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2 Dec 2023



I had a dream that my ex-girlfriend was in my apartment and refusing to leave. She was stuck with her face in the couch for 2 days. And that when I went to call the cops, my phone was at 15% battery. The cops didn't show up the first time, to which point the 3rd person in the apartment just sat on the couch and did nothing about her. After those two days, I noticed that my food was going missing quite a bit. I asked if she was still here. The mysterious 3rd person said yes. "Well that explains why all the food has been disappearing so quickly. She eats all the food." Somehow, she kept trying to smoke bongs in what I thought was my apartment. There was 2 shelves with 3 bongs each, and i destroyed both the ones she attempted to smoke out of, smashing them on the ground. One was blue, that was originally in the middle on the top shelf, the other this milky white color, that originally sat on the bottom shelf to the right. And then we went out a door into some steps, it was snowing outside, there were three people, one was holding a slightly wet piece of paper and told her to piss standing up through it. We were all laughing at her. Then, a noise like people coming in through the door happened. It turned out we were at the wrong apartment. A lady handed me her purse to put on the table. It was scratchy. The lady led us to the front door, and pointed at the 2 instead of 1 on the apartment sign outside. She got upset, handed me a broom and told me to clean it up. I look up from the broom and I notice a teenage boy shoving things into his bag, with pokemon folders, Pikachu and Snorlax. He snapped his backpack shut and zipped it up, slinging it over his shoulder. Some of the pieces of the bongs were fine dust, so I asked for a dustpan. The lady led me all over the kitchen, pointing out what I'd need to do to clean the floor and broom afterwards. I told her I needed a dustpan. She finally told me she didn't have one and to figure it out. I used a trash can. Back in my apartment, my ex was still there. She wouldn't leave so I pushed her and then slapped her, to which she punched me and tackled me to the ground and punched me in my heart multiple times. After she was done, she shut herself in the bedroom. I went to lay down on the couch because I was so tired of her shit. I tried to message my friend in discord and didn't quite get to the DMs because I kept clicking servers. I finally sent the message in "Topi's Faerie Forest". My friend told me "This is a little more right-wing, isn't it?" I told them no, and what was going on. And I kept looking for the cops to call me back because we got disconnected, and it was 24 hours later. But somehow, the only missed call I had was from someone named "EGGZ". And there was a 3rd person in the apartment that kept telling me that the cops hadn't come and that my ex-girlfriend was there. The dream finally ended with a 911 call that was captioned. And one of the lines was "Wal: MARTY"

2 Dec 2023

Getting Married


I won a contest that randomly chose the next wife of Elon Musk and I didn't think I was going to win I just entered for the heck of it and I won and became Elon Musk's next wife at this big ceremony and festival and then I moved into his house and there was another wife there around my age and we were kind of bonding and they put a tracker in my neck and a bracelet on my wrist and different areas of the house were cordoned off so that if I went into those areas an alarm would go off and Elon's like security guy from downstairs in the basement of the house would run upstairs with his dog in attack mode to make sure that no one was like breaking in and Elon and I were trying to bond but there was like 20 different wives that I was also talking to and trying to figure out like does he actually care or is this just like another wife for him and we ended up having sex in his shower but he was like kind of adverse to the water and didn't really want to spend too much time in the shower I also wasn't able to tell people who I married, because they didn't want those people to know where Elon lived, especially because they, you know, had my phone number and whatnot. So I tried calling a friend that I have been kind of talking to, and told him that I got married, and he was so confused that I couldn't tell him who. And he was just very confused and, like, sounded kind of disappointed, but also just concerned.




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2 Dec 2023

My crush


Had a dream and it included my ex class mate Castro who I've had a soft crush on the longest time but do not talk anymore, the dream felt very real and I was honestly feeling it really did happened but of course just a dream, it was like a get together in my house and my best friend's pals where there from Brenes, Jenni, josu, jime all the power from the night before, for some reason Castro was there and I was trying my hardest to be liked by him. He was very serious and didn't really say much just looked around and listened to everyone, I offered him anything but he didn't want anything, any advances I would make would be completely dismissed or ignored. In this dream my dog and my roommates cat was finally coexisting and it was very nice, I don't know what but in a moment I tried to hug Castro in a way that he's sitting and in standing behind him but he immediately untangle my arms from himself and stopped me from doing so. I pulled out my phone to just act normal an he was sitting on the same sofa as me except he was on top of the arm resting part. I was very mindful of my phone as he could easily glance on it. I would avoid anything too inappropriate and stumble upon some undertale, apparently he likes undertake and started watching on his phone too. I thought to myself finally something he likes and when I was about to ask him about it the group started drinking. Asking me if I wanted some, I refused and so did he. He doesn't drink at all in fact he's very religious so I would assume he didn't want to partake in those activities. after everyone drank he was very close to me. His knee was overlapping mind and I was internally screaming but of course I didn't do anything who am I to corrupt such innocent man. In a moment he fell asleep and I wanted to feel him up so bad but of course stopped myself so just eyed him while he napped. Then I woke up, very disappointed it was a dream as I've wanted a second chance with him. I still think about him and I've tried texting him but he never replied. Just ghosted

