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29 Oct 2023



I saw a friend of mine and his cat laying in a bed with me

29 Oct 2023



My old ethics teacher was a demonic creature, I was in the bath fully clothed, and It came in holding a hammer. I was very confused and tried to get it to leave, but it hit my lower back right next to my spine, creating a roughly ping pong sized hole "that didn't hurt that much, why did you do that..." is what I said, but when I looked back up, it was gone. I looked into the mirror and saw her right behind me in the water. It said "An entrance" and climbed into my back. So I quickly got up and made my way towards my mother into the living room, trying to tell her what happened, but she wasn't acting like herself, so my brain went "maybe she is the possessed one! Maybe it was just a trick to make we think that it's me." On repeat. That's when I heard noise under the couch and a second her speed crawled out from under it towards me. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled it back so she wouldn't come any closer to me, she started crying so my brother (who also wasn't quite right) walked in, then I had a sort of flash idea, that maybe after the demon got into me, she made things look wrong but they might be completely normal and I'm the one acting wierd. I looked towards our balcony, took a running start and leaped of the balcony [5th floor] headfirst, in an attempt to kill myself, but I landed on my feet about 300 meters away from the balcony, completely unharmed. One of the versions of her showed up out of nowhere (probably the demon version unless both of them were demons) she said "good that no one saw you, get back home now!" I put my hand into my pocket, looking for my key, and realized I didn't have it, The Thing that may or may not have been my mother started walking towards the door to unlock it. Suddenly a black haired lady talked to me, I don't know where she came from, but after that I can't remember anything.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

29 Oct 2023



Had a big apocalyptic dream not quite sure what was going on but Trump did some thing so that all the houses were going to blow up so we were trying to put the main things we needed into the car as fast as we could including the pets and cat litter and dog food and all the things we might need plus a few sentimental things and everyone was stressed and tense and crying and it was really really awful and we were cussing Trump the whole time then later in the dream I was in the car with all the stuff and pets but my parents were driving and I was with two other kids and I'm not really sure who they were but anyway we were the kids and my parents were driving and we're trying to get out of the city and all the highways were backed up and was really crowded and there was no way to get out of the city and my dad was driving and he was driving kind of crazy and he he took off down some really old deserted roads and he was driving south towards Colorado Springs and for some reason I thought this was a bad idea because I thought they were going to nuke Colorado Springs so I was mad about it and then we got caught up in some area that was kind of mountainous and had a few buildings and then had all these people who were not for the kept out there and my dad got out of the car and he was not feeling well and something was really wrong with him and so now I had to drive and my plan was to try to drive him to a hospital and I was trying to go really fast and I was up on these mountains and all of a sudden I came to a dead end with a huge huge huge cliff over these red rocks and I felt trapped and I didn't think we'd make it anywhere including to a hospital and so I drove the car over the cliff and as the car was falling I was saying I love you everyone I love you everyone I love you everyone and the car was falling and falling for what seemed like a long time and I saw the pets kind of floating around in the car and then either I woke up or I don't remember I think I woke up so there was no crash at the end but it was definitely kind of a Thelma and Louise type moment the end

29 Oct 2023

New Job


Today I had a dream today where the world was ending everything was collapsing and people were running I ran and ran and ran and eventually I reached a temple there were two guys there and they congratulated me for reaching the temple as I was the first to reach it and then they said I just have to make a jump and then I'd be immortal too also it was more of a parkour as I had to go around a wall with nothing but my parkour skills and flexibility eventually I completed the challenge and they made me immortal and I was also very muscular like them and then I thought what if an old and fat man completed this challenge and they showed it to me through an illusion and i knew the answer also two other guys had arrived there and also become immortal and then a lot of time had passed maybe even centuries and a new species similar to the humans had evolved and I was just guiding them to the temple and now they had to complete the challenge the humans were relatively weak and I didn't think they could complete the challenge so I asked the two orignal guys who made us immortal to just let them walk through the front gate and become immortal and they refused and as the humans were trying to complete the challenge they died and me and another guy were angry so went off to explore the island and the originals tried to stop us but we went anyway there was a rope challenge there and me and the other guy who was with me had did it it was more of a way to get across than a challenge and we then went across a very small path carved out by the side of the mountain and the other guy warned me if the water at the top I didn't know what he meant and as soon as I touched the water both of us were teleported to the temple and then we aplogized to the orignal two guys and apparently one of the orignal had decided that I should get new abilities and then he gave me two new abilities and other orignal said he is an imperfected version of Immortal Zen'in and then my dream ended and I woke up.

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