happy because I love rain. I walked a little bit and I saw an old shabby building that was very out of place in the city. It was kind of like a shack, the white paint was chipping and peeling off. I approached the big wooden door and went inside. It was smaller inside than it looked on the outside. On the floor was four big white plastic buckets. One was filled with blood, one was filled with guts and organs, one was filled with a yellow liquid, and the last one had pieces of dead lambs in it. I wasnt disgusted or scared, I just looked at them a little confused. Then I noticed a door on the back wall, so I went through it. It opened up into a massive library. The shelves were so high I couldnt see the tops, and the rows of shelves were maze like. I walked deep into the library and in the back there was a giant anthropomorphic beetle! He was behind a desk and was wearing a green visor like a dealer in a casino. he was shuffling playing cards and smoking a cigar. I walked up to him and asked him what this place was and he told me โ€œyou already knowโ€ and laughed. I felt a connection to him, like he was my friend. Then I woke up.

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