2 Dec 2023



I was walking with my former pastor, Valerie. We were talking about her late husband Bishop Holcomb. She was asking me about my ex husband and how we're doing since the divorce. I told her he was remarried and they do not speak to me. I said look she is sitting on the porch. Pastor Valerie said let's go speak. We went over and the wife ran in the house. As we were leaving my ex husband drove up and went in the house. Seconds later he came out running behind us and yelling. When he saw who I was with he started talking nicely to us. We went on our way and suddenly Pastor Valerie fainted. Her eyes were open but she could not speak much. However she told me to call her daughter Nicole. Nicole is also deceased. I ran back to my ex husband 's house for help. I ask them if they had Nicole's phone number. They said "she lives around the corner." And my ex husband and his wife walked me to this beautiful townhouse. We rang the doorbell and we're invited in. Nicole's son was sitting on the sofa and an opened suitcase was on the floor. We explained why we were there and my ex husband laid Pastor Valerie on the sofa. I said to the son, " I did not recognize you all grown up Deitrick. My sons are grown too. How's your mother?" He stopped rolling a joint and said "she's fine. She's upstairs but can't come down now. Grandma will be fine " My ex husband's wife sat down next to Detrick and they started talking like old friends but they just met. I kissed Pastor Valerie on the cheek and left so did my ex husband. We walked back down the street to the fork in the block. We said good bye and I went left to head the way I came. He went right and went in his house.

2 Dec 2023



I was shopping with Nene Leeks farm housewives of Atlanta in a store, we were looking at all of these brands that we didn’t know about because we don’t go there anymore. On the news there was a report of a dark cloud coming and that we should be prepared, we kept shopping and then everyone in the mall saw the dark cloud and started running. Every time people ran a crack in the earth would form and make buildings collapse and people die. As I started running I came across a another person who I teamed up with and wanted to protect. I noticed that the people who ran had a crack form directly under them and they died. I tried to warn people but eventually found my way into a building that was not destroyed and stood still. The alien cam out and shouted to us that we needed to be still and that they’ve been trying to contact us for 7-9 years about what we were doing to destroy the planter, but we never stood still and listened.

2 Dec 2023

New Job


I was walking home when I got a call from my doctor telling me that I have a few months left to live. I started to cry but I quickly pulled myself together when a couple my age was walking towards me. As I got to the train tracks near my house the gates started going down and the horn of the train was blaring. I ran as fast as I could to make it past the tracks before the train came. When I got home it was raining and I see in the driveway a new rocking chair, I get angry about it because it's about to be winter and we barely have space to store it. My mom comes out apologizing, saying that it was on sale and she had to get it. I say it's fine and started to move it to the garage, I have to move a lot of stuff around before I can put it away. My mom was standing next to me during this and it was making me mad because she was too close and wasn't helping so her being there wasn't helpful. When I have it put away, she goes inside and I stay in the garage to cry about what my doctor said. Then an old friend from highschool came by with one of his friends, he was complaining about having boyfriend troubles and saying how terrible it is. After a few minutes I snap at him that I can't believe he's still doing this shit, that he should've learned from when we were in school. His friend was agreeing with me and started comforting my old friend when he started to cry. I go inside to shower and when I'm done I start to comb my hair, while doing it handfuls of hair starts to fall out. Big clumps of hair falling out with the slightest touch. I look through my scalp and see massive bald patches through my head and more hair falls out from the gentle manipulation of it. I break down crying and when I leave the bathroom, I wake up

2 Dec 2023

Make Out


I was in a guesthouse next to a dam. The house sat just above the water which the current below was very strong. The house had five floors. Each one looking very similar except for the second floor which held a small kitchen. The stairs, hallways, and appliances were all red. I placed my belongings into a small room and then went downstairs to the kitchen to see if anyone needed help with cooking dinner. They were making a chicken. I don’t know who these people were. They were all strangers. As they didn’t need much help, I decided to go down to the water where people seemed to be swimming against the current and in the dam. I swam out close to the dam and was under the sun. Some guy swam by and waved at me super happily, as if it was his last day on earth… it was strange. As I swam back to the hotel, I could see the current was getting stronger. I managed to get to the edge of the water when suddenly all the people were being swept away and started drowning. I tried to help a guy who was on a boogie board reach ashore, but I couldn’t save him. I could only watch them struggle against the current and be washed away by the dam which just kept getting stronger. Suddenly, everyone froze. The people, the water. The only people who could move were the ones still in the hotel, myself included. I went up to the kitchen area and no one seemed to care that people had drowned. Suddenly, I’m on the rooftop of the guesthouse. There seemed to be a ground of young people, mainly hippi’s or yoga type people enjoying their life. The rooftop had a yawning made out of wood and there seemed to have a lot of greenery on the rooftop. They asked me if I wanted to sing and dance in a circle, so I joined. Once it was over, couples started to kiss each other and go into intercourse. I stood there wondering what was going on… For some reason I knew my time was up for me to leave. So I gathered my things and left the guesthouse to get my train. Somewhere in between I was on a long road in the middle of the ghetto…

2 Dec 2023



In the canteen at my school. Everyone is panicking because there are people trying to get in. We are trying to block all of the entrances with chairs, cans of food, and bits of wood. Because the doors open outwardly I have to go outside a bit to block the doors. I start piling chairs up outside, knowing it won't stop them from getting in it will only slow them down a bit. Someone starts running at me and I have to quickly put the last chair under the door handle and scramble back inside. I start piling stuff inside as well. I can see more and more people appearing, through the glass window. They are all featureless and blurry but they have long arms which are stretched out as if to grab something. The other people in the canteen are frantically trying to block all the doors but there is just too many entrances and too many of the invading people. We are rapidly running out of stuff to block the doors with and there is a hoarde of people trying to get in.

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